:: com :: sun :: star :: ucb ::

struct ListAction
This struct contains information needed in the notifications of a XDynamicResultSet.
See also

Elements' Summary
Position The position where something has happened (index begins with 1 as usual with JDBC ).  
Count The count of involved rows.  
ListActionType specifies the kind of modification happened to all assigned rows.  
ActionInfo dependend on the content of ListAction::ListActionType the ListAction::ActionInfo could contain additional information about the changes happened (see table above).  
Elements' Details
long Position;
The position where something has happened (index begins with 1 as usual with JDBC ).

Its value does not necessary indicate the new position in the new ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSet, but a position while doing the changes step by step beginning with the old ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSet.

long Count;
The count of involved rows.
long ListActionType;
specifies the kind of modification happened to all assigned rows.

The value of the other members of this struct depend on the value of this member:
ListActionType Position Count ActionInfo
WELCOME n/a n/a WelcomeDynamicResultSetStruct required
CLEARED n/a n/a n/a
INSERTED required 1-x required 1-x allowed but not required... @todo
REMOVED required 1-x required 1-x n/a
MOVED required 1-x required 1-x type long required
PROPERTIES_CHANGED required 1-x required 1-x allowed but not required... @todo

The value for this member can be one of the ListActionType constants group.

any ActionInfo;
dependend on the content of ListAction::ListActionType the ListAction::ActionInfo could contain additional information about the changes happened (see table above).
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