:: com :: sun :: star :: ucb ::

deprecated interface XContentCreator
Usage Restrictions
Deprecation Info

This interface is deprecated. Use Content property "CreatableContentsInfo" and command "createNewContent" instead.

A creator for new (persistent) contents, like file system folders.

Creation of a new (persistent) content:

  1. creatabletypes = creator.queryCreatableContentsInfo()
  2. choose a suitable type from creatabletypes
  3. newObject = creator.createNewContent( type )
  4. initialize the new object (i.e. newObject.Property1 = ...)
  5. let the new content execute the command "insert". That command commits the data and makes the new content persistent.
See also
XContent, XCommandProcessor
Developers Guide
AppendixC - The WebDAV Content Provider - Creation of New DCP Contents
UCB - Services and Interfaces
AppendixC - The FTP Content Provider - Creation of New FTP Content
AppendixC - The Hierarchy Content Provider - Creation of New HCP Content
UCB - Creating
AppendixC - The File Content Provider - Creation of New File Contents
AppendixC - The Package Content Provider - Creation of New PCP Contents

Methods' Summary
queryCreatableContentsInfo returns a list with information about the creatable contents.  
createNewContent creates a new content of given type.  
Methods' Details
sequence< ContentInfo >

returns a list with information about the creatable contents.
the list with information about the creatable contents.
createNewContent( [in] ContentInfo  Info );

creates a new content of given type.
Parameter Info
the content information.
the new content, if operation was successful.
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