:: com :: sun :: star :: ucb ::

struct ContentEvent
Base Hierarchy
 ┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::EventObject
A structure for content events.

Elements' Summary
Action The action.  
Content The content to that the action is related (e.g., the content that was just physically destroyed, the content that was just inserted into a folder content).  
Id A content identifier, which must be filled according to the action notified (e.g., the id of the folder content into which another content was inserted).  
Elements' Details
long Action;
The action.

The value can be one of the ContentAction constants.

XContent Content;
The content to that the action is related (e.g., the content that was just physically destroyed, the content that was just inserted into a folder content).

This member must be filled as follows:
ContentAction::INSERTED The content inserted into a folder
ContentAction::REMOVED The content removed from a folder
ContentAction::DELETED The deleted content
ContentAction::EXCHANGED The exchanged content (that already has the new content id)

XContentIdentifier Id;
A content identifier, which must be filled according to the action notified (e.g., the id of the folder content into which another content was inserted).

This member must be filled as follows:
ContentAction::INSERTED Id of the folder the content was inserted into
ContentAction::REMOVED Id of the folder the content was removed from
ContentAction::DELETED Id of the deleted content
ContentAction::EXCHANGED Previous(!) id of the exchanged content

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