:: com :: sun :: star :: ucb ::

service WebDAVContentProvider
The WebDAV Content Provider (DCP) implements a ContentProvider for the UniversalContentBroker (UCB).

It provides access to WebDAV and standard HTTP servers. The DCP communicates with the server using the WebDAV protocol which is an extention to the HTTP protocol or using the plain HTTP protocol in case the server is not WebDAV enabled.

See also

Exported Interfaces - Summary

provides two types of content: a Folder or Document which corresponds to a collection or non-collection (nodes and leafs) in WebDAV respectively. (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
provides two types of content: a Folder or Document which corresponds to a collection or non-collection (nodes and leafs) in WebDAV respectively.

DCP Contents

  1. A DCP Folder (WebDAVFolderContent) is a container for other DCP Folders or Documents.
  2. A DCP Document (WebDAVDocumentContent) is a container for Document data/content. The data/content may be anything, a WebDAV server, like an HTTP server, does not necessarily mandate what type of data/content may be contained within Documents. The type of data/content is defined by the MediaType property which is different from the content type returned from the getContentType method. The MediaType property is mapped to the equivalent WebDAV property and the WebDAV server calculates the value.

URL Scheme for DCP Contents

Each DCP content has an identifier corresponding to the following scheme:

  • vnd.sun.star.webdav://host:port/<path> where <path> is a hierarchical path of the form <name>/.../<name> and where <name> is a string encoded according to the URL conventions.

It is also possible to use standard HTTP-URLs. In this case the implementation will determine by itself, if the requested resource is DAV enabled.


  • vnd.sun.star.webdav://localhost/davhome/ ( a DAV collection )
  • vnd.sun.star.webdav://dav.foo.com/Documents/report.sdw
  • http://dav.foo.com/Documents/report.sdw

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