| Class | Description |
| ActionBarSkin |
The default skin class for the Spark ActionBar component in mobile
applications. |
| BusyIndicatorSkin | |
| ButtonBarFirstButtonSkin |
Android 4.x specific Button skin for the first Button in a ButtonBar. |
| ButtonBarMiddleButtonSkin |
Android 4.x specific Button skin for middle Buttons in a ButtonBar. |
| ButtonBarSkin |
The Android 4.x specific skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component. |
| ButtonSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for Button controls in mobile applications. |
| CalloutSkin |
The default skin class for the Spark Callout component in mobile
applications. |
| CheckBoxSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for CheckBox components in mobile applications. |
| HScrollBarSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for HScrollBar components in mobile applications. |
| HScrollBarThumbSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for the HScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications. |
| HSliderSkin |
Android 4.x specific ActionScript-based skin for HSlider controls in mobile applications. |
| HSliderThumbSkin |
Android 4.x specific ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider thumb skin part in mobile applications. |
| HSliderTrackSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for the HSlider track skin part in mobile applications. |
| RadioButtonSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for RadioButton controls in mobile applications. |
| SpinnerListContainerSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerListContainer in mobile applications. |
| SpinnerListScrollerSkin | The default skin class for the Spark Scroller that is used by the SpinnerList component. |
| SpinnerListSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for the SpinnerList in mobile applications. |
| StageTextAreaSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for TextArea controls in mobile applications that uses a
StyleableStageText class for the text display. |
| StageTextInputSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications that uses a
StyleableStageText class for the text input. |
| TabbedViewNavigatorTabBarSkin |
The Android 4.x specific skin class for the Spark TabbedViewNavigator tabBar skin part. |
| TextAreaSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for TextArea components in mobile applications. |
| TextInputSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for TextInput controls in mobile applications. |
| ToggleSwitchSkin |
ActionScript-based Android 4.x specific skin for the ToggleSwitch control. |
| TransparentActionButtonSkin |
The default skin class for buttons in the action area of the Spark ActionBar component
in mobile applications. |
| TransparentNavigationButtonSkin |
The default skin class for buttons in the navigation area of the Spark ActionBar component
in mobile applications. |
| ViewMenuItemSkin |
Default skin for ViewMenuItem. |
| ViewMenuSkin | The default skin class for a Spark ViewMenu in a mobile application. |
| VScrollBarSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for VScrollBar components in mobile applications. |
| VScrollBarThumbSkin |
ActionScript-based skin for the VScrollBar thumb skin part in mobile applications. |