Interface LockEventChannel

public interface LockEventChannel

Event channel used to transmit lock events.

Method Summary
 ClusterOperation create(NodeId nodeId)
          Create a new cluster operation that should be used to inform other instances in the cluster.
 ClusterOperation create(NodeId nodeId, boolean deep, String owner)
          Create a new cluster operation that should be used to inform other instances in the cluster.
 void setListener(LockEventListener listener)
          Set listener that will receive information about incoming, external lock events.

Method Detail


ClusterOperation create(NodeId nodeId,
                        boolean deep,
                        String owner)
Create a new cluster operation that should be used to inform other instances in the cluster. Called when a node is about to be locked.

nodeId - node id
deep - flag indicating whether lock is deep
owner - lock owner
cluster operation or null if the cluster node is not started or some error occurs


ClusterOperation create(NodeId nodeId)
Create a new cluster operation that should be used to inform other instances in the cluster. Called when a node has been unlocked.

nodeId - node id
cluster operation or null if the cluster node is not started or some error occurs


void setListener(LockEventListener listener)
Set listener that will receive information about incoming, external lock events.

listener - lock event listener

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