:: com :: sun :: star :: ucb ::

interface XCachedDynamicResultSetStubFactory
creates a CachedDynamicResultSetStub and connects a non-remote optimized DynamicResultSet to a remote optimized CachedDynamicResultSet.

Pay attention to instanciate this helper on serverside where your source DynamicResultSet was instanciated.

Method createCachedDynamicResultSetStub can be used to create a stub on serverside.

If you have instanciated a CachedDynamicResultSet on client side already, use method connectToCache to connect your given DynamicResultSet with this Cache.

The needed cache on server side you can create using XCachedDynamicResultSetFactory.

Methods' Summary
createCachedDynamicResultSetStub creates a remote optimizes XDynamicResultSet.  
connectToCache If you have instanciated a CachedDynamicResultSet on client side already, use this to connect your given Source on server side to the TargetCache.  
Methods' Details
createCachedDynamicResultSetStub( [in] XDynamicResultSet  Source );

creates a remote optimizes XDynamicResultSet.
Parameter Source
must be an instance of service DynamicResultSet.
an instance of service CachedDynamicResultSetStub.
connectToCache( [in] XDynamicResultSet  Source,
[in] XDynamicResultSet  TargetCache,
[in] sequence< NumberedSortingInfo >  SortingInfo,
[in] XAnyCompareFactory  CompareFactory )
raises( ListenerAlreadySetException,
AlreadyInitializedException );

If you have instanciated a CachedDynamicResultSet on client side already, use this to connect your given Source on server side to the TargetCache.
Parameter Source
is an instance of service DynamicResultSet.
Parameter TargetCache
is an instance of service CachedDynamicResultSet.
Parameter SortingInfo
can be an empty sequence. Otherwise, Source will be sorted according to the given sorting data.
Parameter CompareFactory
will be ignored unless SortingInfo is not empty. Then the supplied factory will be used to instanciate objects used to compare the properties that are involved in sorting.
ListenerAlreadySetException if Source is already in use.
AlreadyInitializedException if TargetCache already has been initialized.
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