Interface InternalBaseline

All Superinterfaces:
InternalVersion, InternalVersionItem

public interface InternalBaseline
extends InternalVersion

This interface defines the internal baseline.

A baseline is the state of a configuration at some point in time, recorded in version storage. A baseline is similar to a normal version except that instead of representing the state of a single node, it represents the state of an entire partial subgraph.

The internal baseline is the version of the internal configuration.

Method Summary
 VersionSet getBaseVersions()
          Returns the recorded base versions of all versionable nodes in the configuration.
 NodeId getConfigurationId()
          Returns the id of the nt:configuration node. this is basically the versionable id of the history.
 NodeId getConfigurationRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of a workspace configuration. this is basically the jcr:root property of the frozen configuration.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersion
getCreated, getFrozenNode, getFrozenNodeId, getLabels, getLinearPredecessor, getLinearSuccessor, getName, getPredecessors, getSuccessors, getVersionHistory, hasLabel, isMoreRecent, isRootVersion
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionItem
getId, getParent

Method Detail


VersionSet getBaseVersions()
                           throws RepositoryException
Returns the recorded base versions of all versionable nodes in the configuration.

a map of base versions. the map key is the nodeid of the version history.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


NodeId getConfigurationId()
Returns the id of the nt:configuration node. this is basically the versionable id of the history.

the configuration node id


NodeId getConfigurationRootId()
Returns the id of the root node of a workspace configuration. this is basically the jcr:root property of the frozen configuration.

the configuration root node id

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