A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
radialAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart |
The axis object used to map data values to a radial distance
between the center and the outer edge of the chart. |
radialAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Defines the labels, tick marks, and data position
for items on the y-axis. |
RADIAL_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarTransform |
A string representing the radial axis. |
RadialGradient — class, package mx.graphics |
The RadialGradient class lets you specify a gradual color transition
in the fill color. |
RadialGradient() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.RadialGradient |
Constructor. |
RadialGradientStroke — class, package mx.graphics |
The RadialGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke. |
RadialGradientStroke(weight:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Constructor, class mx.graphics.RadialGradientStroke |
Constructor. |
radialStroke — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| Specifies the line style used to draw the border between the wedges of the pie. |
| |
RadioButton — class, package mx.controls |
The RadioButton control lets the user make a single choice
within a set of mutually exclusive choices. |
RadioButton — class, package spark.components |
The RadioButton component allows the user make a single choice
within a set of mutually exclusive choices. |
RadioButton() — Constructor, class mx.controls.RadioButton |
Constructor. |
RadioButton() — Constructor, class spark.components.RadioButton |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility |
RadioButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation
which implements accessibility for the RadioButton class. |
RadioButtonAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility |
RadioButtonAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class
for spark.components.RadioButton. |
RadioButtonAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.RadioButtonAccImpl |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.RadioButtonAccImpl |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonGroup — class, package mx.controls |
The RadioButtonGroup control defines a group of RadioButton controls
that act as a single mutually exclusive control; therefore,
a user can select only one RadioButton control at a time. |
RadioButtonGroup — class, package spark.components |
The RadioButtonGroup component defines a group of RadioButton components
that act as a single mutually exclusive component; therefore,
a user can select only one RadioButton component at a time. |
RadioButtonGroup(document:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — Constructor, class mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonGroup(document:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — Constructor, class spark.components.RadioButtonGroup |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonIcon — class, package mx.skins.halo |
The skin for all the states of the icon in a RadioButton. |
RadioButtonIcon() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.RadioButtonIcon |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark |
| The Spark skin class for the MX RadioButton component. |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.android4 |
ActionScript-based skin for RadioButton controls in mobile applications. |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.ios7 |
ActionScript-based skin for RadioButton controls in mobile applications. |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.mobile |
ActionScript-based skin for RadioButton controls in mobile applications. |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark |
| The default skin class for a Spark RadioButton component. |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.RadioButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.android4.RadioButtonSkin |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.ios7.RadioButtonSkin |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.mobile.RadioButtonSkin |
Constructor. |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.RadioButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
radioDisabledIcon — Style, class mx.controls.Menu |
| The icon for all disabled menu items whose type identifier is a radio button. |
| |
radioIcon — Style, class mx.controls.Menu |
| The icon for all enabled menu items whose type identifier is a radio button. |
| |
radius — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarTransform |
The radius used by the transform to convert data units
to polar coordinates. |
radius — Property, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
Specifies the radius, in pixels, of the chart elements
for the data points. |
radius — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.PlotSeriesItem |
The radius of this item, in pixels. |
radius — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.AreaSeriesRenderData |
The radius of the items of the AreaSeries. |
radius — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.LineSeriesRenderData |
The radius of the individual items in the line series. |
radius — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.PlotSeriesRenderData |
The radius of the individual PlotSeriesItem objects. |
radius — Style, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries |
| Specifies the radius, in pixels, of the chart element at each data point. |
| |
radius — Style, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
| Specifies the radius, in pixels, of the chart elements for the data points. |
| |
radius — Style, class mx.charts.series.AreaSeries |
| Specifies the radius, in pixels, of the chart elements for the data points. |
| |
radiusAxis — Property, class mx.charts.BubbleChart |
The axis the bubble radius is mapped against
Bubble charts treat the size of the individual bubbles
as a third dimension of data which is transformed
in a similar manner to how x and y position is transformed. |
radiusAxis — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
The axis the bubble radius is mapped against. |
RADIUS_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
The type of radius axis. |
radiusField — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the radius of each symbol, relative to the other
data points in the chart. |
radiusX — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The radius to be used on the x axis for the SemiCarouselLayout. |
radiusX — Property, class spark.primitives.Rect |
The default corner radius to use for the x axis on all corners. |
radiusY — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The radius to be used on the y axis for the SemiCarouselLayout. |
radiusY — Property, class spark.primitives.Rect |
The default corner radius to use for the y axis on all corners. |
radiusZ — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The radius to be used on the z axis for the SemiCarouselLayout. |
Range — class, package spark.components.supportClasses |
The Range class holds a value and an allowed range for that
value, defined by minimum and maximum properties. |
Range() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.Range |
Constructor. |
rangeAlpha — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat |
The alpha for drawing the highlight of a range selection. |
rangeBlendMode — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat |
The blending mode for drawing the highlight of a range selection. |
rangeColor — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionFormat |
The color for drawing the highlight of a range selection. |
ratio — Property, class mx.graphics.GradientEntry |
Where in the graphical element, as a percentage from 0.0 to 1.0,
Flex samples the associated color at 100%. |
rawChildren — Property, class mx.charts.Legend |
A container typically contains child components, which can be enumerated
using the Container.getChildAt() method and
Container.numChildren property. |
rawChildren — Property, class mx.core.Container |
A container typically contains child components, which can be enumerated
using the Container.getChildAt() method and
Container.numChildren property. |
rawChildren — Property, interface mx.core.IRawChildrenContainer |
Returns an IChildList representing all children. |
rawChildren — Property, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager |
A list of all children
being parented by this ISystemManager. |
rawChildren — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager |
A list of all children
being parented by this ISystemManager. |
rawChildren — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager |
A list of all children
being parented by this ISystemManager. |
readable — Property, class mx.messaging.management.MBeanAttributeInfo |
Indicates if the attribute is readable. |
readExternal(input:flash.utils:IDataInput) — method, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy |
Since Flex only uses ObjectProxy to wrap anonymous objects,
the server flex.messaging.io.ObjectProxy instance serializes itself
as a Map that will be returned as a plain ActionScript object. |
readMessage() — method, class mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler |
Used by the streamProgressHandler to read a message. |
READ_ONLY — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode |
The document is read-only. |
READ_SELECT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode |
The text in the document can be selected and copied, but not edited. |
READ_WRITE — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditingMode |
The document can be edited. |
ready — Event, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay |
Dispatched when the FLV file is loaded and ready to play. |
ready — Event, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo |
Dispatched by the backing ModuleInfo once the module is sufficiently
loaded to call the IModuleInfo.factory() method and the
IFlexModuleFactory.create() method. |
ready — Property, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo |
A flag that is true if the module is sufficiently loaded
to get a handle to its associated IFlexModuleFactory implementation
and call its create() method. |
ready — Event, class mx.modules.ModuleLoader |
Dispatched when the module is finished loading. |
ready — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService |
Specifies whether the WebService is ready to make requests. |
— Skin State, class spark.components.Image |
| The ready state of the Image control. |
| |
— Skin State, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Ready state of the VideoPlayer. The video is ready to be played. |
| |
ready — Event, class spark.components.Image |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. |
ready — Event, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader |
Dispatched when the module is finished loading. |
ready — Event, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. |
READY — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElementStatus |
| Graphic is completely loaded and properly sized. |
READY — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.READY constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a ready
event. |
READY — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ModuleEvent |
Dispatched when the module has finished downloading. |
READY — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.VideoEvent |
The VideoEvent.READY constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a ready event. |
— Skin State, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| Ready state of the VideoPlayer when in full screen mode. The video is ready to be played. |
| |
REAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.validators.NumberValidatorDomainType |
Specifies to validate a real number. |
reason — Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent |
The reason the itemEditEnd event was dispatched. |
reason — Property, class mx.events.DataGridEvent |
The reason the itemEditEnd event was dispatched. |
reason — Property, class mx.events.ListEvent |
The reason the itemEditEnd event was dispatched. |
reason — Property, class mx.events.TouchInteractionEvent |
The reason for this gesture capture event. |
reAuthorize(msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent |
This function should be overriden by sublasses to implement reauthentication due to
server session time-out behavior specific to them. |
receive(timestamp:Number) — method, class mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer |
Requests any messages that are queued for this Consumer on the server. |
reconnectAttempts — Property, class mx.messaging.AbstractProducer |
The number of reconnect attempts that the Producer makes in the event
that the destination is unavailable or the connection to the destination closes. |
reconnecting — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
Indicates whether this channel is in the process of reconnecting to an
alternate endpoint. |
reconnecting — Property, class mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent |
Indicates whether the Channel that generated this event is reconnecting. |
reconnectInterval — Property, class mx.messaging.AbstractProducer |
The number of milliseconds between reconnect attempts. |
recordHeaders — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage |
Only used when going through the proxy, should the proxy
send back the request and response headers it used. |
recordMessageSizes — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
Channel property determines the level of performance information injection - whether
we inject message sizes or not. |
RECORD_MESSAGE_SIZES — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
| |
recordMessageTimes — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
Channel property determines the level of performance information injection - whether
we inject timestamps or not. |
RECORD_MESSAGE_TIMES — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
| |
recordXSIType — Property, interface mx.rpc.xml.IXMLDecoder |
When recordXSIType is set to true, if an encoded complexType
has an xsi:type attribute the type information will be
recorded on the decoded instance if it is strongly typed and implements
mx.rpc.xml.IXMLSchemaInstance or is an anonymous
mx.utils.ObjectProxy. |
Rect — class, package spark.primitives |
The Rect class is a filled graphic element that draws a rectangle. |
Rect() — Constructor, class spark.primitives.Rect |
Constructor. |
RectangularBorder — class, package mx.skins |
The RectangularBorder class is an abstract base class for various classes
that draw rectangular borders around UIComponents. |
RectangularBorder() — Constructor, class mx.skins.RectangularBorder |
Constructor. |
RectangularDropShadow — class, package mx.graphics |
Drop shadows are typically created using the DropShadowFilter class. |
RectangularDropShadow — class, package spark.primitives |
This class optimizes drop shadows for the common case. |
RectangularDropShadow() — Constructor, class mx.graphics.RectangularDropShadow |
Constructor. |
RectangularDropShadow() — Constructor, class spark.primitives.RectangularDropShadow |
Constructor. |
recycleChildren — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeater |
A Boolean flag indicating whether this Repeater should re-use
previously created children, or create new ones. |
recycleChildren — Property, class mx.core.Repeater |
A Boolean flag indicating whether this Repeater should re-use
previously created children, or create new ones. |
RED — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ColorName |
| |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager |
Reperforms the previous undone operation. |
redo() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager |
Reperforms the previous undone operation. |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOperation |
| |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation |
Re-executes the operation. |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowTextOperation |
Re-executes the operation. |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertInlineGraphicOperation |
Re-executes the operation after it has been undone. |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertTableElementOperation |
Re-executes the operation after it has been undone. |
redo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertTextOperation |
Re-executes the operation after it has been undone. |
redo() — method, interface flashx.undo.IUndoManager |
Removes the next IOperation object from the redo stack and calls the performRedo()
function of that object. |
redo() — method, class flashx.undo.UndoManager |
Removes the next IOperation object from the redo stack and calls the performRedo()
function of that object. |
RedoOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations |
The RedoOperation class encapsulates a redo operation. |
RedoOperation(operation:flashx.textLayout.operations:FlowOperation) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.RedoOperation |
Creates a RedoOperation object. |
redrawRequested — Property, class spark.components.IconItemRenderer |
Contains true when any of the IGraphicElement objects that share
this DisplayObject need to redraw. |
redrawRequested — Property, interface spark.core.ISharedDisplayObject |
Contains true when any of the IGraphicElement objects that share
this DisplayObject need to redraw. |
reduceLabels(intervalStart:mx.charts:AxisLabel, intervalEnd:mx.charts:AxisLabel) — method, class mx.charts.CategoryAxis |
Invoked when an AxisRenderer is unable to cleanly render
the labels without overlap, and would like the Axis object
to reduce the set of labels. |
reduceLabels(intervalStart:mx.charts:AxisLabel, intervalEnd:mx.charts:AxisLabel) — method, class mx.charts.DateTimeAxis |
Invoked when an AxisRenderer is unable to cleanly render
the labels without overlap, and would like the Axis object
to reduce the set of labels. |
reduceLabels(intervalStart:mx.charts:AxisLabel, intervalEnd:mx.charts:AxisLabel) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis |
Invoked when an AxisRenderer is unable to cleanly render
the labels without overlap, and would like the Axis object
to reduce the set of labels. |
reduceLabels(intervalStart:mx.charts:AxisLabel, intervalEnd:mx.charts:AxisLabel) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
Invoked when an AxisRenderer is unable to cleanly render
the labels without overlap, and would like the Axis object
to reduce the set of labels. |
refresh(async:Boolean) — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection |
Applies the grouping to the view. |
refresh(async:Boolean, dispatchCollectionEvents:Boolean) — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 |
Applies the grouping to the collection. |
refresh() — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView |
Applies the sort and filter to the view. |
refresh() — method, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView |
Applies the sort and filter to the view. |
refresh(async:Boolean) — method, interface mx.collections.IGroupingCollection |
Applies the grouping to the view. |
refresh(async:Boolean, dispatchCollectionEvents:Boolean) — method, interface mx.collections.IGroupingCollection2 |
Applies the grouping to the collection. |
refresh() — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
Applies the sort and filter to the view. |
refresh() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid |
Re-enumerates the current directory being displayed by this control. |
refresh() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList |
Re-enumerates the current directory being displayed by this control. |
refresh() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree |
Re-enumerates the current directory being displayed by this control. |
refresh() — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCube |
Refreshes the cube from the data provider. |
refresh() — method, class mx.olap.OLAPCube |
Refreshes the cube from the data provider. |
REFRESH — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.CollectionEventKind |
Indicates that the collection applied a sort, a filter, or both. |
refreshSelection() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager |
Redisplays the selection shapes. |
refreshSelection() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager |
Redisplays the selection shapes. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
Builds or rebuilds the CSS style cache for this component
and, if the recursive parameter is true,
for all descendants of this component as well. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
Builds or rebuilds the CSS style cache for this component
and, if the recursive parameter is true,
for all descendants of this component as well. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer |
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the getStyle()
method functions. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer |
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the getStyle()
method functions. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Builds or rebuilds the CSS style cache for this component
and, if the recursive parameter is true,
for all descendants of this component as well. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient |
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the
method functions. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient |
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the getStyle()
method functions. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy |
Sets up the internal style cache values so that the getStyle()
method functions. |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class spark.collections.AdvancedStyleClient_ |
| |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class spark.collections.Sort |
| |
regenerateStyleCache(recursive:Boolean) — method, class spark.collections.SortField |
| |
RegExPatterns — final class, package spark.components.supportClasses |
This provides a means to standardize certain common regex patterns and functionality. |
RegExPatterns() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.RegExPatterns |
Constructor. |
RegExpValidationResult — class, package mx.validators |
The RegExpValidator class dispatches the valid
and invalid events. |
RegExpValidationResult(isError:Boolean, subField:String, errorCode:String, errorMessage:String, matchedString:String, matchedIndex:int, matchedSubstrings:Array) — Constructor, class mx.validators.RegExpValidationResult |
RegExpValidator — class, package mx.validators |
The RegExpValidator class lets you use a regular expression
to validate a field. |
RegExpValidator() — Constructor, class mx.validators.RegExpValidator |
register(obj:mx.managers:IHistoryManagerClient) — Static Method , class mx.managers.HistoryManager |
Registers an object with the HistoryManager. |
registerApplication(app:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — method, class mx.preloaders.Preloader |
Called by the SystemManager after it has finished instantiating
an instance of the application class. |
registerClass(type:Object, definition:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry |
Maps a type QName to a Class definition. |
registerClassAliases() — Static Method , class mx.utils.RpcClassAliasInitializer |
In the event that an application does not use the Flex UI classes which processes
the [RemoteClass(alias="")] bootstrap code, this function registers all the
classes for AMF serialization needed by the Flex RPC library. |
registerCollectionClass(type:Object, definition:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry |
Maps a type name to a collection Class. |
registerColorName(colorName:String, colorValue:uint) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager |
Adds a color name to the list of aliases for colors. |
registerColorName(colorName:String, colorValue:uint) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager |
Adds a color name to the list of aliases for colors. |
registerDataTransform(transform:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform, dimensionName:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase |
Each DataTransform that makes use of an axis
registers itself with that axis. |
registerDataTransform(transform:mx.charts.chartClasses:DataTransform, dimensionName:String) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis |
Each DataTransform that makes use of an axis
registers itself with that axis. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
For each effect event, registers the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer |
For each effect event, registers the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer |
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners for each effect event. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer |
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners for each effect event. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent |
For each effect event, register the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
For each effect event, registers the EffectManager
as one of the event listeners. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient |
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners
for each effect event. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient |
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners for each effect event. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy |
Registers the EffectManager as one of the event listeners for each effect event. |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class spark.collections.Sort |
| |
registerEffects(effects:Array) — method, class spark.collections.SortField |
| |
registerFilterForResultFormat(resultFormat:String, filter:mx.rpc.http:SerializationFilter) — Static Method , class mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter |
This static function is used to register a new SerializationFilter for a
particular resultFormat value. |
registerImplementation(interfaceName:String, impl:Object) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory |
Register an implementation for an interface. |
registerInheritingStyle(styleName:String) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles that can inherit values
from their parents. |
registerInheritingStyle(styleName:String) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles that can inherit values
from their parents. |
registerLayout(value:spark.layouts.supportClasses:INavigatorLayout) — method, interface spark.managers.INavigatorBrowserManager |
Registers a layout so that it can be managed. |
registerParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles which may affect the appearance
or layout of the component's parent container. |
registerParentDisplayListInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles which may affect the appearance
or layout of the component's parent container. |
registerParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles which may affect the measured size
of the component's parent container. |
registerParentSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles which may affect the measured size
of the component's parent container. |
registerSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles which may affect the measured size
of the component. |
registerSizeInvalidatingStyle(styleName:String) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager |
Adds to the list of styles which may affect the measured size
of the component. |
rejectCursor — Style, class mx.managers.DragManager |
| Cursor displayed for a reject operation. |
| |
rejected — Property, class mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent |
Indicates whether the Channel that generated this event was rejected. |
REJECTED — Constant Static Property, class org.apache.flex.promises.enums.PromiseState |
| |
reKeyVisibleData() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Update the keys in the visibleData hash table. |
relatedObject — Property, class mx.events.ChildExistenceChangedEvent |
Reference to the child object that was created or destroyed. |
relatedObject — Property, class mx.events.IndexChangedEvent |
The child object whose index changed, or the object associated with
the new index. |
relatedObject — Property, class mx.events.ItemClickEvent |
The child object that generated the event; for example,
the button that a user clicked in a ButtonBar control. |
relatedObject — Property, class mx.events.TouchInteractionEvent |
The object attempting to capture this touch interaction. |
relativeEnd — Property, class flash.text.ime.CompositionAttributeRange |
The relative end of the composition clause, relative to the beginning
of the inline edit session. |
relativeEnd — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowElementOperation |
An offset from the start of the targetElement. |
relativeStart — Property, class flash.text.ime.CompositionAttributeRange |
The relative start from the beginning of the inline edit session
i.e. |
relativeStart — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowElementOperation |
An offset from the beginning of the targetElement. |
relativeTo — Property, class mx.charts.effects.SeriesZoom |
Controls the bounding box that Flex uses to calculate
the focal point of the zooms. |
relativeTo — Property, class mx.charts.effects.effectClasses.SeriesZoomInstance |
Controls the bounding box that Flex uses to calculate
the focal point of the zooms. |
relativeTo — Property, class mx.effects.AddChildAction |
The location where the child component is added. |
relativeTo — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.AddChildActionInstance |
The location where the child component is added. |
relativeTo — Property, class mx.states.AddChild |
The object relative to which the child is added. |
relativeTo — Property, class mx.states.AddItems |
The object relative to which the child is added. |
relativeTo — Property, class spark.effects.AddAction |
The location where the child component is added. |
relativeTo — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.AddActionInstance |
The location where the child component is added. |
release() — method, interface mx.modules.IModuleInfo |
Releases the current reference to the module. |
releaseLineCreationData — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| Release line creation data during this compose |
releaseLineCreationData — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration |
| Requests that the process of composing text release line creation data after composing each paragraph. |
releaseLineCreationData — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration |
| Requests that the process of composing text release line creation data after composing each paragraph. |
releaseParcelList(list:flashx.textLayout.compose:ParcelList) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| |
relevantProperties — Property, class mx.effects.Effect |
An Array of property names to use when performing filtering. |
relevantProperties — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffect |
An Array of property names to use when performing filtering. |
relevantStyles — Property, class mx.effects.Effect |
An Array of style names to use when performing filtering. |
relevantStyles — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffect |
An Array of style names to use when performing filtering. |
relevantStyles — Property, class mx.effects.SetStyleAction |
Contains the style properties modified by this effect. |
reload() — method, class mx.controls.HTML |
Reloads the HTML content from the current location. |
REMOTE_CREDENTIALS_CHARSET_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage |
Messages that need to set remote credentials for a destination
may also need to report the character-set encoding that was used to
create the credentials String using this header. |
REMOTE_CREDENTIALS_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage |
Messages that need to set remote credentials for a destination
carry the Base64 encoded credentials in this header. |
RemoteObject — Dynamic Class, package mx.rpc.remoting |
The RemoteObject class gives you access to classes on a remote application server. |
RemoteObject — Dynamic Class, package mx.rpc.remoting.mxml |
Use the <mx:RemoteObject> tag to represent an HTTPService object in an MXML file. |
RemoteObject(destination:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject |
Creates a new RemoteObject. |
RemoteObject(destination:String) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject |
Create a new RemoteObject. |
RemotingMessage — class, package mx.messaging.messages |
RemotingMessages are used to send RPC requests to a remote endpoint. |
RemotingMessage() — Constructor, class mx.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage |
Constructs an uninitialized RemotingMessage. |
remove — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache |
Determines if unneeded instances should be removed from their parent. |
remove() — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor |
Removes the current item and returns it. |
remove() — method, interface mx.collections.IViewCursor |
Removes the current item and returns it. |
remove — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Dispatched when the component is removed from a container as a content child
by using the removeChild(), removeChildAt(),
removeElement(), or removeElementAt() method. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.AddChild |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.AddItems |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, interface mx.states.IOverride |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.OverrideBase |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.RemoveChild |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.SetEventHandler |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.SetProperty |
Removes the override. |
remove(parent:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.states.SetStyle |
Removes the override. |
remove(value:any) — method, class mx.utils.LinkedList |
Searches through all nodes for the given value and
removes it from the list if found. |
REMOVE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.CollectionEventKind |
Indicates that the collection removed an item or items. |
REMOVE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.REMOVE constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an remove event. |
RemoveAction — class, package spark.effects |
The RemoveAction class defines an action effect that corresponds
to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition. |
RemoveAction(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.RemoveAction |
Constructor. |
RemoveActionInstance — class, package spark.effects.supportClasses |
The RemoveActionInstance class implements the instance class
for the RemoveAction effect. |
RemoveActionInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.supportClasses.RemoveActionInstance |
Constructor. |
removeAll() — method, class mx.collections.ArrayList |
Remove all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, class mx.collections.AsyncListView |
Removes all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, interface mx.collections.IList |
Removes all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
Remove all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, class org.apache.flex.collections.ArrayList |
Remove all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, class org.apache.flex.collections.VectorList |
Remove all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, class spark.collections.NumericDataProvider |
This function is not supported. |
removeAll() — method, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
| |
removeAll() — method, class spark.components.DataNavigatorGroup |
Removes all items from the list. |
removeAll() — method, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator |
Remove all child view navigators from the navigator. |
removeAll() — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
| |
removeAll() — method, class spark.containers.NavigatorGroup |
Removes all items from the list. |
removeAllCacheEntries() — method, class spark.core.ContentCache |
Resets our cache content to initial empty state. |
removeAllChildren() — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Removes all children from the child list of this container. |
removeAllChildren() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Removes all data children (DisplayObject instances) of the canvas. |
removeAllChildren() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Removes all data children (DisplayObject instances) of the canvas. |
removeAllChildren() — method, class mx.core.Container |
Removes all children from the child list of this container. |
removeAllControllers() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer |
Removes all controllers from this IFlowComposer instance. |
removeAllControllers() — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer |
Removes all controllers from this IFlowComposer instance. |
removeAllCuePoints() — method, class mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager |
Removes all cue points. |
removeAllCursors() — Static Method , class mx.managers.CursorManager |
Removes all of the cursors from the cursor list
and restores the system cursor. |
removeAllElements() — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Removes all visual elements from the container. |
removeAllElements() — method, class mx.core.Container |
Removes all visual elements from the container. |
removeAllElements() — method, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer |
Removes all visual elements from the container. |
removeAllElements() — method, class spark.components.Group |
Removes all visual elements from the container. |
removeAllElements() — method, class spark.components.Scroller |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. |
removeAllElements() — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
Removes all visual elements from the container. |
removeAllElements() — method, class spark.containers.DeferredGroup |
| |
removeAllElements() — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
Removes all visual elements from the container. |
removeAllElements() — method, class spark.containers.NavigatorGroup |
| |
removeAllQueueEntries() — method, class spark.core.ContentCache |
Resets the queue to initial empty state. |
removeAllRows() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes all the rows. |
removeAllRowsWithContent() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes all the rows and the cells. |
removeBackgroundShape(shape:flash.display:Shape) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Removes a flash.display.Shape object on which background shapes (such as background color) are drawn. |
removeBusyCursor() — Static Method , class mx.managers.CursorManager |
Removes the busy cursor from the cursor list. |
removeCacheEntry(source:Object) — method, class spark.core.ContentCache |
Remove specific entry from cache. |
REMOVE_CELL — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.GridSelectionEventKind |
Indicates that this cell should be removed from the current selection. |
removeCellSelectionData(uid:String, columnIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
Removes cell selection information from the control. |
removeChannel(channel:mx.messaging:Channel) — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet |
Removes a Channel from the ChannelSet. |
removeChild(child:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement |
Removes the specified child FlowElement object from the group. |
removeChild(child:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes a table cell element from the table. |
removeChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Removes a child DisplayObject from the child list of this Container. |
removeChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Removes the specified child DisplayObject from this child list. |
removeChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Removes the specified child DisplayObject from this child list. |
removeChild(parent:Object, child:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView |
Removes the child node from the parent node. |
removeChild(parent:Object, child:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView |
Removes the child node from the parent node. |
removeChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.core.Container |
Removes a child DisplayObject from the child list of this Container. |
removeChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList |
Removes the specified child DisplayObject from this child list. |
removeChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer |
| |
RemoveChild — class, package mx.states |
The RemoveChild class removes a child display object, such as a component,
from a container as part of a view state. |
RemoveChild(target:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Constructor, class mx.states.RemoveChild |
Constructor. |
RemoveChildAction — class, package mx.effects |
The RemoveChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds
to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition. |
RemoveChildAction(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.RemoveChildAction |
Constructor. |
RemoveChildActionInstance — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses |
The RemoveChildActionInstance class implements the instance class
for the RemoveChildAction effect. |
RemoveChildActionInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.RemoveChildActionInstance |
Constructor. |
removeChildAt(index:uint) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement |
Removes the child FlowElement object at the specified index position. |
removeChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Removes a child DisplayObject from the child list of this Container
at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas |
Removes the child DisplayObject at the specified index
from this child list. |
removeChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas |
Removes the child DisplayObject at the specified index
from this child list. |
removeChildAt(parent:Object, index:int) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView |
Removes the child node from a node at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(parent:Object, index:int) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView |
Removes the child node from a node at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(parent:Object, child:Object, index:int, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor |
Removes the child node from a node at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(parent:Object, child:Object, index:int, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor |
Removes the child node from a node at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(parent:Object, child:Object, index:int, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor |
Removes a child node to a node at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.core.Container |
Removes a child DisplayObject from the child list of this Container
at the specified index. |
removeChildAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList |
Removes the child DisplayObject at the specified index
from this child list. |
removeChildAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer |
| |
removeChildBridge(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — method, interface mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup |
Removes the child bridge. |
removeChildBridge(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — method, class mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup |
Removes the child bridge. |
removeChildBridge(bridge:flash.events:IEventDispatcher) — method, interface mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager |
Adds a child bridge to the system manager. |
removeChildFromSandboxRoot(layer:String, child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.managers.IMarshalSystemManager |
Removes the specified child from the sandbox root in the layer requested. |
removeClashing(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat |
Sets properties in this TabStopFormat object to undefined if they do not match those in the
incoming ITabStopFormat instance. |
removeClashing(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Sets properties in this TextLayoutFormat object to undefined if they do not match those in the
incoming ITextLayoutFormat instance. |
removeColumn(column:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableColElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the column
removeColumnAt(idx:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the column at the index specified
removeColumnFromSort — Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent |
If true, remove the column from the multicolumn sort. |
removeColumnWithContent(column:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableColElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the column and the cells it contains. |
removeColumnWithContentAt(idx:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the column at the index specified and the cells it contains. |
removeController(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer |
Removes a controller from this IFlowComposer instance. |
removeController(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer |
Removes a controller from this IFlowComposer instance. |
removeControllerAt(index:int) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer |
Removes the controller at the specified index from this IFlowComposer instance. |
removeControllerAt(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer |
Removes the controller at the specified index from this IFlowComposer instance. |
removeCuePoint(cuePoint:Object) — method, class mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager |
Removes a cue point from the currently
loaded FLV file. |
removeCursor(cursorID:int) — Static Method , class mx.managers.CursorManager |
Removes a cursor from the cursor list. |
removed() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
Called when an element is removed. |
removed() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Remove all cells
Called when an element is removed. |
removeDataEffectItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
Removes an item renderer if a data change effect is running. |
removeDataEffectItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Removes an item renderer if a data change effect is running. |
removeDataEffectItem(target:Object) — method, interface mx.effects.IEffectTargetHost |
Removes an item renderer if a data change effect is running. |
removedEffect — Effect, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Played when the component is removed from a Container.
removedElementOffset — Property, class mx.effects.DefaultListEffect |
The offset in milliseconds between the effects applied
to the renderers representing multiple items deleted
at the same time. |
removedFromStageHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
| |
removeDisplayObject(displayObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.DisplayLayer |
Removes the specified displayObject from the sorted list. |
removeDivider(index:int) — method, class spark.containers.DividedGroup |
| |
removeDynamicPartInstance(partName:String, instance:Object) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent |
Remove an instance of a dynamic part. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Removes the specified visual element from the child list of
this container. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class mx.core.Container |
Removes the specified visual element from the child list of
this container. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer |
Removes the specified visual element from the child list of
this container. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.Group |
Removes the specified visual element from the child list of
this container. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.Scroller |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
Removes the specified visual element from the child list of
this container. |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.containers.DeferredGroup |
| |
removeElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
Removes the specified visual element from the child list of
this container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class mx.charts.Legend |
Removes a visual element from the specified index position
in the container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class mx.core.Container |
Removes a visual element from the specified index position
in the container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer |
Removes a visual element from the specified index position
in the container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.Group |
Removes a visual element from the specified index position
in the container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.Scroller |
This operation is not supported in Scroller. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
Removes a visual element from the specified index position
in the container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.containers.DeferredGroup |
| |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
Removes a visual element from the specified index position
in the container. |
removeElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.containers.NavigatorGroup |
| |
removeEmptyTerminator() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement |
| |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement |
| |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow |
| |
removeEventListener(eventType:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
| |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter |
| |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPCube |
Removes a listener. |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy |
Removes an event listener. |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class mx.utils.OnDemandEventDispatcher |
| |
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
| |
REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.EventListenerRequest |
Request to remove an event listener. |
removeExtraRow(contentHolder:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase |
Removes extra row from the end of the contentHolder. |
removeFormat(format:String) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter |
Remove the format. |
removeFormatAt(index:int) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter |
Remove the format at the index location. |
removeFromRowArrays(i:int) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Remove a row from the arrays that store references to the row. |
removeHeader(qname:QName, headerName:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService |
Removes the header with the given QName from all operations. |
removeHeader(qname:QName, headerName:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation |
Removes the header with the given QName from all operations. |
removeIndicators(uid:String) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
Cleans up selection highlights and other associated graphics
for a given item in the data provider. |
removeIndicators(uid:String) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Cleans up selection highlights and other associated graphics
for a given item in the data provider. |
removeInlineGraphicElement(parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, inlineGraphicElement:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Removes a flash.display.DisplayObject object from its parent. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.ArrayList |
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.AsyncListView |
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class org.apache.flex.collections.ArrayList |
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class org.apache.flex.collections.VectorList |
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class spark.collections.NumericDataProvider |
This function is not supported. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
| |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class spark.components.DataNavigatorGroup |
Removes the specified item from the list. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator |
Removes the specified item from this list, should it exist. |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
| |
removeItem(item:Object) — method, class spark.containers.NavigatorGroup |
Removes the specified item from the list. |
RemoveItemAction — class, package mx.effects |
The RemoveItemAction class defines an action effect that determines
when the item renderer disappears from the control for the item renderer
of an item being removed from a list-based control, such as List or TileList,
or for an item that is replaced by a new item added to the control. |
RemoveItemAction(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.RemoveItemAction |
Constructor. |
RemoveItemActionInstance — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses |
The RemoveItemActionInstance class implements the instance class
for the RemoveChildAction effect. |
RemoveItemActionInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.RemoveItemActionInstance |
Constructor. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class mx.collections.ArrayList |
Remove the item at the specified index and return it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class mx.collections.AsyncListView |
Removes the actual or pending item at the specified index and returns it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.collections.IList |
Removes the item at the specified index and returns it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView |
Removes the item at the specified index and returns it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class org.apache.flex.collections.ArrayList |
Remove the item at the specified index and return it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class org.apache.flex.collections.VectorList |
Remove the item at the specified index and return it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class spark.collections.NumericDataProvider |
This function is not supported. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
| |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.DataNavigatorGroup |
Removes the item at the specified index and returns it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator |
Remove the view navigator at the specified index and return it. |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class spark.containers.Navigator |
| |
removeItemAt(index:int) — method, class spark.containers.NavigatorGroup |
Removes the item at the specified index and returns it. |
removeLayer(value:mx.core:DesignLayer) — method, class mx.core.DesignLayer |
Removes a DesignLayer child from this layer. |
removeListenerHandler() — method, class mx.validators.Validator |
Disconnects all of the listeners for the
valid and invalid
events dispatched from the validator. |
removeListenerHandler() — method, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase |
Disconnects all of the listeners for the
valid and invalid
events dispatched from the validator. |
removeLocalProjectionWhenComplete — Property, class spark.effects.AnimateTransform3D |
If true, the effect removes the perspective projection
from the target component's parent when it completes playing. |
removeLogger(logger:mx.logging:ILogger) — method, class mx.logging.AbstractTarget |
Stops this target from receiving events from the specified logger. |
removeLogger(logger:mx.logging:ILogger) — method, interface mx.logging.ILoggingTarget |
Stops this target from receiving events from the specified logger. |
removeMatching(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat |
Sets properties in this TabStopFormat object to undefined if they match those in the incoming
ITabStopFormat instance. |
removeMatching(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
Sets properties in this TextLayoutFormat object to undefined if they match those in the incoming
ITextLayoutFormat instance. |
removePopUp(popUp:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — Static Method , class mx.managers.PopUpManager |
Removes a popup window popped up by
the createPopUp() or addPopUp() method. |
REMOVE_POP_UP_PLACE_HOLDER_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest |
Removes a placeholder. |
REMOVE_POP_UP_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest |
Removes a popup from the sandboxRoot's SystemManager. |
removePosition(p:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPResultAxis |
Removes a position from the axis of the query result. |
removeResourceBundle(locale:String, bundleName:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager |
Removes the specified ResourceBundle from the ResourceManager
so that its resources can no longer be accessed by ResourceManager
methods such as getString(). |
removeResourceBundlesForLocale(locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager |
Removes all ResourceBundles for the specified locale
from the ResourceManager so that their resources
can no longer be accessed by ResourceManager methods
such as getString(). |
removeRow(row:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableRowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the row
REMOVE_ROW — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.GridSelectionEventKind |
Indicates that this row should be removed from the current selection. |
removeRowAt(idx:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the row at the index specified. |
removeRowWithContent(row:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableRowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the row and the cells it contains. |
removeRowWithContentAt(idx:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableElement |
Removes the row at the index specified and the cells it contains. |
removeSelectedCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.DataGrid |
If selectionMode
is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or
GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, removes the cell
from the selection and sets the caret position to the cell. |
removeSelectedCell(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.Grid |
If selectionMode
is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or
GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, removes the cell
from the selection and sets the caret position to the cell. |
removeSelectedIndex(rowIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.DataGrid |
If selectionMode
is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or
GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, removes this row
from the selection and sets the caret position to this row. |
removeSelectedIndex(rowIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.Grid |
If selectionMode
is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or
GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, removes this row
from the selection and sets the caret position to this row. |
removeSelectionContainer(selectionContainer:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Removes the flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer object which contains selection shapes (such as block selection highlight, cursor etc.). |
removeSortField(columnName:String, columnNumber:int, collection:mx.collections:ICollectionView) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx |
Removes a data field from the list of sort fields. |
removeStyleClient(styleClient:mx.styles:IAdvancedStyleClient) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Removes a non-visual style client from this component instance. |
removeSubscription(subtopic:String, selector:String) — method, class mx.messaging.MultiTopicConsumer |
This method removes the subscription specified by the subtopic
and selector. |
REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage |
Like the above, but specifies the subtopic/selector array of to remove
removeSubtopic(subtopic:String) — method, class mx.messaging.MultiTopicProducer |
Removes the subtopic from the subtopics property. |
removeTableBlock(block:flashx.textLayout.elements:TableBlockContainer) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Removes a TableBlockContainer object from its parent. |
removeTarget(target:mx.logging:ILoggingTarget) — Static Method , class mx.logging.Log |
Stops the specified target from receiving notification of log
events. |
removeTextLine(textLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Removes a flash.text.engine.TextLine object from its parent. |
removing — Event, class spark.components.View |
Dispatched when the screen is about to be removed in response
to a screen change. |
REMOVING — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.ViewNavigatorEvent |
The ViewNavigatorEvent.REMOVING constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an removing
event. |
RENDER — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.RENDER constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an Event.RENDER event. |
renderData — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase |
Stores the information necessary to render this series. |
renderData — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series |
Stores the information necessary to render this series. |
renderData — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
Stores the information necessary to render this series. |
renderData — Property, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series
to store all data necessary to render. |
RenderData — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses |
RenderData structures are used by chart elements to store
all of the relevant values and data needed to fully render the chart. |
RenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array) — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData |
Constructor. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series
to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.AreaSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series
to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series
to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDataType — Property, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries |
The subtype of ChartRenderData used by this series to store all data necessary to render. |
renderDirection — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
| Sets the direction in which the series is rendered. |
| |
renderedBase — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.AreaSeriesRenderData |
The vertical position of the base of the area series, in pixels. |
renderedBase — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData |
The horizontal position of the base of the bars, in pixels. |
renderedBase — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData |
The vertical position of the base of the columns, in pixels. |
renderedHalfWidth — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData |
Half the width of a bar, in pixels. |
renderedHalfWidth — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData |
Half the width of a column, in pixels. |
renderedHalfWidth — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.HLOCSeriesRenderData |
Half the width of an item, in pixels. |
renderedXOffset — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData |
The offset of each column from its x value, in pixels. |
renderedXOffset — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.HLOCSeriesRenderData |
The offset of each item from its x value, in pixels. |
renderedYOffset — Property, class mx.charts.series.renderData.BarSeriesRenderData |
The offset of each bar from its y value, in pixels. |
renderer — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription |
The item renderer factory. |
renderer — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider |
The ItemRenderer IFactory used to create an instance of the item renderer. |
renderer — Property, class mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridRendererProvider |
The renderer object used for customizing the OLAPDataGrid control. |
renderer — Property, class spark.events.RendererExistenceEvent |
Reference to the item render that was added or removed. |
rendererAdd — Event, class spark.components.DataGroup |
Dispatched when a renderer is added to this dataGroup. |
rendererAdd — Event, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
Dispatched when a renderer is added to the container. |
rendererAdd — Event, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
Dispatched when a renderer is added to the container. |
RENDERER_ADD — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.RendererExistenceEvent |
The RendererExistenceEvent.RENDERER_ADD constant
defines the value of the type property of the event
object for an rendererAdd event. |
rendererChanged — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A flag that indicates that the renderer changed. |
rendererChanged — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A flag that indicates that the renderer changed. |
rendererDescriptionMap — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
Maps renders to row and column spanning info. |
RendererExistenceEvent — class, package spark.events |
The RendererExistenceEvent class represents events that are
dispatched when a renderer of a Spark DataGroup is added or removed. |
RendererExistenceEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, renderer:mx.core:IVisualElement, index:int, data:Object) — Constructor, class spark.events.RendererExistenceEvent |
Constructor. |
rendererIsEditable — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
Determines whether any of the item renderer's controls are editable. |
rendererIsEditor — Property, class mx.controls.List |
Specifies whether the item renderer is also an item
editor. |
rendererIsEditor — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
A flag that indicates that the item renderer is also an item editor. |
rendererIsEditor — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
A flag that indicates that the item renderer is also an item editor. |
rendererProviders — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid |
Array of AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider instances. |
rendererRemove — Event, class spark.components.DataGroup |
Dispatched when a renderer is removed from this dataGroup. |
rendererRemove — Event, class spark.components.DataNavigator |
Dispatched when a renderer is removed from the container. |
rendererRemove — Event, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
Dispatched when a renderer is removed from the container. |
RENDERER_REMOVE — Constant Static Property, class spark.events.RendererExistenceEvent |
The RendererExistenceEvent.RENDERER_REMOVE constant
defines the value of the type property of the event
object for an rendererRemove event. |
renderingData — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.NavigatorLayoutBase |
renderingMode — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
The rendering mode used for this text. |
renderingMode — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
The rendering mode used for this text. |
renderingMode — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
The rendering mode used for this text. |
renderingMode — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
The rendering mode used for this text. |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.Label |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.RichText |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingMode — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| The rendering mode used for this text which applies only to embedded fonts. |
| |
renderingModeProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
renderMode — Property, class spark.components.Window |
Specifies the render mode of the NativeWindow object. |
repeat — Event, class mx.core.Repeater |
Dispatched each time an item is processed and the
currentIndex and currentItem
properties are updated. |
repeat — Property, class mx.graphics.BitmapFill |
Whether the bitmap is repeated to fill the area. |
repeat(str:String, n:int) — Static Method , class mx.utils.StringUtil |
Returns a string consisting of a specified string
concatenated with itself a specified number of times. |
REPEAT — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.REPEAT constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a repeat event. |
REPEAT — Constant Static Property, class mx.graphics.BitmapFillMode |
The bitmap is repeated to fill the region. |
repeatBehavior — Property, class spark.effects.Animate |
The behavior of a repeating effect, which means an effect
with repeatCount equal to either 0 or > 1. |
repeatBehavior — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation |
Sets the behavior of a repeating animation. |
repeatBehavior — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateInstance |
The behavior of a repeating effect, which means an effect
with repeatCount equal to either 0 or > 1. |
RepeatBehavior — final class, package spark.effects.animation |
The RepeatBehavior class defines constants for use with repeatBehavior
property of the Animate and Animation classes. |
repeatCount — Property, class mx.effects.Effect |
Number of times to repeat the effect. |
repeatCount — Property, class mx.effects.EffectInstance |
Number of times to repeat the effect. |
repeatCount — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance |
Number of times to repeat the effect. |
repeatCount — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation |
The number of times that this animation repeats. |
repeatDelay — Property, class mx.effects.Effect |
Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before repeating the effect. |
repeatDelay — Property, class mx.effects.EffectInstance |
Amount of time, in milliseconds,
to wait before repeating the effect. |
repeatDelay — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance |
Amount of time, in milliseconds,
to wait before repeating the effect. |
repeatDelay — Style, class mx.controls.Button |
| Number of milliseconds to wait after the first buttonDown event before repeating buttonDown events at each repeatInterval. |
| |
repeatDelay — Style, class mx.controls.HScrollBar |
| Number of milliseconds to wait after the first buttonDown event before repeating buttonDown events at the repeatInterval. |
| |
repeatDelay — Style, class mx.controls.VScrollBar |
| Number of milliseconds to wait after the first buttonDown event before repeating buttonDown events at the repeatInterval. |
| |
repeatDelay — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase |
| Number of milliseconds after the first page event until subsequent page events occur. |
| |
repeatDelay — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| Number of milliseconds to wait after the first buttonDown event before repeating buttonDown events at each repeatInterval. |
| |
repeatDelay — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation |
The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay before each repetition cycle
begins. |
repeatEnd — Event, class mx.core.Repeater |
Dispatched after all the subcomponents of a repeater are created. |
REPEAT_END — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.REPEAT_END constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a repeatEnd event. |
repeater — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
A reference to the Repeater object
in the parent document that produced this UIComponent. |
Repeater — class, package mx.core |
The Repeater class is the runtime object that corresponds
to the <mx:Repeater> tag. |
Repeater() — Constructor, class mx.core.Repeater |
Constructor. |
repeaterIndex — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
The index of the item in the data provider
of the Repeater that produced this UIComponent. |
repeaterIndices — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeaterClient |
An Array that contains the indices of the items in the data
providers of the Repeaters that produced the component. |
repeaterIndices — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
An Array containing the indices of the items in the data provider
of the Repeaters in the parent document that produced this UIComponent. |
repeaters — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeaterClient |
An Array that contains any enclosing Repeaters of the component. |
repeaters — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
An Array containing references to the Repeater objects
in the parent document that produced this UIComponent. |
repeatFunction — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.AnimationTarget |
| |
repeatInterval — Style, class mx.controls.Button |
| Number of milliseconds between buttonDown events if the user presses and holds the mouse on a button. |
| |
repeatInterval — Style, class mx.controls.HScrollBar |
| Number of milliseconds between buttonDown events if the user presses and holds the mouse on a button. |
| |
repeatInterval — Style, class mx.controls.VScrollBar |
| Number of milliseconds between buttonDown events if the user presses and holds the mouse on a button. |
| |
repeatInterval — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase |
| Number of milliseconds between page events if the user presses and holds the mouse on the track. |
| |
repeatInterval — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase |
| Number of milliseconds between buttonDown events if the user presses and holds the mouse on a button. |
| |
repeatStart — Event, class mx.core.Repeater |
Dispatched when Flex begins processing the dataProvider
property and begins creating the specified subcomponents. |
REPEAT_START — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.FlexEvent |
The FlexEvent.REPEAT_START constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a repeatStart event. |
REPLACE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.CollectionEventKind |
Indicates that the item at the position identified by the
CollectionEvent location property has been replaced. |
REPLACE — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorAction |
Constant describing a navigation action where the active view
is replaced with another. |
replaceChildren(beginChildIndex:int, endChildIndex:int, ... rest) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement |
Replaces child elements in the group with the specified new elements. |
replacePort(uri:String, newPort:uint) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil |
Returns a new String with the port replaced with the specified port. |
replaceProtocol(uri:String, newProtocol:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil |
Replaces the protocol of the
specified URI with the given protocol. |
replaceSelectedText(value:String) — method, class mx.core.FTETextField |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField
because very few components use it in TextField. |
replaceSelectedText(value:String) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField |
| |
replaceText(relativeStartPosition:int, relativeEndPosition:int, textValue:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement |
Updates the text in text span based on the specified start and end positions. |
replaceText(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int, newText:String) — method, class mx.core.FTETextField |
This method has not been implemented in FTETextField
because very few components use it in TextField. |
replaceText(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int, newText:String) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField |
| |
replaceTokens(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil |
Returns a new String with the port and server tokens replaced with
the port and server from the currently running application. |
replaceView(viewClass:Class, data:Object, context:Object, transition:spark.transitions:ViewTransitionBase) — method, class spark.components.ViewNavigator |
Replaces the top view of the navigation stack with a new view. |
replayAutomatableEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject |
Replays the specified event. |
replayAutomatableEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu |
Replays the specified event. |
replayAutomatableEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Replays the specified event. |
replayAutomatableEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.core.UIFTETextField |
Replays the specified event. |
replayAutomatableEvent(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class mx.core.UITextField |
Replays the specified event. |
request — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation |
Object of name-value pairs used as parameters to the URL. |
request — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Object of name-value pairs used as parameters to the URL. |
request — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation |
The request of the Operation is an object structure or an XML structure. |
Request — class, package mx.events |
This is an event that is expects its data property to be set by
a responding listener. |
Request(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, value:Object) — Constructor, class mx.events.Request |
Constructor. |
requestedColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The measured width of this grid is large enough to display
the first requestedColumnCount columns. |
requestedColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The measured width of this grid is large enough to display
the first requestedColumnCount columns. |
requestedColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.HGroup |
The measured size of this layout is wide enough to display
the first requestedColumnCount layout elements. |
requestedColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup |
Number of columns to be displayed. |
requestedColumnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout |
The measured size of this layout is wide enough to display
the first requestedColumnCount layout elements. |
requestedColumnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout |
Number of columns to be displayed. |
requestedMaxColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.HGroup |
The measured width of this layout is large enough to display
at most requestedMaxColumnCount layout elements. |
requestedMaxColumnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout |
The measured width of this layout is large enough to display
at most requestedMaxColumnCount layout elements. |
requestedMaxColumnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.ViewMenuLayout |
The maximum number of columns to display in a row. |
requestedMaxRowCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The measured height of the grid is large enough to display
no more than requestedMaxRowCount rows. |
requestedMaxRowCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The measured height of the grid is large enough to display
no more than requestedMaxRowCount rows. |
requestedMaxRowCount — Property, class spark.components.VGroup |
The measured height of this layout is large enough to display
at most requestedMaxRowCount layout elements. |
requestedMaxRowCount — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout |
The measured height of this layout is large enough to display
at most requestedMaxRowCount layout elements. |
requestedMinColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The measured width of this grid is large enough to display
at least requestedMinColumnCount columns. |
requestedMinColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The measured width of this grid is large enough to display
at least requestedMinColumnCount columns. |
requestedMinColumnCount — Property, class spark.components.HGroup |
The measured width of this layout is large enough to display
at least requestedMinColumnCount layout elements. |
requestedMinColumnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout |
The measured width of this layout is large enough to display
at least requestedMinColumnCount layout elements. |
requestedMinRowCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The measured height of this grid is large enough to display
at least requestedMinRowCount rows. |
requestedMinRowCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The measured height of this grid is large enough to display
at least requestedMinRowCount rows. |
requestedMinRowCount — Property, class spark.components.VGroup |
The measured height of this layout is large enough to display
at least requestedMinRowCount layout elements. |
requestedMinRowCount — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout |
The measured height of this layout is large enough to display
at least requestedMinRowCount layout elements. |
requestedRowCount — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
The measured height of this grid is large enough to display
the first requestedRowCount rows. |
requestedRowCount — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
The measured height of this grid is large enough to display
the first requestedRowCount rows. |
requestedRowCount — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup |
Number of rows to be displayed. |
requestedRowCount — Property, class spark.components.VGroup |
The measured size of this layout is tall enough to display
the first requestedRowCount layout elements. |
requestedRowCount — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout |
Number of rows to be displayed. |
requestedRowCount — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout |
The measured size of this layout is tall enough to display
the first requestedRowCount layout elements. |
requestor — Property, class mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest |
The bridge that sent the message. |
requestQueue — Property, class spark.core.ContentCache |
List of queued CacheEntryNode instances. |
requestTimedOut() — method, class mx.messaging.MessageResponder |
Subclasses must override this method to handle a request timeout and
invoke the proper callbacks on the associated MessageAgent. |
requestTimeout — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
Provides access to the default request timeout in seconds for the
channel. |
requestTimeout — Property, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent |
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. |
requestTimeout — Property, class mx.rpc.AbstractService |
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. |
requestTimeout — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation |
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. |
requestTimeout — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Provides access to the request timeout in seconds for sent messages. |
REQUEST_TIMEOUT_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage |
Messages sent with a defined request timeout use this header. |
REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.Channel |
| |
required — Property, class mx.containers.FormItem |
If true, display an indicator
that the FormItem children require user input. |
required — Property, class mx.validators.Validator |
If true, specifies that a missing or empty
value causes a validation error. |
required — Property, class spark.components.FormItem |
If true, puts the FormItem skin into the
required state. |
required — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase |
If true, specifies that a missing or empty
value causes a validation error. |
REQUIRED_BOUNDED_VALUES — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription |
A bitflag passed by the axis to an element's describeData() method. |
requiredDescribedFields — Property, class mx.charts.DateTimeAxis |
The fields of the DescribeData structure that this axis is interested in. |
requiredDescribedFields — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis |
The fields of the DescribeData structure that this axis is interested in. |
requiredFieldError — Property, class mx.validators.Validator |
Error message when a value is missing and the
required property is true. |
requiredFieldError — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase |
Error message when a value is missing and the
required property is true. |
requiredIndicatorSource — Style, class spark.components.FormItem |
| Specifies the image source to use for the required indicator. |
| |
REQUIRED_MIN_INTERVAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription |
A bitflag passed by the axis to an element's describeData() method. |
REQUIRED_MIN_MAX — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription |
A bitflag passed by the axis to an element's describeData() method. |
REQUIRED_PADDING — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataDescription |
A bitflag passed by the axis to an element's describeData() method. |
requiredSemantics — Property, class mx.effects.EffectTargetFilter |
A collection of properties and associated values which must be associated
with a target for the effect to be played. |
requiredToolTip — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin |
The tooltip of the label showing when the component is required but nothing has been entered. |
requiredToolTip — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin |
The tooltip of the label showing when the component is required but nothing has been entered. |
requireSelection — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
If true and the selectionMode property is not
GridSelectionMode.NONE, an item must always be selected
in the grid. |
requireSelection — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
If true and the selectionMode property is not
GridSelectionMode.NONE, an item must always be selected
in the grid. |
requireSelection — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase |
If true, a data item must always be selected in the control. |
reservedItemRenderers — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A hash map of currently unused item renderers that may be
used again in the near future. |
reservedItemRenderers — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A hash map of currently unused item renderers that may be
used again in the near future. |
reserveExplodeRadius — Property, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries |
A number from 0 to 1, specifying how much of the total radius
of the pie series should be reserved to explode wedges at runtime. |
reset(newHost:Object) — method, class mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher |
Resets this ChangeWatcher instance to use a new host object. |
reset() — method, class mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromClass |
Resets the state of our factory to the initial, uninitialized state. |
reset() — method, class mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromFunction |
Resets the state of our factory to the initial, uninitialized state. |
reset() — method, interface mx.core.ITransientDeferredInstance |
Resets the state of our factory to its initial state, clearing any
references to the cached instance. |
reset() — method, interface mx.rpc.xml.IXMLDecoder |
Resets the decoder to its initial state, including resetting any
Schema scope to the top level and releases the current XML document by
setting it to null. |
reset() — method, interface mx.rpc.xml.IXMLEncoder |
Resets the encoder to its initial state, including resetting any
Schema scope to the top level. |
reset() — method, class mx.utils.Base64Decoder |
Clears all buffers and resets the decoder to its initial state. |
reset() — method, class mx.utils.Base64Encoder |
Clears all buffers and resets the encoder to its initial state. |
RESET — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.CollectionEventKind |
Indicates that the collection has changed so drastically that
a reset is required. |
resetHistory — Property, class mx.core.Application |
If true, the application's history state is reset
to its initial state whenever the application is reloaded. |
resetLine(textLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| |
resetLine(textLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager |
| |
RESET_MOUSE_CURSOR_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.SWFBridgeRequest |
Requests that the show/hide mouse cursor logic be reset for a new mouse
event so that the various applications can request whether the mouse cursor
should be shown or hidden. |
resetNavItems() — method, class mx.controls.NavBar |
Resets the navigator bar to its default state. |
resizable — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn |
Set to true if the user is allowed to resize
the width of the column. |
resizable — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn |
A flag that indicates whether the user is allowed to resize
the width of the column. |
resizable — Property, interface mx.core.IWindow |
Specifies whether the window can be resized. |
resizable — Property, class mx.core.Window |
Specifies whether the window can be resized. |
resizable — Property, class mx.core.WindowedApplication |
Specifies whether the window can be resized. |
resizable — Property, class spark.components.Window |
Specifies whether the window can be resized. |
resizable — Property, class spark.components.WindowedApplication |
Specifies whether the window can be resized. |
resizable — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn |
Indicates whether the user is allowed to resize
the width of the column. |
resizableColumns — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx |
A flag that indicates whether the user can change the size of the
columns. |
resizableColumns — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid |
A flag that indicates whether the user can change the size of the
columns. |
resizableColumns — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
Indicates whether the user can change the size of the columns. |
resizableColumns — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
Indicates whether the user can change the size of the columns. |
resize — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Dispatched when the component is resized. |
resize — Event, class mx.managers.SystemManager |
Dispatched when the Stage is resized. |
Resize — class, package mx.effects |
The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions
of a component over a specified time interval. |
Resize — class, package spark.effects |
The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions
of a component over a specified time interval. |
Resize(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.Resize |
Constructor. |
Resize(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.Resize |
Constructor. |
RESIZE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.ResizeEvent |
The ResizeEvent.RESIZE constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a resize event. |
resizeAffordanceWidth — Style, class spark.components.WindowedApplication |
| Provides a margin of error around a window's border so a resize can be more easily started. |
| |
resizeAffordanceWidth — Style, class spark.components.Window |
| Provides a margin of error around a window's border so a resize can be more easily started. |
| |
resizeEffect — Effect, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Played when the component is resized.
resizeEndEffect — Effect, class mx.containers.Panel |
Specifies the effect to play after a Resize effect finishes playing.
To disable the default Dissolve effect, so that the children are hidden
instantaneously, set the value of the
resizeEndEffect property to "none".
ResizeEvent — class, package mx.events |
Represents event objects that are dispatched when the size of a Flex
component changes. |
ResizeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldWidth:Number, oldHeight:Number) — Constructor, class mx.events.ResizeEvent |
Constructor. |
resizeForSoftKeyboard — Property, class spark.components.Application |
Some devices do not support a hardware keyboard. |
resizeForSoftKeyboard — Property, class spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer |
Enables resizing the pop-up when the soft keyboard
on a mobile device is active. |
ResizeInstance — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses |
The ResizeInstance class implements the instance class
for the Resize effect. |
ResizeInstance — class, package spark.effects.supportClasses |
The ResizeInstance class implements the instance class
for the Resize effect. |
ResizeInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ResizeInstance |
Constructor. |
ResizeInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.supportClasses.ResizeInstance |
Constructor. |
resizeMode — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
The ResizeMode for this container. |
ResizeMode — final class, package spark.components |
The ResizeMode class defines an enumeration of the modes
a component uses to resize its children in the dimensions
specified by the layout system. |
resizeStartEffect — Effect, class mx.containers.Panel |
Specifies the effect to play before a Resize effect begins playing.
To disable the default Dissolve effect, so that the children are hidden
instantaneously, set the value of the
resizeStartEffect property to "none".
resizeToContent — Property, class mx.containers.Accordion |
If set to true, this Accordion automatically resizes to
the size of its current child. |
resizeToContent — Property, class mx.containers.DividedBox |
If true, the DividedBox automatically resizes to the size
of its children. |
resizeToContent — Property, class mx.containers.ViewStack |
If true, the ViewStack container automatically
resizes to the size of its current child. |
resizing — Event, class mx.core.Window |
Dispatched before the underlying NativeWindow is resized, or
while the Window object boundaries are being dragged. |
resizing — Event, class mx.core.WindowedApplication |
Dispatched before the WindowedApplication object is resized,
or while the WindowedApplication object boundaries are being dragged. |
resizing — Event, class spark.components.Window |
Dispatched before the underlying NativeWindow is resized, or
while the Window object boundaries are being dragged. |
resizing — Event, class spark.components.WindowedApplication |
Dispatched before the WindowedApplication object is resized,
or while the WindowedApplication object boundaries are being dragged. |
RESIZING — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.VideoEvent |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property
when the VideoDisplay control is resizing. |
resolveAutomationIDPart(criteria:Object) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject |
Resolves a child by using the id provided. |
resolveAutomationIDPart(criteria:Object) — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu |
Resolves a child by using the id provided. |
resolveAutomationIDPart(criteria:Object) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Resolves a child by using the id provided. |
resolveExplicitFormat(target:Object) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IExplicitFormatResolver |
| Given a FlowElement or ContainerController object, return any explicit format settings for it. |
resolveFontLookupFunction — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings |
Specifies the callback used for changing the FontLookup based on swfcontext. |
resolveFormat(target:Object) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver |
| Given a FlowElement or ContainerController object, return any format settings for it. |
resolveUserFormat(target:Object, userFormat:String) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver |
| Given a FlowElement or ContainerController object and the name of a format property, return the format value
or undefined if the value is not found. |
ResourceBundle — class, package mx.resources |
Provides an implementation of the IResourceBundle interface. |
ResourceBundle(locale:String, bundleName:String) — Constructor, class mx.resources.ResourceBundle |
Constructor. |
ResourceEvent — class, package mx.events |
The ResourceEvent class represents an Event object that is dispatched
when the ResourceManager loads the resource bundles in a resource module
by calling the loadResourceModule() method. |
ResourceEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bytesLoaded:uint, bytesTotal:uint, errorText:String) — Constructor, class mx.events.ResourceEvent |
Constructor. |
resourceManager — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
A reference to the object which manages
all of the application's localized resources. |
resourceManager — Property, class mx.formatters.Formatter |
A reference to the object which manages
all of the application's localized resources. |
resourceManager — Property, class mx.validators.Validator |
A reference to the object which manages
all of the application's localized resources. |
resourceManager — Property, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase |
A reference to the object which manages
all of the application's localized resources. |
ResourceManager — class, package mx.resources |
This class is used to get a single instance of the IResourceManager
implementation. |
resources — Property, class mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager |
This Array is used to preserve order in which resources were
added so as to support the order in which they are searched. |
resourcesChanged() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent |
This method is called when a UIComponent is constructed,
and again whenever the ResourceManager dispatches
a "change" Event to indicate
that the localized resources have changed in some way. |
resourcesChanged() — method, class mx.formatters.Formatter |
This method is called when a Formatter is constructed,
and again whenever the ResourceManager dispatches
a "change" Event to indicate
that the localized resources have changed in some way. |
resourcesChanged() — method, class mx.validators.Validator |
This method is called when a Validator is constructed,
and again whenever the ResourceManager dispatches
a "change" Event to indicate
that the localized resources have changed in some way. |
resourcesChanged() — method, class spark.validators.supportClasses.GlobalizationValidatorBase |
This method is called when a GlobalizationValidatorBase is constructed,
and again whenever the ResourceManager dispatches
a "change" Event to indicate
that the localized resources have changed in some way. |
resourcesMap — Property, class mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager |
Maps Namespace.uri to an Array of
resources. |
resourceStringFunction — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.GlobalSettings |
| Function that takes two parameters, a resource id and an optional array of parameters to substitute into the string. |
Responder — class, package mx.rpc |
This class provides a default implementation of
the mx.rpc.IResponder interface. |
Responder(result:Function, fault:Function) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.Responder |
Constructs an instance of the responder with the specified handlers. |
responders — Property, class mx.collections.errors.ItemPendingError |
An array of IResponder handlers that will be called when
the asynchronous request completes. |
responders — Property, class mx.rpc.AsyncToken |
An array of IResponder handlers that will be called when
the asynchronous request completes. |
responseMessageSize — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils |
The size of the response message sent to the client by the server as measured during serialization
at the server endpoint. |
restore() — method, interface mx.core.IWindow |
Restores the window (unmaximizes it if it's maximized, or
unminimizes it if it's minimized). |
restore() — method, class mx.core.Window |
Restores the window (unmaximizes it if it's maximized, or
unminimizes it if it's minimized). |
restore() — method, class mx.core.WindowedApplication |
Restores the window (unmaximizes it if it's maximized, or
unminimizes it if it's minimized). |
restore() — method, class spark.components.Window |
Restores the window (unmaximizes it if it's maximized, or
unminimizes it if it's minimized). |
restore() — method, class spark.components.WindowedApplication |
Restores the window (unmaximizes it if it's maximized, or
unminimizes it if it's minimized). |
restoreButtonSkin — Style, class mx.core.WindowedApplication |
| Skin for restore button when using Flex chrome. |
| |
restoreButtonSkin — Style, class mx.core.Window |
| Skin for restore button when using Flex chrome. |
| |
RestoreButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.windowChrome |
| The default skin class for the restore button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component
and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. |
RestoreButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.RestoreButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
restoreElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.layouts.AccordionLayout |
| |
restoreElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout |
Restores the element to reset any changes to is visible properties. |
restoreElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
Restores the element to reset any changes to is visible properties. |
restoreElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.layouts.StackLayout |
Restores the element to reset any changes to is visible properties. |
restoreElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.NavigatorLayoutBase |
Restores the element to reset any changes to is visible properties. |
restoreRowArrays(modDeltaPos:int) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Remove the requested number of rows from the beginning of the
arrays that store references to the rows. |
restoreStageText() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
| |
restrict — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBase |
Set of characters that a user can or cannot enter into the text field. |
restrict — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea |
Indicates the set of characters that a user can enter into the control. |
restrict — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput |
Indicates the set of characters that a user can enter into the control. |
restrict — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField |
This property has not been implemented in FTETextField
because FTETextField does not support scrolling. |
restrict — Property, interface mx.core.ITextInput |
Indicates the set of characters that a user can enter into the control. |
restrict — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField |
| |
restrict(str:String, restrict:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.StringUtil |
Removes "unallowed" characters from a string. |
restrict — Property, class spark.components.ComboBox |
Specifies the set of characters that a user can enter into the prompt area. |
restrict — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
| |
_restrict — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
Storage for the restrict property. |
restrict — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
| |
restrict — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
| |
restrict — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText |
| |
restrict — Property, interface spark.core.IEditableText |
| |
resubscribeAttempts — Property, class mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer |
The number of resubscribe attempts that the Consumer makes in the event
that the destination is unavailable or the connection to the destination fails. |
resubscribeInterval — Property, class mx.messaging.AbstractConsumer |
The number of milliseconds between resubscribe attempts. |
result(data:Object) — method, class mx.collections.ItemResponder |
This method is called by a service when the return value has been
received. |
result — Event, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet |
The result event is dispatched when a login or logout call successfully returns. |
result(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.messaging.MessageResponder |
Called by the channel that created this MessageResponder when a
response returns from the destination. |
result — Event, class mx.rpc.AbstractOperation |
Dispatched when an Operation invocation successfully returns. |
result — Event, class mx.rpc.AbstractService |
The result event is dispatched when a service call successfully returns and
isn't handled by the Operation itself. |
result(data:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.AsyncResponder |
This method is called by a service when the return value has been
received. |
result — Property, class mx.rpc.AsyncToken |
The result that was returned by the associated RPC call. |
result — Event, class mx.rpc.CallResponder |
Dispatched when an Operation invocation successfully returns. |
result(data:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.CallResponder |
This method is called by the AsyncToken when it wants to deliver a
ResultEvent to the CallResponder. |
result(data:Object) — method, interface mx.rpc.IResponder |
This method is called by a service when the return value
has been received. |
result(data:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.Responder |
This method is called by a remote service when the return value has been
received. |
result — Property, class mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent |
Result that the RPC call returns. |
result — Event, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService |
Dispatched when an HTTPMultiService call returns successfully. |
result — Event, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Dispatched when an HTTPService call returns successfully. |
result — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.SOAPResult |
Body of the SOAP result. |
RESULT — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.events.MessageEvent |
The RESULT event type; dispatched when an RPC agent receives a result from
a remote service destination. |
RESULT — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent |
The RESULT event type. |
resultClass — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPCube |
The class used by an OLAPCube instance to return the result. |
resultElementType — Property, class mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker |
Like resultType, used to define the ActionScript class used by a given operation though
this property only applies to operations which return a multi-valued result (e.g. |
ResultEvent — class, package mx.rpc.events |
The event that indicates an RPC operation has successfully returned a result. |
ResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, result:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Constructor, class mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent |
Creates a new ResultEvent. |
resultFormat — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation |
Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result
returned by the HTTP call. |
resultFormat — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService |
Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result
returned by the HTTP call. |
resultFormat — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result
returned by the HTTP call. |
resultFormat — Property, class mx.rpc.http.Operation |
Value that indicates how you want to deserialize the result
returned by the HTTP call. |
resultFormat — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation |
Determines how the Operation result is decoded. |
RESULT_FORMAT_ARRAY — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result format "array" is similar to "object" however the value returned is always an Array such
that if the result returned from result format "object" is not an Array already the item will be
added as the first item to a new Array. |
RESULT_FORMAT_E4X — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result format "e4x" specifies that the value returned is an XML instance, which can be accessed using ECMAScript for XML (E4X) expressions. |
RESULT_FORMAT_FLASHVARS — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result format "flashvars" specifies that the value returned is text containing name=value pairs
separated by ampersands, which is parsed into an ActionScript object. |
RESULT_FORMAT_OBJECT — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result format "object" specifies that the value returned is XML but is parsed as a tree of ActionScript objects. |
RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result format "text" specifies that the HTTPService result text should be an unprocessed String. |
RESULT_FORMAT_XML — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The result format "xml" specifies that results should be returned as an flash.xml.XMLNode instance pointing to
the first child of the parent flash.xml.XMLDocument. |
resultHandler(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.messaging.MessageResponder |
Subclasses must override this method to perform custom processing of
the result and invoke the proper callbacks on the associated
MessageAgent. |
resultHeaders — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation |
The headers that were returned as part of the last execution of this
operation. |
results — Property, class mx.events.ValidationResultEvent |
An array of ValidationResult objects, one per validated field. |
resultType — Property, class mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker |
Specifies an optional return type for the operation. |
resume() — method, class mx.effects.Effect |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resume() — method, class mx.effects.EffectInstance |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resume() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resume() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resume() — method, class mx.effects.Tween |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resume() — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resume() — method, class spark.effects.animation.Animation |
Resumes the effect after it has been paused
by a call to the pause() method. |
resumeBackgroundProcessing() — Static Method , class mx.core.UIComponent |
Resumes the background processing of methods
queued by callLater(), after a call to
suspendBackgroundProcessing(). |
resumeEventHandling() — Static Method , class mx.effects.EffectManager |
Allows the EffectManager class to resume processing events
after a call to the suspendEventHandling() method. |
RETRYABLE_HINT_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage |
Header name for the retryable hint header. |
returnKeyLabel — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollableStageText |
Hint indicating what label should be displayed for the return key on
soft keyboards. |
returnKeyLabel — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase |
Hint indicating what label should be displayed for the return key on
soft keyboards. |
returnKeyLabel — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText |
Hint indicating what label should be displayed for the return key on
soft keyboards. |
returnSummary(data:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — method, class mx.collections.DefaultSummaryCalculator |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the summary value. |
returnSummary(data:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — method, interface mx.collections.ISummaryCalculator |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the summary value. |
returnSummaryOfSummary(oldValue:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — method, class mx.collections.DefaultSummaryCalculator |
Flex calls this method to end the summary calculation. |
returnSummaryOfSummary(value:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — method, interface mx.collections.ISummaryCalculator |
Flex calls this method to end the summary calculation. |
returnType — Property, class mx.messaging.management.MBeanOperationInfo |
The return data type for the operation. |
reverse() — method, interface mx.collections.ISort |
Goes through the fields array and calls
reverse() on each of the ISortField objects in
the array. |
reverse() — method, interface mx.collections.ISortField |
Reverse the criteria for this sort field. |
reverse() — method, class mx.collections.Sort |
Goes through the fields array and calls
reverse() on each of the ISortField objects in
the array. |
reverse() — method, class mx.collections.SortField |
Reverse the criteria for this sort field. |
reverse() — method, class mx.effects.Effect |
Plays the effect in reverse, if the effect is currently playing,
starting from the current position of the effect. |
reverse() — method, class mx.effects.EffectInstance |
Plays the effect in reverse, starting from
the current position of the effect. |
reverse() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect |
Plays the effect in reverse, if the effect is currently playing,
starting from the current position of the effect. |
reverse() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance |
Plays the effect in reverse, starting from
the current position of the effect. |
reverse() — method, class mx.effects.Tween |
Plays the effect in reverse,
starting from the current position of the effect. |
reverse() — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance |
Plays the effect in reverse,
starting from the current position of the effect. |
REVERSE — Constant Static Property, class spark.effects.animation.RepeatBehavior |
Specifies that a repeating animation should reverse direction on
every iteration. |
revision — Property, class mx.styles.CSSOSVersion |
revision figure of the version. |
rewind — Event, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay |
Dispatched when the control autorewinds. |
REWIND — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.VideoEvent |
The VideoEvent.REWIND constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for a rewind event. |
REWINDING — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.VideoEvent |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property
during an autorewind triggered
when play stops. |
RGBInterpolator — class, package spark.effects.interpolation |
The RGBInterpolator class provides interpolation between
uint start and end values that represent RGB colors. |
RGBInterpolator() — Constructor, class spark.effects.interpolation.RGBInterpolator |
Constructor. |
rgbMultiply(rgb1:uint, rgb2:uint) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ColorUtil |
Performs an RGB multiplication of two RGB colors. |
RHS — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TableFrame |
| The right-hand side only. |
RichEditableText — class, package spark.components |
RichEditableText is a low-level UIComponent for displaying,
scrolling, selecting, and editing richly-formatted text. |
RichEditableText() — Constructor, class spark.components.RichEditableText |
Constructor. |
RichEditableTextAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility |
RichEditableTextAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class
for spark.components.RichEditableText. |
RichEditableTextAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.RichEditableTextAccImpl |
Constructor. |
RichText — class, package spark.components |
RichText is a low-level UIComponent that can display one or more lines
of richly-formatted text and embedded images. |
RichText() — Constructor, class spark.components.RichText |
Constructor. |
RichTextEditor — class, package mx.controls |
| The RichTextEditor control lets users enter and format text. |
RichTextEditor — class, package spark.components |
| |
RichTextEditor() — Constructor, class mx.controls.RichTextEditor |
| Constructor. |
RichTextEditor() — Constructor, class spark.components.RichTextEditor |
| |
RichTextEditorSkin — class, package spark.skins |
| |
RichTextEditorSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| Constructor. |
right — Property, class mx.core.EdgeMetrics |
The width, in pixels, of the right edge region. |
right — Property, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the right edge of the component to the
anchor target's right edge. |
right — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
For components, this layout constraint property is a
facade on top of the similarly-named style. |
right — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent |
| The horizontal distance, in pixels, from the right edge of the component to the right edge of its parent container's content area. |
| |
right — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the right edge of the component to the
anchor target's right edge. |
right — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
The horizontal distance in pixels from the right edge of the component to the
anchor target's right edge. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ClearFloats |
| Specifies that text skips over right floats. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.Float |
| Graphic floats on the right side of the text. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign |
| Specifies right edge alignment. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement |
Specifies that the label appears to the right of the icon. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBarDirection |
Specifies to fill the progress bar from the left to the right. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBarLabelPlacement |
Specifies to place the label to the right of the progress bar. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol |
Specifies "right" as the alignment of the currency symbol
for the CurrencyValidator class. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.ArrowDirection |
Arrow points right. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.IconPlacement |
Specifies that the icon appears to the right of the label. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.PopUpPosition |
Position to the right of the target
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.LabelPlacement |
Specifies that the Label appears to the right of the CheckBox. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.core.NavigationUnit |
Navigate one line or "step" to the right. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.effects.WipeDirection |
Wipe direction that starts at the left and moves right
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalAlign |
Align children to the right of the container. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionDirection |
Transition animates to the right. |
rightExtension — Property, class spark.filters.ShaderFilter |
| |
rightIconGap — Style, class mx.controls.Menu |
| The gap to the right of the label in a menu item. |
| |
rightOffset — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader |
The offset, in pixels, from the right side of the content of the renderer. |
rightOffset — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder |
Offset, in pixels, for the lower-right corner in the list control of the content defined
by the ListBase.listContent property. |
RL — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression |
Specifies right to left block progression. |
role — Property, class mx.accessibility.AccImpl |
Accessibility role of the component being made accessible. |
role — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.SOAPHeader |
Specifies the URI for the role that this header is intended in a
potential chain of endpoints processing a SOAP request. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an alert or a condition
that a user should be notified about. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an animation control,
which contains content that is changing over time,
such as a control that displays a series of bitmap frames,
like a film strip. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a main window for an application. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a window border. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a button that drops down a list of items. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a button that drops down a grid. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a button that drops down a menu. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents the system caret. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a cell within a table. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a cartoon-like graphic object,
such as Microsoft Office Assistant, which is typically displayed
to provide help to users of an application. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
he object represents a graphical image used to represent data. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CHECKBUTTON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a check box control,
an option that can be turned on or off independently of other options. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a window's client area. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a control that displays time. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a column of cells within a table. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a column header,
providing a visual label for a column in a table. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a combo box;
that is, an edit control with an associated list box
that provides a set of predefined choices. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents the system mouse pointer. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a graphical image used to diagram data. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a dial or knob. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a dialog box or message box. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a document window. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a drop-down list box. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a mathematical equation. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a picture. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a special mouse pointer,
which allows a user to manipulate
user interface elements such as a window. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object logically groups other objects. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object displays help in the form of a ToolTip or help balloon. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a hot-key field that allows the user
to enter a combination or sequence of keystrokes. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an indicator
such as a pointer graphic that points to the current item. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_IPADDRESS — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an edit control designed for an Internet
Protocol (IP) address. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a link to something else. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a list box,
allowing the user to select one or more items. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an item in a list box
or the list portion of a combo box,
drop-down list box, or drop-down combo box. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents the menu bar,
usually following (beneath) the title bar of a window,
from which menus can be selected by the user. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a menu item,
which is an entry in a menu that a user can choose
to carry out a command, select an option, or display another menu. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a menu,
which presents a list of options from which the user
can make a selection to perform an action. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an outline or tree structure,
such as a tree view control, which displays a hierarchical list
and usually allows the user to expand and collapse branches. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents items that navigate like an outline item. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an item in an outline or tree structure. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a page tab. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a container of page tab controls. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a pane within a frame or document window. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a progress bar,
dynamically showing the user the percent complete
of an operation in progress. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a property sheet. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a push button control. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_RADIOBUTTON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents an option button
(also called a radio button). |
ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a row of cells within a table. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a row header,
providing a visual label for a table row. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a vertical or horizontal scroll bar,
which can be either part of the client area or used in a control. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object is used to visually divide a space into two regions,
such as a separator menu item
or a bar dividing split panes within a window. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a slider,
which allows the user to adjust a setting
in given increments between minimum and maximum values. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a system sound,
which is associated with various system events. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a spin box,
which is a control that allows the user
to increment or decrement the value displayed
in a separate "buddy" control associated with the spin box. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_SPLITBUTTON — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a button on a toolbar that has a drop-down
list icon directly adjacent to the button. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents read-only text
such as labels for other controls or instructions in a dialog box. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a status bar,
which is an area typically at the bottom of a window
that displays information about the current operation,
state of the application, or selected object. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a table
containing rows and columns of cells,
and optionally, row headers and column headers. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents selectable text
that can be editable or read-only. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a title or caption bar for a window. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a toolbar,
which is a grouping of controls
that provide easy access to frequently used features. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents a ToolTip that provides helpful hints. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents blank space between other objects. |
ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW — Constant Static Property, class mx.accessibility.AccConst |
An MSAA role indicating that
the object represents the window frame,
which usually contains child objects such as a title bar,
client, and other objects typically contained in a window. |
rollOut — Event, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager |
| Dispatched when the mouse goes out of any link. |
rollOut — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement |
Dispatched when the mouse goes out of the link. |
rollOut — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow |
| Dispatched when the mouse goes out of any link. |
ROLL_OUT — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.FlowElementMouseEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a rollOut event object. |
rollOutEffect — Effect, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Played when the user rolls the mouse so it is no longer over the component.
rollOutHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class mx.controls.Button |
The default handler for the MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT event. |
rollOver — Event, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager |
| Dispatched when the mouse first enters any link. |
rollOver — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement |
Dispatched when the mouse first enters the link. |
rollOver — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow |
| Dispatched when the mouse first enters any link. |
ROLL_OVER — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.events.FlowElementMouseEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a rollOver event object. |
ROLLOVER — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.ChartItem |
Value that indicates the ChartItem appears as if the mouse was over it. |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
| The color of the background of a renderer when the user rolls over it. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
| The color of the background of a renderer when the user rolls over it. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.Tree |
| Color of the background when the user rolls over the link. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
| The rollOverColor of the drop-down list. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid |
| The color of the row background when the user rolls over the row. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar |
| The color of the menu item background when a user rolls the mouse over it. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.LinkButton |
| Color of a LinkButton as a user moves the mouse pointer over it. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.Menu |
| The color of the menu item background when a user rolls the mouse over it. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.LinkBar |
| Color of links as you roll the mouse pointer over them. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx |
| The color of the row background when the user rolls over the row. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser |
| Color of the highlight area of the date when the user holds the mouse pointer over a date in the DateChooser control. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class mx.controls.DateField |
| Color of the highlight area of the date when the user holds the mouse pointer over a date in the DateChooser control. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.components.List |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.components.Scroller |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.containers.Navigator |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverColor — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer |
| Color of the highlights when the mouse is over the component. |
| |
rollOverEffect — Effect, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Played when the user rolls the mouse over the component.
rollOverHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class mx.controls.Button |
The default handler for the MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER event. |
rollOverIndicatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser |
| Name of the class to use as the skin for the highlight area of the date when the user holds the mouse pointer over a date in the DateChooser control. |
| |
rollOverOpenDelay — Style, class spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar |
| The delay, in milliseconds, before opening the volume slider after the user moves the mouse over the volume icon in the VideoDisplay control. |
| |
rollOverOpenDelay — Style, class spark.components.CalloutButton |
| Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, to wait for opening the Callout when the button is rolled over. |
| |
rollOverOpenDelay — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController |
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, to wait for opening the drop down
when the anchor button is rolled over. |
RolodexLayout — class, package spark.layouts |
The RolodexLayout class arranges the layout elements in a depth sequence,
front to back, with optional depths between the elements and optional aligment
of the sequence of elements. |
RolodexLayout() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.RolodexLayout |
Constructor. |
ROMAN_LETTERS — Constant Static Property, class mx.validators.Validator |
A string containing the upper- and lower-case letters
of the Roman alphabet ("A" through "Z" and "a" through "z"). |
ROMAN_UP — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.LeadingModel |
| Specifies that leading basis is ROMAN and leading direction is UP. |
roomForScrollBar(bar:mx.controls.scrollClasses:ScrollBar, unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number) — method, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase |
Determines if there is enough space in this component to display
a given scrollbar. |
root — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter |
| |
root — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
rootCause — Property, class mx.messaging.events.ChannelFaultEvent |
Provides access to the underlying reason for the failure if the channel did
not raise the failure itself. |
rootCause — Property, class mx.messaging.events.MessageFaultEvent |
Provides access to the root cause of the failure, if one exists. |
rootCause — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage |
Should a root cause exist for the error, this property contains those details. |
rootCause — Property, class mx.rpc.Fault |
The cause of the fault. |
_rootElement — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.BaseCompose |
| rootElement of current compose |
rootElement — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer |
The root element associated with this IFlowComposer instance. |
rootElement — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer |
The root element associated with this IFlowComposer instance. |
rootElement — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
Returns the root element that appears in the container. |
rootURL — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation |
The URL that the HTTPService object should use when computing relative URLs. |
rootURL — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService |
The URL that the HTTPService object should use when computing relative URLs. |
rootURL — Property, class mx.rpc.http.Operation |
The rootURL is used to compute the URL for an HTTP service operation when the
a relative URL is specified for the operation. |
rootURL — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService |
The URL that the WebService should use when computing relative URLs. |
Rotate — class, package mx.effects |
The Rotate effect rotates a component around a specified point. |
Rotate — class, package spark.effects |
The Rotate effect rotates a target object
in the x, y plane around the transform center. |
Rotate(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.Rotate |
Constructor. |
Rotate(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.Rotate |
Constructor. |
Rotate3D — class, package spark.effects |
The Rotate3D class rotate a target object
in three dimensions around the x, y, or z axes. |
Rotate3D(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.Rotate3D |
Constructor. |
rotatedGradientMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, rotation:Number) — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin |
Utility function to create a rotated gradient matrix. |
RotateInstance — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses |
The RotateInstance class implements the instance class
for the Rotate effect. |
RotateInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.RotateInstance |
Constructor. |
rotateX — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout |
Whether rotation should be applied to the x axis of elements. |
rotateY — Property, class spark.layouts.CarouselLayout |
Whether rotation should be applied to the y axis of elements. |
— Skin State, class spark.components.BusyIndicator |
| |
| |
rotation — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter |
| |
rotation — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject |
| |
rotation — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
| |
rotation — Property, class mx.graphics.BitmapFill |
The number of degrees to rotate the bitmap. |
rotation — Property, class mx.graphics.GradientBase |
By default, the LinearGradientStroke defines a transition
from left to right across the control. |
rotation — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Indicates the rotation of the element, in degrees,
from the transform point. |
rotationAnchor — Property, class spark.layouts.RolodexLayout |
The side where the rotation transform will be centered on elements. |
rotationInterval — Style, class spark.components.BusyIndicator |
| The interval to delay, in milliseconds, between rotations of this component. |
| |
rotationX — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Indicates the x-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation
relative to the 3D parent container. |
rotationX — Property, class mx.geom.CompoundTransform |
The rotationX, in degrees, of the transform. |
rotationX — Property, class mx.geom.TransformOffsets |
the rotationX, in degrees, added to the transform
rotationX — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
Indicates the x-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees,
from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. |
rotationX — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
Whether rotation should be applied to the x axis of elements. |
rotationX — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Indicates the x-axis rotation of the element instance, in degrees, from its original orientation
relative to the 3D parent container. |
rotationY — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
Indicates the y-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation
relative to the 3D parent container. |
rotationY — Property, class mx.geom.CompoundTransform |
The rotationY, in degrees, of the transform. |
rotationY — Property, class mx.geom.TransformOffsets |
the rotationY, in degrees, added to the transform
rotationY — Property, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement |
Indicates the y-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees,
from its original orientation relative to the 3D parent container. |
rotationY — Property, class spark.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
Whether rotation should be applied to the y axis of elements. |
rotationY — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Indicates the y-axis rotation of the DisplayObject instance, in degrees, from its original orientation
relative to the 3D parent container. |
rotationZ — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent |
| |
rotationZ — Property, class mx.geom.CompoundTransform |
The rotationZ, in degrees, of the transform. |
rotationZ — Property, class mx.geom.TransformOffsets |
the rotationZ, in degrees, added to the transform
rotationZ — Property, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement |
Indicates the rotation of the element, in degrees,
from the transform point. |
roundedBottomCorners — Style, class mx.containers.Panel |
| Flag to enable rounding for the bottom two corners of the container. |
| |
RoundedRectangle — class, package mx.geom |
RoundedRectangle represents a Rectangle with curved corners
RoundedRectangle(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, cornerRadius:Number) — Constructor, class mx.geom.RoundedRectangle |
Constructor. |
roundheight — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.TextAreaSkin |
| |
roundheight — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.TextInputSkin |
| |
roundheight — Property, class spark.skins.ios7.supportClasses.StageTextSkinBase |
| |
rounding — Property, class mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter |
How to round the number. |
rounding — Property, class mx.formatters.NumberFormatter |
Specifies how to round the number. |
roundValue — Property, class mx.effects.AnimateProperty |
If true, round off the interpolated tweened value
to the nearest integer. |
roundValue — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.AnimatePropertyInstance |
If true, round off the interpolated tweened value
to the nearest integer. |
row — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.CellCoordinates |
The row the cell belongs to
ROW — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridDoubleClickMode |
Specifies that the doubleClick event should be based on a row. |
rowAlign — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup |
Specifies how to justify the fully visible rows to the container height. |
rowAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout |
Specifies how to justify the fully visible rows to the container height. |
RowAlign — final class, package spark.layouts |
The RowAlign class defines the possible values for the
rowAlign property of the TileLayout class. |
ROW_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid |
A constant that corresponds to the row axis. |
ROW_AXIS — Static Property, class mx.olap.OLAPQuery |
Specifies a row axis. |
ROW_AXIS — Static Property, class mx.olap.OLAPResult |
Specifies a row axis. |
rowAxisHeaderStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid |
| The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling aspects of the appearance of the row axis headers. |
| |
rowBackground — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The IVisualElement class used to render the background of each row. |
The IVisualElement class used to render the background of each row. |
rowBackground — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
A visual element that's displays the background for each row. |
rowCount — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBox |
Maximum number of rows visible in the ComboBox control list. |
rowCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
Number of rows to be displayed. |
rowCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
Number of rows to be displayed. |
rowCount — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup |
The row count. |
rowCount — Property, class spark.components.VGroup |
The current number of visible elements. |
rowCount — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellRegion |
The number of rows in the cell region. |
rowCount — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout |
The row count. |
rowCount — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout |
The current number of visible elements. |
rowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
The height of the rows in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
The height of the rows in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid |
If variableRowHeight is false, then
this property specifies the actual height of each row, in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
If variableRowHeight is false, then
this property specifies the actual height of each row, in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup |
The row height, in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class spark.components.VGroup |
If variableRowHeight is false, then
this property specifies the actual height of each child, in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout |
The row height, in pixels. |
rowHeight — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout |
If variableRowHeight is false, then
this property specifies the actual height of each child, in pixels. |
rowIndex — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableCellElement |
| |
rowIndex — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableRowElement |
| |
rowIndex — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData |
The row index in the data provider of the selected cell. |
rowIndex — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData |
The index of the row of the DataGrid, List, or Tree control relative
to the currently visible rows of the control, where the first row
is at an index of 1. |
rowIndex — Property, class mx.events.AdvancedDataGridEvent |
The zero-based index of the item in the data provider. |
rowIndex — Property, class mx.events.DataGridEvent |
The zero-based index of the item in the data provider. |
rowIndex — Property, class mx.events.ListEvent |
In the zero-based index of the row that contains
the item renderer where the event occured, or for editing events,
the index of the item in the data provider that is being edited. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellPosition |
The 0-based row index of the cell. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellRegion |
The 0-based row index of the origin of the cell region. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor |
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being edited. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer |
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being rendered. |
rowIndex — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemEditor |
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being edited. |
rowIndex — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer |
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being rendered. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.events.GridEvent |
The index of the row where the event occurred, or -1 if the event
did not occur over a grid row. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.events.GridItemEditorEvent |
The index of the row that is being edited. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer |
The grid control's updateDisplayList() method sets this property
before calling prepare().
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being rendered. |
rowIndex — Property, class spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer |
The grid control's updateDisplayList() method sets this property
before calling prepare().
The zero-based index of the row of the cell being rendered. |
rowInfo — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
An array of ListRowInfo objects that cache row heights and
other tracking information for the rows in the listItems property. |
rowInfo — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
An array of ListRowInfo objects that cache row heights and
other tracking information for the rows in listItems. |
rowInfo — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder |
An Array of ListRowInfo objects that cache row heights and
other tracking information for the rows defined in
the listItems property. |
rowMap — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A hash map of item renderers to their respective ListRowInfo object. |
rowMap — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A hash map of item renderers to their respective ListRowInfo object. |
ROWS — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TableRules |
| Rules will appear between rows only. |
ROWS — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.TileOrientation |
Arranges elements row by row. |
rowSeparator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid |
| The IVisualElement class used to render the horizontal separator between header rows. |
The IVisualElement class used to render the horizontal separator between header rows. |
rowSeparator — Property, class spark.components.Grid |
A visual element that's displayed in between each row. |
rowSpan — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TableCellElement |
| |
rowSpan — Property, class mx.containers.GridItem |
Number of rows of the Grid container spanned by the cell. |
rowSpan — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription |
Specifies the number of rows that the item renderer spans. |
rowSpan — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider |
Specifies how many rows the renderer should span. |
RpcClassAliasInitializer — class, package mx.utils |
The RpcClassAliasInitializer class registers all
classes for AMF serialization needed by the Flex RPC library. |
RPCObjectUtil — class, package mx.utils |
The RPCObjectUtil class is a subset of ObjectUtil, removing methods
that create dependency issues when RPC messages are in a bootstrap loader. |
RPCStringUtil — class, package mx.utils |
The RPCStringUtil class is a subset of StringUtil, removing methods
that create dependency issues when RPC messages are in a bootstrap loader. |
RPCUIDUtil — class, package mx.utils |
The RPCUIDUtil class is a copy of UIDUtil without some functions that
cause dependency problems when RPC messages are put in a bootstrap loader. |
RSL_ADD_PRELOADED — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
The RSLEvent.RSL_ADD_PRELOADED constant defines the value of the
type property of the event object for an
rslAddPreloaded event. |
RSL_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
Dispatched when the RSL has finished downloading. |
rslCompleteHandler(event:mx.events:RSLEvent) — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar |
Event listener for the RSLEvent.RSL_COMPLETE event. |
rslCompleteHandler(event:mx.events:RSLEvent) — method, class mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar |
Event listener for the RSLEvent.RSL_COMPLETE event. |
RSLData — class, package mx.core |
A Class that describes configuration data for an RSL. |
RSLData(rslURL:String, policyFileURL:String, digest:String, hashType:String, isSigned:Boolean, verifyDigest:Boolean, applicationDomainTarget:String) — Constructor, class mx.core.RSLData |
Constructor. |
RSL_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
Dispatched when there is an error downloading the RSL. |
rslErrorHandler(event:mx.events:RSLEvent) — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar |
Event listener for the RSLEvent.RSL_ERROR event. |
rslErrorHandler(event:mx.events:RSLEvent) — method, class mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar |
Event listener for the RSLEvent.RSL_ERROR event. |
RSLEvent — class, package mx.events |
The RSLEvent class represents an event object used by the
DownloadProgressBar class when an RSL is being downloaded by the Preloader class. |
RSLEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, bytesLoaded:int, bytesTotal:int, rslIndex:int, rslTotal:int, url:flash.net:URLRequest, errorText:String, isResourceModule:Boolean, loaderInfo:flash.display:LoaderInfo) — Constructor, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
Constructor. |
rslIndex — Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
The index number of the RSL currently being downloaded. |
RSL_PROGRESS — Constant Static Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
Dispatched when the RSL is downloading. |
rslProgressHandler(event:mx.events:RSLEvent) — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar |
Event listener for the RSLEvent.RSL_PROGRESS event. |
rslProgressHandler(event:mx.events:RSLEvent) — method, class mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar |
Event listener for the RSLEvent.RSL_PROGRESS event. |
rslTotal — Property, class mx.events.RSLEvent |
The total number of RSLs being downloaded by the preloader
rslURL — Property, class mx.core.RSLData |
The location of the RSL. |
RTL — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction |
| Specifies right-to-left direction for text. |
RTL — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.LayoutDirection |
Specifies right-to-left layout direction for a style client or a
visual element. |
rules — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController |
rules specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. |
rules — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement |
rules specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. |
rules — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat |
rules specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. |
rules — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
rules specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. |
rulesProperty — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat |
| |
runDataEffectNextUpdate — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A flag that indicates if a data effect should be initiated
the next time the display is updated. |
runDataEffectNextUpdate — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A flag that indicates if a data effect should be initiated
the next time the display is updated. |
runningDataEffect — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase |
A flag indicating if a data change effect is currently running
runningDataEffect — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase |
A flag indicating if a data change effect is currently running. |
runtimeApplicationDomain — Property, class mx.controls.HTML |
The ApplicationDomain to use for HTML's window.runtime
scripting. |
runtimeDPI — Property, class mx.core.RuntimeDPIProvider |
Returns the runtime DPI of the current device by mapping its
flash.system.Capabilities.screenDPI to one of several DPI
values in mx.core.DPIClassification. |
runtimeDPI — Property, class spark.components.Application |
The DPI of the device the application is currently running on. |
runtimeDPIProvider — Property, class spark.components.Application |
A class that extends RuntimeDPIProvider and overrides the default Flex
calculations for runtimeDPI. |
RuntimeDPIProvider — class, package mx.core |
The RuntimeDPIProvider class provides the default mapping of
similar device DPI values into predefined DPI classes. |
RuntimeDPIProvider() — Constructor, class mx.core.RuntimeDPIProvider |
Constructor. |
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