:: com :: sun :: star :: ucb ::

service HierarchyContentProvider
The Hierarchy Content Provider (HCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).

It provides access to a persistent, customizable hierarchy of contents (folders and links).

See also

Exported Interfaces - Summary

provides three types of contents: Link, Folder and Root Folder. (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
provides three types of contents: Link, Folder and Root Folder.

HCP Contents

  1. A HCP Link (HierarchyLinkContent) is a content which points to another (UCB) content. It is always contained in HCP Folder. A HCP Link has no children.
  2. A HCP Folder (HierarchyFolderContent) is a container for other HCP Folders and HCP Links.
  3. There is at most one instance of a HCP Root Folder ( HierarchyRootFolderContent ) at a time. All other HCP contents are children of this folder. The HCP Root Folder can contain HCP Folders and HCP Links. It has the URL "vnd.sun.star.hier:/".

URL Scheme for HCP Contents

Each HCP content has an identifier corresponding to the following scheme:

  • vnd.sun.star.hier:/<path>, where <path> is a hierarchical path of the form <name>/.../<name> and where <name> is a string encoded according to the URL conventions.


  • vnd.sun.star.hier:/ (The URL of the HCP Root Folder)
  • vnd.sun.star.hier:/Bookmarks/Sun%20Microsystems%20Home%20Page
  • vnd.sun.star.hier:/Workplace/Printers

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