Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeId
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.db This package contains the class SimpleDbPersistenceManager, a simple generic JDBC-based PersistenceManager for Jackrabbit. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as NodeId
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.ACTIVITIES_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system/jcr:activities" node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.CONFIGURATIONS_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system/jcr:configurations" node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.NODETYPES_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes" node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.ROOT_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the repository root node
protected  NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.rootNodeId
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.SYSTEM_ROOT_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system" node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.VERSION_STORAGE_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system/jcr:versionStorage" node

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return NodeId
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.clone(NodeState srcState, NodeState destParentState, Name destName)
          Implementation of BatchedItemOperations.clone(Path, Path) that has already determined the affected NodeStates.
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.clone(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
          Clones the subtree at the node srcAbsPath in to the new location at destAbsPath.
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.copy(Path srcPath, ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, HierarchyManager srcHierMgr, AccessManager srcAccessMgr, Path destPath, int flag)
          Copies the tree at srcPath retrieved using the specified srcStateMgr to the new location at destPath.
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.copy(Path srcPath, Path destPath, int flag)
          Copies the tree at srcPath to the new location at destPath.
 NodeId NodeImpl.getNodeId()
          Returns the identifier of this Node.
 NodeId NodeImpl.getParentId()
          Helper method, returning the parent id this node is attached to.
 NodeId ItemData.getParentId()
          Return the parent id of this item.
 NodeId AbstractNodeData.getParentId()
          Return the parent id of this node.
protected  NodeId ZombieHierarchyManager.getParentId(ItemState state)
          Returns the parentUUID of the given item.
protected  NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.getParentId(ItemState state)
          Returns the parentUUID of the given item.
 NodeId AbstractNodeData.getPrimaryParentId()
          Return the primary parent id of this node.
 NodeId RepositoryContext.getRootNodeId()
          Returns the root node identifier of this repository.
 NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.getRootNodeId()
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.move(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
          Moves the tree at srcPath to the new location at destPath.
 NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolveNodePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into a node id.
 NodeId HierarchyManager.resolveNodePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into a node id.
protected  NodeId NodeImpl.resolveRelativeNodePath(String relPath)
          Returns the id of the node at relPath or null if no node exists at relPath.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return types with arguments of type NodeId
protected  Set<NodeId> HierarchyManagerImpl.getParentIds(ItemState state, boolean useOverlayed)
          Return all parents of a node.
 Iterable<NodeId> SearchManager.getWeaklyReferringNodes(NodeId id)
          Returns the ids of the nodes that refer to the node with id by weak references.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeImpl NodeImpl.addNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId id)
          Same as Node.addNode(String, String) except that this method takes Name arguments instead of Strings and has an additional uuid argument.
protected  NodeImpl ProtectedItemModifier.addNode(NodeImpl parentImpl, Name name, Name ntName, NodeId nodeId)
 void BatchedItemOperations.checkRemoveNode(NodeState targetState, NodeId parentId, int options)
          Checks if removing the given target node from the specifed parent is allowed in the current context.
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.createChildNode(Name name, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, Name[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a new node.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, Name[] mixinNames, NodeId id, QNodeDefinition def)
          Creates a new node based on the given definition.
protected  ChildNodeEntry ZombieHierarchyManager.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified uuid or null if there's no such entry.
protected  ChildNodeEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified uuid or null if there's no such entry.
 Name HierarchyManagerImpl.getName(NodeId id, NodeId parentId)
          Returns the name of the specified item, with the given parent id.
 Name HierarchyManager.getName(NodeId id, NodeId parentId)
          Returns the name of the specified item, with the given parent id.
 NodeImpl ItemManager.getNode(NodeId id, NodeId parentId)
          Returns a node with a given id and parent id.
 NodeImpl SessionImpl.getNodeById(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the Node with the given id.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.getNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the state of the node with the given id.
 int HierarchyManagerImpl.getRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified descendant relative to the given ancestor.
 int HierarchyManager.getRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified descendant relative to the given ancestor.
 int HierarchyManagerImpl.getShareRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestor, ItemId descendant)
          Returns the depth of the specified share-descendant relative to the given share-ancestor.
 int HierarchyManager.getShareRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified share-descendant relative to the given share-ancestor.
 Iterable<NodeId> SearchManager.getWeaklyReferringNodes(NodeId id)
          Returns the ids of the nodes that refer to the node with id by weak references.
 boolean HierarchyManagerImpl.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId.
 boolean HierarchyManager.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId.
 boolean CachingHierarchyManager.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId.
 boolean HierarchyManagerImpl.isShareAncestor(NodeId ancestor, NodeId descendant)
          Determines whether the node with the specified ancestor is a share ancestor of the item denoted by the given descendant.
 boolean HierarchyManager.isShareAncestor(NodeId ancestor, NodeId descendant)
          Determines whether the node with the specified ancestor is a share ancestor of the item denoted by the given descendant.
 void CachingHierarchyManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void CachingHierarchyManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
protected  void NodeImpl.onRemove(NodeId parentId)
protected  void NodeImpl.removeChildNode(NodeId childId)
protected  void NodeImpl.renameChildNode(Name oldName, int index, NodeId id, Name newName)
          Deprecated. use #renameChildNode(NodeId, Name, boolean)
protected  void NodeImpl.renameChildNode(NodeId id, Name newName, boolean replace)
 NodeImpl NodeImpl.replaceChildNode(NodeId id, Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, Name[] mixinNames)
          Replaces the child node with the specified id by a new child node with the same id and specified nodeName, nodeTypeName and mixinNames.
protected  void AbstractNodeData.setPrimaryParentId(NodeId primaryParentId)
          Set the primary parent id of this node.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type NodeId
CachingHierarchyManager(NodeId rootNodeId, ItemStateManager provider)
          Create a new instance of this class.
HierarchyManagerImpl(NodeId rootNodeId, ItemStateManager provider)
LazyItemIterator(SessionContext sessionContext, List<? extends ItemId> idList, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a new LazyItemIterator instance, additionally taking a parent id as parameter.
SearchManager(QueryHandlerFactory qhf, NamespaceRegistryImpl nsReg, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, SharedItemStateManager itemMgr, PersistenceManager pm, NodeId rootNodeId, SearchManager parentMgr, NodeId excludedNodeId, Executor executor)
          Creates a new SearchManager.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cluster

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cluster that return NodeId
 NodeId LockRecord.getNodeId()
          Return the node id.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cluster with parameters of type NodeId
 ClusterOperation LockEventChannel.create(NodeId nodeId)
          Create a new cluster operation that should be used to inform other instances in the cluster.
 ClusterOperation LockEventChannel.create(NodeId nodeId, boolean deep, String owner)
          Create a new cluster operation that should be used to inform other instances in the cluster.
 void LockEventListener.externalLock(NodeId nodeId, boolean isDeep, String lockOwner)
          Handle an external lock operation.
 void LockEventListener.externalUnlock(NodeId nodeId)
          Handle an external unlock operation.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cluster with parameters of type NodeId
LockRecord(NodeId nodeId, boolean isDeep, String lockOwner, Record record, String workspace)
          Create a new instance of this class.
LockRecord(NodeId nodeId, Record record, String workspace)
          Create a new instance of this class.

Uses of NodeId in

Methods in that return NodeId
 NodeId PropertyId.getParentId()
          Returns the identifier of the parent node.
static NodeId NodeId.valueOf(String uuid)
          Returns a node identifier that is represented by the given UUID string.

Methods in with parameters of type NodeId
 int NodeId.compareTo(NodeId that)
          Compares this identifier to the given other one.

Constructors in with parameters of type NodeId
PropertyId(NodeId parentId, Name propName)
          Creates a property identifier instance for the identified property.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return NodeId
 NodeId Record.readNodeId()
          Read a NodeId from the underlying stream.
 NodeId AbstractRecord.readNodeId()
          Read a NodeId from the underlying stream.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal with parameters of type NodeId
 void Record.writeNodeId(NodeId nodeId)
          Write a NodeId to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writeNodeId(NodeId nodeId)
          Write a NodeId to the underlying stream.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock that return NodeId
 NodeId LockInfo.getId()
          Return the ID of the lock holding node
static NodeId LockInfo.parseLockToken(String token)
          Parse a lock token string representation and return the lock holder node id.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type NodeId
 void LockManagerImpl.externalLock(NodeId nodeId, boolean isDeep, String lockOwner)
          Handle an external lock operation.
 void LockManagerImpl.externalUnlock(NodeId nodeId)
          Handle an external unlock operation.
 LockInfo LockManagerImpl.getLockInfo(NodeId id)
          Return the most appropriate lock information for a node.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type NodeId
LockInfo(NodeId id, boolean sessionScoped, boolean deep, String lockOwner, long timeoutHint)
          Create a new instance of this class.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
protected  VirtualNodeState VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.internalGetNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the node state with the given node id
protected  boolean VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.internalHasNodeState(NodeId id)
          Checks if this provide has the node state of the given node id

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
VirtualNodeTypeStateManager(NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, DelegatingObservationDispatcher obs, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a new virtual node type state manager
VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider(NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeId parentId)

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return NodeId
 NodeId EventState.getChildId()
          Returns the Id of a child node operation.
 NodeId EventImpl.getChildId()
          Returns the id of a child node operation.
 NodeId EventState.getParentId()
          Returns the uuid of the parent node.
 NodeId EventImpl.getParentId()
          Returns the uuid of the parent node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type NodeId
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
 void EventStateCollection.createEventStates(NodeId rootNodeId, ChangeLog changes, ItemStateManager stateMgr)
          Creates EventState instances from ItemState changes.
static EventState EventState.nodeMoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type NODE_MOVED.
static EventState EventState.nodeMovedWithInfo(NodeId parentId, Path destPath, NodeId childId, Path srcPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type NODE_MOVED.
static EventState EventState.nodeReordered(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path destChildPath, Path srcChildPath, Path beforeChildPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type NODE_MOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence that return NodeId
 NodeId PMContext.getRootNodeId()
          Returns the id of the root node

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Iterable<NodeId> IterablePersistenceManager.getAllNodeIds(NodeId after, int maxCount)
          Get all node ids.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence with parameters of type NodeId
 void PersistenceCopier.copy(NodeId id)
          Recursively copies the identified node and all its descendants.
 NodeState PersistenceManager.createNew(NodeId id)
          Creates a new node state instance with the given id.
 NodeState AbstractPersistenceManager.createNew(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Creates a new node state instance with the given id.
 void PersistenceCopier.excludeNode(NodeId id)
          Explicitly exclude the identified node from being copied.
 boolean PersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.
 boolean PersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 Iterable<NodeId> IterablePersistenceManager.getAllNodeIds(NodeId after, int maxCount)
          Get all node ids.
 NodeState PersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
 NodeReferences PersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence with parameters of type NodeId
PMContext(File homeDir, FileSystem fs, NodeId rootNodeId, NamespaceRegistry nsReg, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, DataStore dataStore)
          Creates a new PMContext.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle that return NodeId
protected  NodeId BundleFsPersistenceManager.getIdFromFileName(String fileName)

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Iterable<NodeId> BundleFsPersistenceManager.getAllNodeIds(NodeId bigger, int maxCount)
          Get all node ids.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle with parameters of type NodeId
protected  StringBuffer BundleFsPersistenceManager.buildNodeFilePath(StringBuffer buf, NodeId id)
          Creates the file path for the given node id that is suitable for storing node states in a filesystem.
protected  StringBuffer AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.buildNodeFilePath(StringBuffer buf, NodeId id)
          Creates the file path for the given node id that is suitable for storing node states in a filesystem.
protected  StringBuffer AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.buildNodeFolderPath(StringBuffer buf, NodeId id)
          Creates the folder path for the given node id that is suitable for storing states in a filesystem.
protected  StringBuffer BundleFsPersistenceManager.buildNodeReferencesFilePath(StringBuffer buf, NodeId id)
          Creates the file path for the given references id that is suitable for storing reference states in a filesystem.
protected  StringBuffer AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.buildNodeReferencesFilePath(StringBuffer buf, NodeId id)
          Creates the file path for the given references id that is suitable for storing reference states in a filesystem.
 NodeState AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.createNew(NodeId id)
          Creates a new node state instance with the given id.
protected  void AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.evictBundle(NodeId id)
          Evicts the bundle with id from the bundle cache.
 boolean AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.
 boolean BundleFsPersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 Iterable<NodeId> BundleFsPersistenceManager.getAllNodeIds(NodeId bigger, int maxCount)
          Get all node ids.
 NodeState AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
protected  NodePropBundle BundleFsPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected abstract  NodePropBundle AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
 NodeReferences BundleFsPersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.db

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.db with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean DatabasePersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the identified node exists.
 boolean DatabasePersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Deprecated. Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 NodeState DatabasePersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persistent members of a node state.
 NodeReferences DatabasePersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Deprecated. Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.mem

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.mem with type parameters of type NodeId
protected  Map<NodeId,byte[]> InMemPersistenceManager.refsStore

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.mem with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean InMemPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the identified node exists.
 boolean InMemPersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 NodeState InMemPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persistent members of a node state.
 NodeReferences InMemPersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.obj

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.obj with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean ObjectPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the identified node exists.
 boolean ObjectPersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 NodeState ObjectPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persistent members of a node state.
 NodeReferences ObjectPersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Iterable<NodeId> BundleDbPersistenceManager.getAllNodeIds(NodeId bigger, int maxCount)
          Get all node ids.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool with parameters of type NodeId
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.checkBundleConsistency(NodeId id, NodePropBundle bundle, boolean fix, Collection<NodePropBundle> modifications)
          Checks a single bundle for inconsistencies, ie. inexistent child nodes and inexistent parents.
protected  Object[] BundleDbPersistenceManager.createParams(NodeId id, Object p, boolean before)
          Creates a parameter array for an SQL statement that needs (i) a node identifier, and (2) another parameter.
 boolean BundleDbPersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 Iterable<NodeId> BundleDbPersistenceManager.getAllNodeIds(NodeId bigger, int maxCount)
          Get all node ids.
protected  Object[] BundleDbPersistenceManager.getKey(NodeId id)
          Constructs a parameter list for a PreparedStatement for the given node identifier.
protected  NodePropBundle BundleDbPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
 NodeReferences BundleDbPersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId targetId)
          Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util that return NodeId
 NodeId NodePropBundle.getId()
          Returns the node id of this bundle
 NodeId NodePropBundle.ChildNodeEntry.getId()
          Returns the id.
 NodeId NodePropBundle.getParentId()
          Returns the parent id of this bundle

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Set<NodeId> NodePropBundle.getSharedSet()
          Sets the shared set of this bundle.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util with parameters of type NodeId
 void NodePropBundle.addChildNodeEntry(Name name, NodeId id)
          Adds a child node entry.
 NodePropBundle BundleBinding.readBundle(InputStream in, NodeId id)
          Deserializes a NodePropBundle from a data input stream.
 void NodePropBundle.setParentId(NodeId parentId)
          Sets the parent id

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util with type arguments of type NodeId
 void NodePropBundle.setSharedSet(Set<NodeId> sharedSet)
          Sets the shared set.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util with parameters of type NodeId
NodePropBundle.ChildNodeEntry(Name name, NodeId id)
          Creates a new entry with the given name and id
NodePropBundle(NodeId id)
          Creates a "new" bundle with the given id

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.xml with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean XMLPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the identified node exists.
 boolean XMLPersistenceManager.existsReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 NodeState XMLPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persistent members of a node state.
 NodeReferences XMLPersistenceManager.loadReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Deprecated. Load the persisted references to the node with the given identifier.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query that return NodeId
 NodeId QueryHandlerContext.getExcludedNodeId()
          Returns the id of the node that should be excluded from indexing.
 NodeId QueryHandlerContext.getRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Iterable<NodeId> QueryHandler.getWeaklyReferringNodes(NodeId id)
          Returns the ids of the nodes that refer to the node with id by weak references.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type NodeId
 void QueryHandler.deleteNode(NodeId id)
          Deletes the Node with id from the search index.
 Iterable<NodeId> QueryHandler.getWeaklyReferringNodes(NodeId id)
          Returns the ids of the nodes that refer to the node with id by weak references.

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with type arguments of type NodeId
 void QueryHandler.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId> remove, Iterator<NodeState> add)
          Updates the index in an atomic operation.
 void AbstractQueryHandler.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId> remove, Iterator<NodeState> add)
          This default implementation calls the individual #deleteNode(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeId) and QueryHandler.addNode(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState) methods for each entry in the iterators.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type NodeId
QueryHandlerContext(SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, PersistenceManager pm, NodeId rootId, NodeTypeRegistry ntRegistry, NamespaceRegistryImpl nsRegistry, QueryHandler parentHandler, NodeId excludedNodeId, Executor executor)
          Creates a new context instance.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId
          The id of the affected node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that return NodeId
 NodeId ScoreNode.getNodeId()
 NodeId NodeIndexer.getNodeId()
          Returns the NodeId of the indexed node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Iterable<NodeId> SearchIndex.getWeaklyReferringNodes(NodeId id)
          Returns the ids of the nodes that refer to the node with id by weak references.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type NodeId
protected  void NodeIndexer.addParentChildRelation(org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc, NodeId parentId)
          Adds a parent child relation to the given doc.
 org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.ForeignSegmentDocId SearchIndex.CombinedIndexReader.createDocId(NodeId id)
          Creates a document id for the given node identifier.
 org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.ForeignSegmentDocId MultiIndexReader.createDocId(NodeId id)
          Creates a document id for the given node identifier.
 org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.ForeignSegmentDocId JackrabbitIndexReader.createDocId(NodeId id)
          Creates a document id for the given node identifier.
 org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.ForeignSegmentDocId CachingMultiIndexReader.createDocId(NodeId id)
          Creates a document id for the given node identifier.
 void SearchIndex.deleteNode(NodeId id)
          Removes the node with id from the search index.
 String SimpleExcerptProvider.getExcerpt(NodeId id, int maxFragments, int maxFragmentSize)
          Returns the XML excerpt for the node with id.
 String ExcerptProvider.getExcerpt(NodeId id, int maxFragments, int maxFragmentSize)
          Returns the XML excerpt for the node with id.
 String AbstractExcerpt.getExcerpt(NodeId id, int maxFragments, int maxFragmentSize)
          Returns the XML excerpt for the node with id.
 Iterable<NodeId> SearchIndex.getWeaklyReferringNodes(NodeId id)
          Returns the ids of the nodes that refer to the node with id by weak references.

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with type arguments of type NodeId
protected  void SearchIndex.retrieveAggregateRoot(NodeState state, Map<NodeId,NodeState> map)
          Retrieves the root of the indexing aggregate for state and puts it into map.
protected  void SearchIndex.retrieveAggregateRoot(Set<NodeId> removedIds, Map<NodeId,NodeState> map)
          Retrieves the root of the indexing aggregate for removedIds and puts it into map.
protected  void SearchIndex.retrieveAggregateRoot(Set<NodeId> removedIds, Map<NodeId,NodeState> map)
          Retrieves the root of the indexing aggregate for removedIds and puts it into map.
 void SearchIndex.updateNodes(Iterator<NodeId> remove, Iterator<NodeState> add)
          This implementation forwards the call to MultiIndex.update(Collection, Collection) and transforms the two iterators to the required types.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type NodeId
IDField(NodeId id)
ScoreNode(NodeId id, float score)
          Creates a new ScoreNode.
ScoreNode(NodeId id, float score, int doc)
          Creates a new ScoreNode.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint that return NodeId
protected  NodeId HierarchyConstraint.getBaseNodeId(EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the id of the base node or null if there is no node at the base path.

Uses of NodeId in

Fields in declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId EntryCollector.rootID
          The root id.

Methods in that return NodeId
protected  NodeId EntryCollector.getParentId(NodeId nodeId)
          Returns the parentId of the given nodeId.

Methods in with parameters of type NodeId
protected  List<AccessControlEntry> EntryCollector.getEntries(NodeId nodeId)
protected  NodeId EntryCollector.getParentId(NodeId nodeId)
          Returns the parentId of the given nodeId.

Constructors in with parameters of type NodeId
EntryCollector(SessionImpl systemSession, NodeId rootID)

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session that return NodeId
 NodeId SessionContext.getRootNodeId()
          Returns the root node identifier of the repository.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId
          Identifier of the target node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return NodeId
 NodeId ChildNodeEntry.getId()
 NodeId SessionItemStateManager.getIdOfRootTransientNodeState()
          Returns the id of the root of the minimal subtree including all transient states.
 NodeId NodeState.getNodeId()
          Returns the identifier of this node.
 NodeId PropertyState.getParentId()
          Returns the NodeId of the parent NodeState or null if either this item state represents the root node or this item state is 'free floating', i.e. not attached to the repository's hierarchy.
 NodeId NodeState.getParentId()
          Returns the NodeId of the parent NodeState or null if either this item state represents the root node or this item state is 'free floating', i.e. not attached to the repository's hierarchy.
abstract  NodeId ItemState.getParentId()
          Returns the NodeId of the parent NodeState or null if either this item state represents the root node or this item state is 'free floating', i.e. not attached to the repository's hierarchy.
 NodeId NodeReferences.getTargetId()
          Returns the identifier of the target node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Set<NodeId> NodeState.getAddedShares()
          Returns a set of shares that were added.
 Set<NodeId> NodeState.getRemovedShares()
          Returns a set of shares that were removed.
 Set<NodeId> NodeState.getSharedSet()
          Return the shared set as an unmodifiable collection.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeId
 ChildNodeEntry NodeState.addChildNodeEntry(Name nodeName, NodeId id)
          Adds a new ChildNodeEntry.
 boolean NodeState.addShare(NodeId parentId)
          Add a parent to the shared set.
 boolean NodeState.containsShare(NodeId parentId)
          Return a flag whether the given parent id appears in the shared set.
 PropertyState UpdatableItemStateManager.createNew(Name propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state.
 PropertyState SessionItemStateManager.createNew(Name propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state.
 PropertyState LocalItemStateManager.createNew(Name propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state.
 NodeState UpdatableItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state.
 NodeState SessionItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state.
 NodeState LocalItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state.
 NodeState SessionItemStateManager.createTransientNodeState(NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId, int initialStatus)
 PropertyState SessionItemStateManager.createTransientPropertyState(NodeId parentId, Name propName, int initialStatus)
 ChildNodeEntry NodeState.getChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry with the specified NodeId or null if there's no matching entry.
 NodeReferences XAItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 NodeReferences SharedItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 NodeReferences SessionItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 NodeReferences LocalItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 NodeReferences ItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
protected  NodeState LocalItemStateManager.getNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieve a node state from the parent shared state manager and wraps it into a intermediate object that helps us handle local modifications.
 NodeReferences ChangeLog.getReferencesTo(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object given the target node id.
 boolean NodeState.hasChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Determines if there is a ChildNodeEntry with the specified NodeId.
 boolean XAItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 boolean SharedItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 boolean SessionItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 boolean LocalItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 boolean ItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 void SessionItemStateManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void NodeStateListener.nodeAdded(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void LocalItemStateManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void SessionItemStateManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
 void NodeStateListener.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
 void LocalItemStateManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyNodeAdded(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyNodeRemoved(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 boolean NodeState.removeChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Removes a ChildNodeEntry.
 void ChangeLog.removeReferencesEntry(NodeId targetId)
          Removes the references entry with the given target node id.
 int NodeState.removeShare(NodeId parentId)
          Remove a parent from the shared set.
 boolean NodeState.renameChildNodeEntry(NodeId id, Name newName)
          Renames a ChildNodeEntry by removing the old entry and appending the new entry to the end of the list.
 boolean NodeState.replaceChildNodeEntry(NodeId oldId, Name newName, NodeId newId)
          Replaces the ChildNodeEntry identified by oldId with a new entry.
 void NodeState.setParentId(NodeId parentId)
          Sets the id of this node's parent.

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with type arguments of type NodeId
 void NodeState.setSharedSet(Set<NodeId> set)
          Set the shared set of this state to the shared set of another state.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeId
NodeReferences(NodeId id)
NodeState(NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId, int initialStatus, boolean isTransient)
          Constructs a new node state that is not connected.
SessionItemStateManager(NodeId rootNodeId, LocalItemStateManager stateMgr)
          Creates a new SessionItemStateManager instance.
SharedItemStateManager(PersistenceManager persistMgr, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, boolean usesReferences, ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory, ISMLocking locking)
          Creates a new SharedItemStateManager instance.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util that return NodeId
 NodeId ReferenceChangeTracker.getMappedId(NodeId oldId)
          Returns the new node id to which oldId has been mapped or null if no such mapping exists.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeId ReferenceChangeTracker.getMappedId(NodeId oldId)
          Returns the new node id to which oldId has been mapped or null if no such mapping exists.
 void ReferenceChangeTracker.mappedId(NodeId oldId, NodeId newId)
          Store the given id mapping for later lookup using ReferenceChangeTracker.getMappedId(NodeId).

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value that return NodeId
 NodeId InternalValue.getNodeId()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value with parameters of type NodeId
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(NodeId value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(NodeId value, boolean weak)

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplBase.currentActivity
          the node id of the current activity

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return NodeId
 NodeId InternalXAVersionManager.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 NodeId InternalVersionManagerImpl.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 NodeId InternalVersionManager.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplBase.checkoutCheckin(NodeStateEx state, boolean checkin, boolean checkout, Calendar created)
          Performs a checkin or checkout operation. if checkin is true the node is checked in. if checkout is true the node is checked out. if both flags are true the checkin is performed prior to the checkout and the operation is equivalent to a checkpoint operation.
 NodeId InternalXAVersionManager.createActivity(Session session, String title)
          Creates a new activity
 NodeId InternalVersionManagerImpl.createActivity(Session session, String title)
          Creates a new activity
 NodeId InternalVersionManager.createActivity(Session session, String title)
          Creates a new activity
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplConfig.createConfiguration(NodeStateEx state)
          Creates a new configuration node.
 NodeId InternalFrozenVersionHistory.getBaseVersionId()
          Returns the id of the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplBase.getBaseVersionId(NodeStateEx state)
          Returns the node id of the base version, retrieved from the node state
 NodeId InternalBaseline.getConfigurationId()
          Returns the id of the nt:configuration node. this is basically the versionable id of the history.
 NodeId InternalBaseline.getConfigurationRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of a workspace configuration. this is basically the jcr:root property of the frozen configuration.
 NodeId InternalFrozenNode.getFrozenId()
          Returns the frozen node id.
 NodeId InternalVersion.getFrozenNodeId()
          Returns the node id of the frozen node.
 NodeId InternalVersionItem.getId()
          Returns the id of this item.
 NodeId NodeStateEx.getNodeId()
          Returns the id of this node.
 NodeId NodeStateEx.getParentId()
          Returns the parent id of this node
 NodeId VersionHistoryInfo.getRootVersionId()
          Returns the identifier of the root version node.
 NodeId InternalVersionHistory.getVersionableId()
          Returns the id of the versionable node that this history belongs to.
 NodeId VersionHistoryInfo.getVersionHistoryId()
          Returns the identifier of the version history node.
 NodeId InternalFrozenVersionHistory.getVersionHistoryId()
          Returns the id of the version history that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 NodeId InternalVersionHistory.getVersionLabelsId()
          Returns the Id of the version labels node.
 NodeId InternalXAVersionManager.getVirtualRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of the virtual tree.
 NodeId[] InternalXAVersionManager.getVirtualRootIds()
protected  NodeId VersionManagerImplConfig.restore(NodeStateEx parent, Name name, InternalBaseline baseline)
          Restores the versions recorded in the given baseline below the specified path.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return types with arguments of type NodeId
 Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> VersionSet.versions()
          Returns the (modifiable) changeset of this selector. the keys of the map are the node ids of the version histories.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.addNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId id)
          Adds a new child node with the given name
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.addNode(Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, NodeId id, boolean referenceable)
          Adds a new child node with the given name
 NodeId InternalXAVersionManager.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 NodeId InternalVersionManagerImpl.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
 NodeId InternalVersionManager.canCheckout(NodeStateEx state, NodeId activityId)
          invokes the checkout() on the persistent version manager.
protected  VersionItemStateManager InternalVersionManagerImpl.createItemStateManager(PersistenceManager pMgr, NodeId rootId, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory, ISMLocking ismLocking)
          Creates a VersionItemStateManager or derivative.
 VirtualNodeState InternalXAVersionManager.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, Name name, NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
protected  VersionHistoryInfo InternalXAVersionManager.createVersionHistory(Session session, NodeState node, NodeId copiedFrom)
          Creates a new version history.
protected  VersionHistoryInfo InternalVersionManagerImpl.createVersionHistory(Session session, NodeState node, NodeId copiedFrom)
          Creates a new version history.
 InternalActivity InternalVersionManager.getActivity(NodeId id)
          Returns the activity with the given id
 InternalBaseline InternalVersionManager.getBaseline(NodeId id)
          Returns the baseline with the given id
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.getHeadVersionOfNode(NodeId id)
          Returns the head version of the node with the given id. this is always the last of all versions. this only works correctly for liner version graphs (i.e. simple versioning)
protected  InternalVersionItem InternalXAVersionManager.getItem(NodeId id)
          Returns the item with the given persistent id.
protected  InternalVersionItem InternalVersionManagerImpl.getItem(NodeId id)
          Returns the item with the given persistent id.
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.getNode(NodeId id)
          Returns the node with the given id.
 NodeReferences VersionItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
 NodeReferences InternalXAVersionManager.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
protected  NodeStateEx VersionManagerImplBase.getNodeStateEx(NodeId nodeId)
          returns the node state for the given node id
protected  NodeStateEx InternalXAVersionManager.getNodeStateEx(NodeId parentNodeId)
          Returns the node with the given persistent id.
protected  NodeStateEx InternalVersionManagerImpl.getNodeStateEx(NodeId parentNodeId)
          Returns the node with the given persistent id.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.getVersion(NodeId id)
          Returns the version with the given id
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersion(NodeId id)
          Returns the version with the given uuid or null if the respective version does not exist.
 InternalVersionHistory InternalVersionManager.getVersionHistory(NodeId id)
          Returns the version history with the given id
 VersionHistoryInfo InternalVersionManager.getVersionHistory(Session session, NodeState vNode, NodeId copiedFrom)
          Returns information about the version history of the specified node.
 InternalVersionHistory InternalVersionManager.getVersionHistoryOfNode(NodeId id)
          Returns the version history for the versionable node with the given id.
 boolean NodeStateEx.hasAncestor(NodeId nodeId)
          Checks if this state has the inidcated ancestor
protected  boolean InternalXAVersionManager.hasItem(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating if the item specified exists.
 boolean InternalVersionManagerImpl.hasItem(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating if the item specified exists.
protected  boolean InternalXAVersionManager.hasItemReferences(NodeId id)
          Checks if there are item references (from outside the version storage) that reference the given node.
protected  boolean InternalVersionManagerImpl.hasItemReferences(NodeId id)
          Checks if there are item references (from outside the version storage) that reference the given node.
 boolean NodeStateEx.hasNode(NodeId id)
          Checks if the given node state exists
 boolean VersionItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
 boolean InternalXAVersionManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 void InternalXAVersionManager.removeActivity(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
          Removes an activity and all
 void InternalVersionManagerImpl.removeActivity(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
          Removes an activity and all
 void InternalVersionManager.removeActivity(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
          Removes an activity and all

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type NodeId
InternalVersionManagerImpl(PersistenceManager pMgr, FileSystem fs, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, DelegatingObservationDispatcher obsMgr, NodeId systemId, NodeId historiesId, NodeId activitiesId, ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory, ISMLocking ismLocking)
          Creates a new internal version manager
NodeStateEx(UpdatableItemStateManager stateMgr, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, NodeId nodeId)
          Creates a new persistent node
VersionHistoryInfo(NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId rootVersionId)
          Creates an object that carries the given version history information.
VersionItemStateManager(PersistenceManager persistMgr, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, ItemStateCacheFactory cacheFactory, ISMLocking locking)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with type arguments of type NodeId
VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions)
          Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version within the given set of versions.
VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions, boolean dateFallback)
          Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version in the given set.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId AbstractVISProvider.rootNodeId
          the root node id

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return NodeId
 NodeId VirtualItemStateProvider.getVirtualRootId()
          Deprecated. use VirtualItemStateProvider.getVirtualRootIds() instead.
 NodeId AbstractVISProvider.getVirtualRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of the virtual tree.
 NodeId[] VirtualItemStateProvider.getVirtualRootIds()
          Returns the ids of the root nodes of the virtual tree.
 NodeId[] AbstractVISProvider.getVirtualRootIds()
          Returns the ids of the root nodes of the virtual tree.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
 VirtualNodeState VirtualItemStateProvider.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, Name name, NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
 VirtualNodeState AbstractVISProvider.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, Name name, NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
protected  void AbstractVISProvider.evict(NodeId id)
          removes the node state from the cache
 NodeReferences AbstractVISProvider.getNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean AbstractVISProvider.hasNodeReferences(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
protected abstract  VirtualNodeState AbstractVISProvider.internalGetNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the node state with the given node id
protected abstract  boolean AbstractVISProvider.internalHasNodeState(NodeId id)
          Checks if this provide has the node state of the given node id

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
AbstractVISProvider(NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, NodeId rootNodeId)
          Creates an abstract virtual item state provider
VirtualNodeState(AbstractVISProvider stateMgr, NodeId parentId, NodeId id, Name nodeTypeName, Name[] mixins)
          creates a new virtual node state

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml that return NodeId
 NodeId NodeInfo.getId()
          Returns the identifier of the node being imported.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type NodeId
protected  NodeImpl SessionImporter.createNode(NodeImpl parent, Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, Name[] mixinNames, NodeId id)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type NodeId
NodeInfo(Name name, Name nodeTypeName, Name[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a node information instance.

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