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constants group ListActionType
These values are used to specify the type of change happened to a list.

A change happened is sended from an XDynamicResultSet as ListAction to a XDynamicResultSetListener.

The values are contained in ListAction::ListActionType.

WELCOME First notification to a single listener for purpose of initialization.  
INSERTED One or more rows were inserted into the list.  
REMOVED One or more rows were removed from the list.  
CLEARED The whole list was destroyed and independently rebuild.  
MOVED One or more rows were moved to another position.  
PROPERTIES_CHANGED The properties of one or more rows have changed.  
Constants' Details
const long WELCOME = 20;
First notification to a single listener for purpose of initialization.

This type of notification is required to be sended first and only once to a new listener.

The member ListAction::ActionInfo is required to contain a struct WelcomeDynamicResultSetStruct. This struct contains two ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSets (old and new). During and after the notification only the new set is valid for access. But the listener is required to remind both ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSets as he will not get another chance to get them again.

The members ListAction::Count and ListAction::Position are not used.

const long INSERTED = 21;
One or more rows were inserted into the list.

This action is related to ContentAction::INSERTED.

The members ListAction::Count and ListAction::Position contain the position and count of newly inserted rows. If the count is greater than one, the inserted rows have to be one after the other.

ListAction::ActionInfo could contain something but this is not required. For example, it could contain the properties of the new rows (i.e. for remote optimizing), but this is not required nor unrestrictly recommended.

@todo ... further description of allowed contents for ListAction::ActionInfo is needed

const long REMOVED = 22;
One or more rows were removed from the list.

This action is related to ContentAction::REMOVED.

The members ListAction::Count and ListAction::Position contain the position and count of the removed rows. If the count is greater than one, the removed rows have to be one after the other.

The member ListAction::ListActionType is not used.

const long CLEARED = 23;
The whole list was destroyed and independently rebuild.

If 'CLEARED' is sended you don't need to refer to the old ResultSet.

The members ListAction::ListActionType, ListAction::Count and ListAction::Position are ignored.

const long MOVED = 24;
One or more rows were moved to another position.

The members ListAction::Count and ListAction::Position contain the position and count of the moved rows. If the count is greater than one, the moved rows have to be one after the other.

ListAction::ListActionType is required to contain a 'long', which gives the shift of position. (i.e. When two rows at position 3 and 4 are moved for a shift '+1', they will appear at the positions 4 and 5. In this action is included, that the row on old position 5 now appears on position 3. No other notification is needed, to explain or complete this action).

const long PROPERTIES_CHANGED = 25;
The properties of one or more rows have changed.

This action is related to a ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyChangeEvent.

The members ListAction::Count and ListAction::Position contain the position and count of the rows, whose properties have changed. If the count is greater than one, the rows with modified properties have to be one after the other.

ListAction::ActionInfo could contain something but this is not required. For example, it could contain the new properties (i.e. for remote optimizing), but this is not required nor unrestrictly recommended.

@todo ... further description of allowed contents for ListAction::ActionInfo is needed

const long COMPLETED = 27;
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