:: com :: sun :: star ::

module ucb
Universal Content Broker interfaces.

AnyCompareFactory is a factory to get XAnyCompare service implementations.
CachedContentResultSet is used on client side to access a ContentResultSet remote optimized.
CachedContentResultSetFactory is a factory for CachedContentResultSet implementations.
CachedContentResultSetStub is used on provider side to access a ContentResultSet remote optimized.
CachedContentResultSetStubFactory is a factory for CachedContentResultSetStub implementations.
CachedDynamicResultSet provides read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet.
CachedDynamicResultSetFactory is a factory for CachedDynamicResultSet implementations.
CachedDynamicResultSetStub provides read access to a static or dynamicallly changing ContentResultSet.
CachedDynamicResultSetStubFactory is a factory for CachedDynamicResultSetStub implementations.
Content A Content is a service that provides access to data of a content provided by an implementation of the service ContentProvider.
ContentProvider provides access to a set of Contents.
ContentProviderProxy is a proxy for a content provider.
ContentProviderProxyFactory is a factory for ContentProviderProxy implementations.
ContentResultSet provides access to the children of a folder content.
ContentTransmitter [ DEPRECATED ]
A ContentTransmitter is a service that provides
DefaultHierarchyDataSource is a concrete implementation of service HierarchyDataSource, which uses the service ::com::sun::star::configuration::ConfigurationProvider for reading and writing hierarchy data.
DynamicResultSet provides read access to a static or dynamically changing ContentResultSet.
ExpandContentProvider The Expand Content Provider implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
FTPContent A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side) directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing access to a (ftp-server-side) file.
FTPContentProvider The FTP Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
FileContent A File Content represents either a directory or a file in the local file system.
FileContentProvider The File Content Provider (FCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
GnomeVFSFolderContent A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents.
HelpContent A Help Content represents either a directory object allowing access to a search engine and to index information for the respective module, or an object allowing access to the concrete written help content.
HelpContentProvider The Help Content Provider (HCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
HierarchyContentProvider The Hierarchy Content Provider (HCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
HierarchyDataReadAccess provides read access to a fragment of the hierarchy data.
HierarchyDataReadWriteAccess provides read and write access to a fragment of the hierarchy data.
HierarchyDataSource manages one or more complete sets of hierarchy data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the data.
HierarchyFolderContent A HCP Folder is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links.
HierarchyLinkContent A HCP Link is a content which points to another location.
HierarchyRootFolderContent A HCP Root Folder is the root container for all other HCP Folders and HCP Links.
ODMAContent A OCP content is representation of a document saved in a DMS.
ODMAContentProvider The ODMA Content Provider (OCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
PackageContentProvider The Package Content Provider (PCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
PackageFolderContent A PCP Folder is a container for other PCP Folders and PCP Streams.
PackageStreamContent A PCP Stream is a content which represents a file inside a package.
PersistentPropertySet This service containss the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistry::openPropertySet.
PropertiesManager This service provides access to the meta data of the well known (prefdefined) UCB properties.
PropertySetRegistry This service contains the interfaces to implement by objects returned by XPropertySetRegistryFactory::createRegistry.
RemoteAccessContentProvider A RemoteAccessContentProvider is a ContentProvider that provides access to contents available at other (remote) UCBs.
RemoteContentProviderAcceptor allows content providers running in remote processes to be registered at the local content provider broker.
RemoteProxyContentProvider [ DEPRECATED ]
A ContentProvider that wraps remote content providers that (potentially) have been distributed to a UCB.
SimpleFileAccess Offers a simple access to resources, like files and folders located in a local file system or on an WebDAV server.
SortedDynamicResultSetFactory is a factory for DynamicResultSet implementations, which will be sorted according to the given sorting options.
Store creates instances of the service PropertySetRegistry.
TransientDocumentsContentProvider The Transient Documents Content Provider (TDCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
TransientDocumentsDocumentContent A TDCP Document represents the root folder of a transient document.
TransientDocumentsFolderContent A TDCP Folder is a container for other TDCP Folders and TDCP Streams.
TransientDocumentsRootContent A TDCP Root Folder is the root container for all other DTCP contents.
TransientDocumentsStreamContent A TDCP Stream is a content which represents a data stream of an Office document.
UniversalContentBroker is a one-instance service that provides access to a set of Contents via ContentProviders.
WebDAVContentProvider The WebDAV Content Provider (DCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).
WebDAVDocumentContent A DCP Document is a container for Document data/content.
WebDAVFolderContent A DCP Folder is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents.
XAnyCompare compares two anys.
XAnyCompareFactory creates an XAnyCompare instance.
XCachedContentResultSetFactory creates a CachedContentResultSet.
XCachedContentResultSetStubFactory creates a CachedContentResultSetStub.
XCachedDynamicResultSetFactory creates a CachedDynamicResultSet.
XCachedDynamicResultSetStubFactory creates a CachedDynamicResultSetStub and connects a non-remote optimized DynamicResultSet to a remote optimized CachedDynamicResultSet.
XCommandEnvironment defines the environment for a command.
XCommandInfo provides access to information on a set of commands.
XCommandInfoChangeListener a listener for events related to changing XCommandInfos.
XCommandInfoChangeNotifier a notifier for changes of XCommandInfos.
XCommandProcessor defines a processor for synchronous commands, which are executed in a specific execution environment.
XCommandProcessor2 An improved version of a XCommandProcessor that helps avoid ever-increasing resource consumption.
XContent specifies a content with a type and an identifier, which is able to manage listeners for events that are related to contents.
XContentAccess specifies methods for obtaining information on a content in different levels.
XContentCreator [ DEPRECATED ]
A creator for new (persistent) contents, like file system folders.
XContentEventListener a listener for events related to XContents.
XContentIdentifier An identifier for contents.
XContentIdentifierFactory A factory for content identifiers.
XContentIdentifierMapping A mapping from a (source) set of XContentIdentifiers to another (target) set of XContentIdentifiers.
XContentProvider a content provider which creates and manages XContents.
XContentProviderFactory a factory for a XContentProvider.
XContentProviderManager makes it possible to query/register/deregister content providers.
XContentProviderSupplier a supplier for a content provider.
XContentTransmitter [ DEPRECATED ]
XDataContainer [ DEPRECATED ]
specifies a container for (binary) data.
XDynamicResultSet Provides read access to a ContentResultSet.
XDynamicResultSetListener used to receive notifications from an XDynamicResultSet.
XFetchProvider provides the possibility to get the contents of the columns of several rows of a ContentResultSet with a single function call.
XFetchProviderForContentAccess provides the possibility to load information offered by a XContentAccess for several rows of a ContentResultSet with a single function call.
XFileIdentifierConverter specifies methods to convert between (file) URLs and file paths in system dependent notation.
XInteractionCookieHandling An interaction continuation handing back some cookie request handling policy.
XInteractionHandlerSupplier This interface should be implemented by an internal XCommandEnvironment that can not supply an ::com::sun::star::task::XInteractionHandler, but instead wants interaction requests to be handled by other internal error handling mechanism.
XInteractionReplaceExistingData is an interaction continuation used to instruct the requester to replace existing data.
XInteractionSupplyAuthentication An interaction continuation handing back some authentication data.
XInteractionSupplyAuthentication2 An interaction continuation handing back some authentication data.
XInteractionSupplyName is an interaction continuation used to hand back a new name for something.
XParameterizedContentProvider Register specially adjusted instances of content providers on URL templates and supplementary arguments.
XPersistentPropertySet A persistent propertyset, which can be saved in and restored from a XPropertySetRegistry.
XProgressHandler Handle a tasks notification that it has made some progress.
XPropertyMatcher Checks whether a set of properties matches a set of search criteria.
XPropertyMatcherFactory Creates an XPropertyMatcher, given a set of search criteria.
XPropertySetRegistry A registry (storage medium) for persistent propertysets.
XPropertySetRegistryFactory A factory for propertyset registries.
XRecycler Allows an XContent to delete itself into the trash can.
XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor Accept remote content providers that want to make themselves known to the local process.
XRemoteContentProviderActivator [ DEPRECATED ]
This interface should be implemented together with XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor and allows for a lazy implementation of XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor::addRemoteContentProvider. The way this works might change, therefore this interface is marked as deprectated.
XRemoteContentProviderChangeListener A listener interested in changes to a XRemoteContentProviderSupplier.
XRemoteContentProviderChangeNotifier Notify about changes to a XRemoteContentProviderSupplier.
XRemoteContentProviderConnectionControl A simple mechanism to find out if the connection between a remote content provider distributor and acceptor gets lost.
XRemoteContentProviderDistributor Distribute a content broker to variuos XRemoteContentProviderAcceptors.
XRemoteContentProviderDoneListener A notification mechanism that a XRemoteContentProviderAcceptor no longer needs a remote content provider.
XRemoteContentProviderSupplier Provide access to a collection of remote content providers.
XSimpleFileAccess This is the basic interface to read data from a stream.
XSimpleFileAccess2 This is an extension to the interface XSimpleFileAccess.
XSimpleFileAccess3 This is an extension to the interface XSimpleFileAccess2.
XSortedDynamicResultSetFactory Provides a method to create an XDynamicResultSet which will be sorted according to the given sorting options.
XSourceInitialization provides the initialization of a component with any source object.
XWebDAVCommandEnvironment A command environment that can be used to deal with WebDAV/HTTP specific commands.
An object representing the start of a task's activity that will progress from some minimal to some maximal value.
Command contains a command.
CommandInfo describes a command.
CommandInfoChangeEvent This event gets delivered whenever a XCommandInfo is changed.
ContentEvent A structure for content events.
ContentInfo A structure for information about contents.
ContentProviderInfo A structure for content provider information.
Cookie A cookie.
CrossReference This struct contains information describing a cross reference.
DocumentHeaderField This struct contains a name-value pair of a document header (i.e. the "subject" field and the appropriate value of a MIME message).
ExportStreamInfo information needed to export an object in mbx format (supplying an output stream to export into).
FetchResult contains data of several rows of a ContentResultSet.
FolderList A list of folders.
FolderListEntry Information about a single folder in a FolderList.
GlobalTransferCommandArgument This struct contains information needed to transfer objects from one location to another.
InsertCommandArgument The argument for the command "insert".
Link defines a link.
ListAction This struct contains information needed in the notifications of a XDynamicResultSet.
ListEvent specifies the type of event fired by an XDynamicResultSet
Lock defines a lock.
LockEntry defines the types of locks that can be used with a resource.
NumberedSortingInfo contains information for sorting a ContentResultSet.
OpenCommandArgument The argument for commands like "open", "update", and "synchronize".
OpenCommandArgument2 The argument for commands like "open", "update", and "synchronize".
PostCommandArgument The argument for the command "post".
PostCommandArgument2 The argument for the command "post".
PropertyValueInfo contains value and state of a ::com::sun::star::beans::Property.
RecipientInfo contains all information needed to send a message using one send protocol.
RemoteContentProviderChangeEvent The description of a change to a XRemoteContentProviderSupplier.
Rule describes a rule that can be applies to a number of objects.
RuleSet describes a set of Rules.
RuleTerm describes a term.
SearchCommandArgument The argument for the command "search".
SearchCriterium a criterium describing how an object must match some rules that specify (part of) a search.
SearchInfo information needed to (recursively) search an object.
SendInfo contains information related to a send protocol.
SendMediaTypes contains a list of internet media types (like "text/plain" and "text/html"), that are related to a send protocol.
SortingInfo contains a sorting info.
TransferInfo contains information needed to transfer objects from one location to another.
TransferResult Information about a transfer activity.
WelcomeDynamicResultSetStruct This struct is to be contained in the first notification of an XDynamicResultSet.
AlreadyInitializedException This exception is thrown to indicate that an attempt was made to reinitialize an object that can only be initialized once.
AuthenticationRequest An error specifing lack of correct authentication data (e.g., to log into an account).
CertificateValidationRequest An error specifing an invalid certificate.
CommandAbortedException This exception is thrown to indicate that a command was aborted.
CommandFailedException This exception is thrown if an exception situation occured during the processing of a command and an ::com::sun::star::task::XInteractionHandler was able to handle the request for the error condition and the requesting code decided to abort the command execution according to the selection made by the interaction handler.
ContentCreationException This exception is thrown to indicate that the creation of a UCB content failed.
DuplicateCommandIdentifierException is thrown by XCommandProcessor::execute to indicate that the same command identifier was used for two threads.
DuplicateProviderException is thrown to indicate that a content provider with the same identifier already was registered with a content provider manager.
HandleCookiesRequest An error requesting guidance on how to handle cookie requests.
IllegalIdentifierException This exception is thrown to indicate an illegal content identifier.
InteractiveAppException An application error.
InteractiveAugmentedIOException An input/output error with arguments.
InteractiveBadTransferURLException An interaction request to inform the client of a "transfer" command that the supplied source URL is not supported.
InteractiveCHAOSException [ DEPRECATED ]
An error capsuling error information as used by CHAOS.
InteractiveFileIOException [ DEPRECATED ]
An input/output error while processing a file.
InteractiveIOException An input/output error.
InteractiveLockingException An error related to locking operations.
InteractiveLockingLockExpiredException An error indicating that a lock that has been previously obtained by this OOo session has expired.
InteractiveLockingLockedException An error indicating that the resource is locked.
InteractiveLockingNotLockedException An error indicating that the resource is not locked.
InteractiveNetworkConnectException A network error specifing a connection failure.
InteractiveNetworkException An error related to network operations.
InteractiveNetworkGeneralException A network error specifing a general failure.
InteractiveNetworkOffLineException A network error specifing an off line condition.
InteractiveNetworkReadException A network error specifing a read failure.
InteractiveNetworkResolveNameException A network error specifing a name resolution failure.
InteractiveNetworkWriteException A network error specifing a write failure.
InteractiveWrongMediumException is thrown when the wrong medium is inserted into a removable drive during an operation.
ListenerAlreadySetException This exception is thrown to indicate that a Listener is already set while only one is allowed.
MissingInputStreamException This exception is used to indicate that there is an ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream missing.
MissingPropertiesException This exception is used to indicate that there are properties missing.
NameClashException An exception used to notify a name clash.
NameClashResolveRequest This request is used to indicate a name clash.
ResultSetException This exception is thrown to propagate exceptions thrown by operations on ContentResultSets.
ServiceNotFoundException This exception is thrown to indicate that a needed service was not registered.
URLAuthenticationRequest An error specifing lack of correct authentication data (e.g., to log into an account).
UnsupportedCommandException is thrown to indicate that the a command is not known by the implementation of an interface.
UnsupportedDataSinkException This exception is used to indicate that the requested type of data sink is not supported.
UnsupportedOpenModeException This exception is used to indicate that the requested OpenMode is not supported.
ContentCreationError Codes for content creation errors.
CookiePolicy A policy how to handle cookie requests.
CookieRequest Cookie requests.
DocumentStoreMode These are the possible values for the property "DocumentStoreMode".
FolderListCommand The various commands to process on a list of folders.
IOErrorCode Types of input/output errors.
LockDepth defines a depth for a lock.
LockScope defines the scope of a lock.
LockType specifies the access type of a lock.
OutgoingMessageState These are the possible values for RecipientInfo::State.
Priority These are the possible values for the property "Priority".
PropertyValueState defines the states of a property value in the process of obtaining the value (asynchronously).
RememberAuthentication A specification of how long to remember some authentication data.
RemoteContentProviderChangeAction An indication used in a RemoteContentProviderChangeEvent to specify whether a remote content provider has been added to or removed from an XRemoteContentProviderSupplier.
SearchRecursion the various modes of recursion when searching through a hierachical object.
SynchronizePolicy These are the possible values for the property "SynchronizePolicy".
TransferCommandOperation These are the possible values for GlobalTransferCommandArgument::Operation.
VerificationMode These are the possible values for the property "VerificationMode".
Constant Groups
CommandInfoChange specifies reasons for sending CommandInfoChangeEvents.
ConnectionMode These are the possible values for the property "ConnectionMode".
ContentAction specifies actions which can be transported with content events.
ContentInfoAttribute These are the possible values for ContentInfo::Attributes.
ContentResultSetCapability These values are used to specify the capabilities of an XDynamicResultSet.
These codes are used to indicate errors.
FetchError These values are used to specify whether and which error has occured while fetching data of some ContentResultSet rows.
FileSystemNotation The notational conventions used to denote file system paths on different file systems or operating systems.
ListActionType These values are used to specify the type of change happened to a list.
NameClash These are the possible values for TransferInfo::NameClash.
OpenMode These are the possible values for OpenCommandArgument::Mode.
RuleAction These are the possible values for Rule::Action.
RuleOperator These are the possible values for RuleTerm::RuleOperator.
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