Class VersionSet

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.VersionSet
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VersionSet
extends Object
implements VersionSelector

This Class implements a version selector that is based on a set of verions.

Constructor Summary
VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions)
          Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version within the given set of versions.
VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions, boolean dateFallback)
          Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version in the given set.
Method Summary
 InternalVersion select(InternalVersionHistory versionHistory)
          Selects a version of the given version history.
 Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions()
          Returns the (modifiable) changeset of this selector. the keys of the map are the node ids of the version histories.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions)
Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version within the given set of versions.

versions - the set of versions


public VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions,
                  boolean dateFallback)
Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version in the given set. If the version is missing but dateFall

versions - the set of versions
dateFallback - if true date fallback is enabled.
Method Detail


public Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions()
Returns the (modifiable) changeset of this selector. the keys of the map are the node ids of the version histories.

the change set


public InternalVersion select(InternalVersionHistory versionHistory)
                       throws RepositoryException
Selects a version of the given version history. If this VersionSelector is unable to select one, it can return null. Please note, that a version selector is not allowed to return the root version. Selects a version from set having the given version history.

Specified by:
select in interface VersionSelector
versionHistory - version history to select a version from
A version or null.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.

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