Interface NodeStateListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CachingHierarchyManager, LocalItemStateManager, SessionItemStateManager, XAItemStateManager

public interface NodeStateListener
extends ItemStateListener

Extends the ItemStateListener allowing a client to be additionally informed about changes on a NodeState.

Method Summary
 void nodeAdded(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void nodeModified(NodeState state)
          Called when a node has been modified, typically as a result of removal or addition of a child node.
 void nodeRemoved(NodeState state, Name name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
 void nodesReplaced(NodeState state)
          Called when the children nodes were replaced by other nodes, typically as result of a reorder operation.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateListener
stateCreated, stateDestroyed, stateDiscarded, stateModified

Method Detail


void nodeAdded(NodeState state,
               Name name,
               int index,
               NodeId id)
Called when a child node has been added

state - node state that changed
name - name of node that was added
index - index of new node
id - id of new node


void nodeModified(NodeState state)
Called when a node has been modified, typically as a result of removal or addition of a child node.

Please note, that this method is not called if ItemStateListener.stateModified(ItemState) was called.

state - node state that changed


void nodesReplaced(NodeState state)
Called when the children nodes were replaced by other nodes, typically as result of a reorder operation.

state - node state that changed


void nodeRemoved(NodeState state,
                 Name name,
                 int index,
                 NodeId id)
Called when a child node has been removed

state - node state that changed
name - name of node that was removed
index - index of removed node
id - id of removed node

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