ACTIVITY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
The activity resource type
ATTR_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
'DAV:name' attribute for the property element
ATTR_NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
'DAV:namespace' attribute for the property element
AUTO_MERGE_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
The DAV:auto-merge-set property identifies each version that the server has merged into this checked-out resource.
AUTO_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
The DAV:auto-version property determines how it responds to a method that attempts to modify its content or dead properties.
AbstractActiveLock - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.AbstractActiveLock.
AbstractActiveLock() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.AbstractActiveLock
AbstractDavProperty - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty.
AbstractDavProperty provides generic METHODS used by various implementations of the DavProperty interface.
AbstractDavProperty(DavPropertyName, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty
Create a new AbstractDavProperty with the given DavPropertyName and a boolean flag indicating whether this property is protected.
AbstractLockEntry - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.AbstractLockEntry.
AbstractLockEntry provides the generic XmlSerializable.toXml(org.w3c.dom.Document) method.
AbstractLockEntry() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.AbstractLockEntry
ActiveLock - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock.
ActiveLock encapsulates the lock information for a DavResource.
add(DavProperty) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Adds a property to this response '200' propstat set.
add(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Adds a property name to this response '200' propstat set.
add(DavProperty, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Adds a property to this response
add(DavPropertyName, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Adds a property name to this response
add(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
Adds the specified DavPropertyName object to this set if it is not already present.
add(DavProperty) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Adds a new property to this set.
addAll(DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
Add the property names contained in the specified set to this set.
addAll(DavPropertySet) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
addChildElement(Element, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Add a new child element with the given local name and namespace to the specified parent.
addChildElement(Element, String, Namespace, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Add a new child element with the given local name and namespace to the specified parent.
addContent(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
addContent(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
addContent(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
Tries to add the specified object to the PropContainer and returns a boolean indicating whether the content could be added to the internal set/map.
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
addEntry(Type, Scope) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Adds a capability to this lock support.
addEntry(LockEntry) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Adds a capability to this lock support.
addEntry(String, Namespace, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsResponse
Add a new entry to this OptionsResponse and make each href present in the String array being a separate DAV:href element within the entry.
addEventBundle(EventBundle) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventDiscovery
Add the Xml representation of an single 'eventBundle' listing the events that resulted from a change in the server, filtered by the restrictions present in the corresponding subscription.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
addLockManager(LockManager) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Add an external LockManager to this resource.
addLockToken(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSession
Adds a lock token to this DavSession.
addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Add the given resource as an internal member to this resource.
addQueryLanguage(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.QueryGrammerSet
Add another query queryGrammer to this set.
addReference(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSession
Adds a reference to this DavSession indicating that this session must not be discarded after completion of the current request.
addReportType(ReportType) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty
Add an additional report type to this property's value.
addResourceProperties(DavResource, DavPropertyNameSet, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Add response(s) to this multistatus, in order to build a multistatus for responding to a PROPFIND request.
addResourceProperties(DavResource, DavPropertyNameSet, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Add response(s) to this multistatus, in order to build a multistatus e.g.
addResourceStatus(DavResource, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Add response(s) to this multistatus, in order to build a multistatus as returned for COPY, MOVE, LOCK or DELETE requests resulting in an error with a resource other than the resource identified in the Request-URI.
addResponse(MultiStatusResponse) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Add a MultiStatusResponse element to this MultiStatus
addVersionControl() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionableResource
Converts this versionable resource into a version-controlled resource.
addWorkspace(DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
Add a new member to this resource, that represents a workspace.
Please note that no resource must exist at the location of the new workspace.
alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Set/add the specified properties and remove the properties with the given names from this resource respectively.
attachSession(WebdavRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSessionProvider
Acquires a DavSession.


BASELINE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
The baseline resource type
BASICSEARCH - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Predefined basic query grammer.


CHECKED_IN - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
The DAV:checked-in property appears on a checked-in version-controlled resource, and identifies the base version of this version-controlled resource.
CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
The DAV:checked-out property identifies the base version of this resource.
CHECKIN_FORK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
This property determines the DAV:checkin-fork property of the version that results from checking in this resource.
CHECKIN_FORK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
This property controls the behavior of CHECKIN when a version already has a successor.
CHECKOUT_FORK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
This property determines the DAV:checkout-fork property of the version that results from checking in this resource.
CHECKOUT_FORK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
This property controls the behavior of CHECKOUT when a version already is checked out or has a successor.
CHECKOUT_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
The computed property DAV:checkout-set identifies each checked-out resource whose DAV:checked-out property identifies this version.
The property is defined to have the following format:
COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
The collection resource type
COMMENT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
The "DAV:comment" property is used to track a brief comment about a resource that is suitable for presentation to a user.
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Constant for WebDAV 1 and 2 compliance class as is represented by this resource.
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingResource
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchResource
No extra compliance class defined by the Webdav Search spec.
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionResource
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResource
COMPLIANCE_CLASS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionableResource
No extra compliance class defined, therefore set to empty string
CREATIONDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
CREATOR_DISPLAYNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
The "DAV:creator-displayname" property contains a description of the creator of the resource that is suitable for presentation to a user.
CodedUrlHeader - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader.
CodedUrlHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader
checkin() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Perform a checkin on the version controlled resource.
checkout() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Perform a checkout on the version controlled resource.
contains(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
contains(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Checks if this set contains the property with the specified name.
contains(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
Returns true if this PropContainer contains a content element that matches the given DavPropertyName.
containsContentElement(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Indicates whether this info contains an element with the given name/namespace.
containsElement(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsInfo
Returns true if a child element with the given name and namespace is present.
containsHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
copy(DavResource, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Copy this DavResource to the given destination resource
create(String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope
Create a Scope object from the given name and namespace.
create(String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type
Create a Type object from the given localName and namespace.
create(String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Creates a new DavPropertyName with the given name and Namespace.
create(String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Creates a new DavPropertyName with the given local name and the default WebDAV namespace.
createElement(Document, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Create a new DOM element with the specified local name and namespace.
createElement(Document, String, Namespace, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Create a new DOM element with the specified local name and namespace and add the specified text as Text node to it.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Build a MultiStatus from the specified xml element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Build a new response object from the given xml element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope
Create a Scope object from the given Xml element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type
Create a Type object from the given Xml element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch
Create a new OrderPath object.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position
Create a new Position object from the specified position element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Create a new DavPropertyName with the name and namespace of the given Xml element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty
Create a new DefaultDavProperty instance from the given Xml element.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo
Create a new SearchInfo from the specifying document retrieved from the request body.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsInfo
Build an OptionsInfo object from the root element present in the request body.
createFromXml(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsResponse
Build a new OptionsResponse object from the given xml element.
createLock(LockInfo, DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockManager
Create a new lock for the given resource.
createLock(LockInfo, DavResource) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager
Adds the lock for the given resource, replacing any existing lock.
createReport(DeltaVResource, ReportInfo) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
Creates a new Report with this type.
createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest, DavServletResponse) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceFactory
Create a DavResource object from the given locator, request and response objects.
createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavSession) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceFactory
Create a new DavResource object from the given locator and session.
createResourceLocator(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavLocatorFactory
Create a new DavResourceLocator.
createResourceLocator(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavLocatorFactory
Create a new DavResourceLocator.
createResourceLocator(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavLocatorFactory
creationDateFormat - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
Simple date format for the creation date ISO representation (partial).


DAV_BASELINE_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav BASELINE-CONTROL method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_CHECKIN - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav CHECKIN method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_CHECKOUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav CHECKOUT method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_COPY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav COPY method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518
DAV_DELETE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav DELETE method and public constant
DAV_GET - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav GET method and public constant
DAV_HEAD - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav HEAD method and public constant
DAV_LABEL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav LABEL method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_LOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav LOCK method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518
DAV_MERGE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav MERGE method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_MKACTIVITY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav MKACTIVITY method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_MKCOL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav MKCOL (make collection) method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518
DAV_MKWORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav MKWORKSPACE method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_MOVE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav MOVE method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518
DAV_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav OPTIONS method and public constant
DAV_ORDERPATCH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav ORDERPATCH method and public constant defined by RFC 3648.
DAV_POLL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav POLL method and public constant
NOTE: This method is not defined by any of the Webdav RFCs
DAV_POST - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav POST method and public constant
DAV_PROPFIND - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav PROPFIND method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518.
DAV_PROPPATCH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav PROPPATCH method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518
DAV_PUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav PUT method and public constant
DAV_REPORT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav REPORT method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav SEARCH method and public constant as defined by the Webdav Search internet draft.
DAV_SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav SUBSCRIBE method and public constant.
NOTE: This method is not defined by any of the Webdav RFCs
DAV_UNCHECKOUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav UNCHECKOUT method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_UNLOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav UNLOCK method and public constant as defined by RFC 2518
DAV_UNSUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav UNSUBSCRIBE method and public constant
NOTE: This method is not defined by any of the Webdav RFCs
DAV_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav UPDATE method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DAV_VERSION_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
The webdav VERSION-CONTROL method and public constant defined by RFC 3253
DEFAULT_RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
The default resource type
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxActiveLock
DEPTH_0 - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
DEPTH_1 - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
DEPTH_INFINITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
DEPTH_INFINITY_S - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
DISPLAYNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
DavConstants - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants.
DavConstants provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names defined by RFC 2518.
DavException - exception org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException.
DavException extends the Exception class in order to simplify handling of exceptional situations occuring during processing of WebDAV requests and provides possibility to retrieve an Xml representation of the error.
DavException(int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Create a new DavException.
DavException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Create a new DavException.
DavException(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Create a new DavException.
DavException(int, String, Throwable, Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Create a new DavException.
DavLocatorFactory - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavLocatorFactory.
DavMethods - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods.
DavMethods defines constants for the WebDAV METHODS.
DavMethods() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
DavProperty - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavProperty.
The Property class represents a Property of a WebDAV resource.
DavPropertyIterator - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyIterator.
The DavPropertyIterator extends the Iterator by a property specific next() method.
DavPropertyName - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName.
The DavPropertyName class reflects a Webdav property name.
DavPropertyNameIterator - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameIterator.
DavPropertyNameSet - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet.
DavPropertyNameSet represents a Set of DavPropertyName objects.
DavPropertyNameSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
Create a new empty set.
DavPropertyNameSet(DavPropertyNameSet) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
Create a new DavPropertyNameSet with the given initial values.
DavPropertyNameSet(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
Create a new DavPropertyNameSet from the given DAV:prop element.
DavPropertySet - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet.
The DavPropertySet class represents a set of WebDAV property.
DavPropertySet() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
DavResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource.
DavResource provides standard WebDAV functionality as specified by RFC 2518.
DavResourceFactory - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceFactory.
DavResourceFactory interface defines a single method for creating DavResource objects.
DavResourceIterator - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIterator.
DavResourceIterator extends the Iterator interface.
DavResourceIteratorImpl - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl.
DavResourceIteratorImpl implementation of the DavResourceIterator interface.
NOTE: DavResourceIteratorImpl.remove() is not implemented.
DavResourceIteratorImpl(List) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl
Create a new DavResourceIterator from the specified list.
DavResourceLocator - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator.
DavServletRequest - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest.
DavServletRequest extends the HttpServletRequest by Webdav specific METHODS.
DavServletResponse - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse.
WebdavResponse extends the HttpServletResponse by Webdav specific status codes and METHODS.
DavSession - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSession.
DavSession allows to pass session information between request, response and resource(s).
DavSessionProvider - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSessionProvider.
DavSessionProvider is an interface for components that can initiate and complete DavSessions.
DefaultActiveLock - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock.
DefaultActiveLock implements the ActiveLock interface and represents an exclusive write lock with a random uuid lock token.
DefaultActiveLock() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
Create a new DefaultActiveLock with default values.
DefaultActiveLock(LockInfo) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
Create a new lock
DefaultDavProperty - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty.
DefaultDavProperty(String, Object, Namespace, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty
Creates a new WebDAV property with the given namespace, name and value.
DefaultDavProperty(String, Object, Namespace) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty
Creates a new non-protected WebDAV property with the given namespace, name and value.
DefaultDavProperty(DavPropertyName, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty
Creates a new WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName and value.
DefaultDavProperty(DavPropertyName, Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty
Creates a new non- protected WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName and value.
DeltaVConstants - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants.
DeltaVConstants defines the following headers and properties required for any resource that is complient to RFC 3253:

DeltaVResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource.
The DeltaVResource encapsultes the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.
DeltaVServletRequest - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest.
DeltaVServletRequest provides extension useful for functionality related to RFC 3253.
DepthHeader - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader.
DepthHeader(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader
Create a new DepthHeader from the given integer.
DepthHeader(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader
Create a new DepthHeader with either value 0 or infinity.
DomUtil - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil.
DomUtil provides some common utility methods related to w3c-DOM.
DomUtil() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
depthToXml(boolean, Document) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns the Xml representation of a boolean isDeep, where false presents a depth value of '0', true a depth value of 'infinity'.
depthToXml(String, Document) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns the Xml representation of a depth String.


EMPTY_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope
EXPAND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
ElementIterator - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator.
ElementIterator(Element, String, Namespace) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator
Create a new instance of ElementIterator with the given parent element.
ElementIterator(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator
Create a new instance of ElementIterator with the given parent element.
EventBundle - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventBundle.
EventBundle defines an empty interface used to represent a bundle of events.
EventDiscovery - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventDiscovery.
EventDiscovery represents the request body of a successfull POLL request.
EventDiscovery() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventDiscovery
EventType - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventType.
ExpandPropertyReport - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ExpandPropertyReport.
ExpandPropertyReport encapsulates the DAV:expand-property report, that provides a mechanism for retrieving in one request the properties from the resources identified by those DAV:href elements.
ExpandPropertyReport() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ExpandPropertyReport
encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
encodeURL(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
encodeUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope
Returns true if this Scope is equal to the given one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type
Returns true if this Type is equal to the given one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty
Checks if this property has the same name and value as the given one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Checks if this property has the same name and namespace as the given one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
exists() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns true if this webdav resource represents an existing repository item.


Filter - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter.
Filter(String, Namespace, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
Filter(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
flushBuffer() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl


GETCONTENTLANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
GETCONTENTLENGTH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
GETCONTENTTYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
GETETAG - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
GETLASTMODIFIED - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
GLOBAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
"global" lock scope constant.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Retrieves the property with the specified name and the default WebDAV namespace.
get(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Retrieves the property with the specified name and namespace.
get(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Retrieves the property with the specified name
getAllNotTokens() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
getAllTokens() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getAttribute(Element, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns the value of the named attribute of the current element.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getAuthType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
getChildElement(Node, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns the first child element that matches the given local name and namespace.
getChildText(Element, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Calls DomUtil.getText(Element) on the first child element that matches the given local name and namespace.
getChildTextTrim(Element, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Calls DomUtil.getTextTrim(Element) on the first child element that matches the given local name and namespace.
getChildren(Element, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns a ElementIterator containing all child elements of the given parent node that match the given local name and namespace.
getChildren(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Return an ElementIterator over all child elements.
getCodedUrl() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader
Returns the token present in the header value or null.
getCodedUrls() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader
Return an array of coded urls as present in the header value or null if no value is present.
getCollection() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Retrieve the resource this resource is internal member of.
getComplianceClass() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns a comma separted list of all compliance classes the given resource is fulfilling.
getContent() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
getContent() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
getContent() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
Returns the collection that contains all the content elements of this PropContainer.
getContent(Node) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Return a list of all child nodes that are either Element, Text or CDATA.
getContentElement(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Retrieves the Xml element with the given name/namespace that is a child of this info.
getContentElements(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Returns a list containing all child Xml elements of this info that have the specified name/namespace.
getContentLanguage() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Returns the content language or null
getContentLanguage() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
Returns the content language or null.
getContentLength() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getContentLength() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Returns the length of the data or -1 if the contentlength could not be determined.
getContentLength() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
getContentSize() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
getContentSize() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
getContentSize() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
Returns the number of property related content elements that are present in this PropContainer.
getContentType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getContentType() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Return the content type or null
getContentType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
getContextPath() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getCookies() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getDateHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getDavSession() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Returns the DavSession created for this request.
getDavSession() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getDepth() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the integer representation of the given Depth header.
getDepth(int) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Returns the integer representation of the Depth header or the given defaultValue, if the Depth header is missing.
getDepth(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getDepth() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getDepth() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader
getDepth() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
Return the depth
getDepth() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Returns the depth field.
getDestinationLocator() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Parse the Destination header and return the locator of the corresponding resource.
getDestinationLocator() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Parse the destination header field and return the path of the destination resource.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns the display name of this resource.
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Return the error code attached to this DavException.
getEventTypes() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Return array of event type names present in the subscription info.
getFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Return the DavResourceFactory that created this resource.
getFactory() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Return the locator factory that created this locator.
getFilters() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Return all filters defined for this SubscriptionInfo
getFilters(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Return array of filters with the specified name.
getFirstChildElement(Node) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Return the first child element
getHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getHeaderName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader
Return the name of the header
getHeaderName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader
Return Depth
getHeaderName() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.Header
getHeaderName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
Return If
getHeaderName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader
getHeaderName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
getHeaderName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader
getHeaderNames() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getHeaderValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader
Return the value of the header
getHeaderValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader
Returns the header value.
getHeaderValue() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.Header
getHeaderValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
Return the String representation of the If header present on the given request or null.
getHeaderValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader
getHeaderValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
getHeaderValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader
getHeaders(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getHref() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns the absolute href of this resource as returned in the multistatus response body.
getHref(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Return the 'href' representation of this locator object.
getHref() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Returns the href
getHrefs() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty
Return an array of String containg the text of those DAV:href elements that would be returned as child elements of this property on XmlSerializable.toXml(Document)
getHrefs(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsResponse
getInputStream() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getInputStream() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Returns the input stream of the resource to import.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
Returns the input stream of the resource to import.
getIntHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getLabel() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getLabel() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader
getLabel() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest
Returns the Label header or null
getLabelInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getLabelInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest
Return the request body as LabelInfo object or null if parsing the request body or the creation of the label info failed.
getLabelName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
Return the text present inside the 'DAV:label-name' element or null
getLabelName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
getLanguageName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo
Returns the name of the query language to be used.
getLanguageNameSpace() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo
Returns the namespace of the language specified with the search request element.
getLocalName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
getLocale() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getLocale() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
getLocales() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getLocator() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns the locator object for this webdav resource, which encapsulates the information for building the complete 'href'.
getLock(Type, Scope) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Return the lock present on this webdav resource or null if the resource is either not locked or not lockable at all.
getLock(Type, Scope, DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockManager
Retrieve the lock with the given type and scope that is applied to the given resource.
getLock(Type, Scope, DavResource) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager
Returns the lock applying to the given resource or null if no lock can be found.
getLock(Type, Scope, TransactionResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockManager
Return the lock applied to the given resource or null
getLockInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the parsed 'lockinfo' request body, the Timeout header and the Depth header of a LOCK request as LockInfo object.
getLockInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
LockInfo object encapsulating the information passed with a LOCK request if the LOCK request body was valid.
getLockToken() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Returns the token present in the Lock-Token Header or null if no such header is available.
Note: The 'Lock-Token' header is sent with UNLOCK requests and with lock responses only.
getLockToken() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Retrive the lock token from the 'Lock-Token' header.
getLockTokens() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSession
Returns the lock tokens of this DavSession.
getLocks() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns an array of all locks applied to the given resource.
getMemberHandle() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch.Member
Return the handle of the internal member to be reordered.
getMembers() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns an iterator over all internal members.
getMergeElement() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
Returns the DAV:merge element used to create this MergeInfo object.
getMergeInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getMergeInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest
Return the request body as MergeInfo object or null if the creation failed due to invalid format.
getMethod() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getMethodCode(String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
Returns webdav method type code, error result <= 0 Valid type codes > 0
getModificationTime() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Return the time of the last modification or -1 if the modification time could not be retrieved.
getModificationTime() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Returns the modification time of the resource or the current time if the modification time has not been set.
getModificationTime() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventType
getName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
getName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty
Returns the name of this property.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavProperty
Returns the name of this property
getName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Return the name of this DavPropertyName.
getNamespace() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventType
getNamespace() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
getNamespace() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Return the namespace of this DavPropertyName.
getNamespace() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
getNamespace(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Build a Namespace from the prefix and uri retrieved from the given element.
getNamespace(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
getNamespace(String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
getOptionResponse(OptionsInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
Retrieves the information requested in the OPTIONS request body and returns the corresponding values.
getOptionsInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getOptionsInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest
Returns the OptionsInfo present with the request or null.
getOrderInstructions() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch
Return an array of OrderPatch.Member objects defining the re-ordering instructions to be applied to the requested resource.
getOrderPatch() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getOrderPatch() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest
Return a OrderPatch object encapsulating the request body of an ORDERPATCH request or null if the request body was either missing or could not be parsed.
getOrderingType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getOrderingType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch
Return the ordering type.
getOrderingType() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest
Returns the Ordering-Type header.
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
getOutputStream() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Return the output stream to be used for the export or null
getOutputStream() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
getOwner() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return the name (or id) of the lock owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
getOwner() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Return the owner indicated by the corresponding child element from the 'lockinfo' element or null if no 'lockinfo' element was passed to the constructor or did not contain an 'owner' element.
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getParameterMap() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getParameterNames() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getPathInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getPathTranslated() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getPosition() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getPosition() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch.Member
Return the position where the internal member identified by the member handle should be placed.
getPosition() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest
Return a Position object encapsulating the Position header field or null if no Position header is present or does not contain a valid format.
getPrefix() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Return the prefix used to build the complete href of the resource as required for the href Xml element.
getPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
getPrefixedName(String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Return the prefixed name of a DOM node consisting of namespace prefix + ":" + local name.
getPropFindProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the set of properties the client requested with a PROPFIND request or an empty set if the type of PROPFIND request was DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP or DavConstants.PROPFIND_PROPERTY_NAMES.
getPropFindProperties() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Returns the set of properties requested by the PROPFIND body or an empty set if the type is either 'allprop' or 'propname'.
getPropFindType() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the type of PROPFIND request as indicated by the PROPFIND request body.
getPropFindType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Returns the type of PROPFIND as indicated by the request body.
getPropPatchRemoveProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the set of property names the client wanted to remove with a PROPPATCH request, i.e.
getPropPatchRemoveProperties() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Return the list of 'remove' entries in the PROPPATCH request body.
getPropPatchSetProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the set of properties the client wanted to modify / create with a PROPPATCH request, i.e.
getPropPatchSetProperties() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Return the list of 'set' entries in the PROPPATCH request body.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns all webdav properties present on this resource.
getProperties(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Get properties present in this response for the given status code.
getProperty(DavPropertyName) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Return the webdav property with the specified name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Returns the value of the given property or null if this property does not exist.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
getPropertyNameSet() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
Returns a DavPropertyNameSet.
getPropertyNameSet() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
Returns a DavPropertyNameSet.
getPropertyNameSet() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Returns a DavPropertyNameSet providing the property names present in an eventual DavConstants.XML_PROP child element.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns an array of all property names available on this resource.
getPropertyNames(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Get property names present in this response for the given status code.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Return the names of all properties present in this set.
getProtocol() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getQualifiedName(String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Return a qualified name of a DOM node consisting of "{" + namespace uri + "}" + localName.
getQuery() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo
Return the query string.
getQueryGrammerSet() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchResource
Returns the protected DAV:supported-method-set property which is defined mandatory by RTF 3253.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.QueryGrammerSet
Return a String array containing the URIs of the query languages supported.
getQueryString() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getReader() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRealPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getReferenceResources(DavPropertyName) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
Returns an array of DavResource objects that are referenced by the HrefProperty with the specified name.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRemoteHost() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRemoteUser() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getReport(ReportInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
Runs the report specified by the given ReportInfo.
getReportInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getReportInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest
Returns the request body and the Depth header as ReportInfo object.
getReportName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Name of the report type that will be / has been requested.
getReportName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
Return the qualified name of this ReportType.
getRepositoryPath() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
An implementation may choose to circumvent the incompatibility of a repository path with the URI path by applying an appropriate conversion.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRequestDocument() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Parse the Xml request body and return a Document.
getRequestDocument() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRequestLocator() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the locator of the requested resource.
getRequestLocator() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Return a DavResourceLocator representing the request handle.
getRequestURI() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRequestURL() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getResourcePath() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns the path of the hierarchy element defined by this DavResource.
getResourcePath() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Return the resource path.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
Returns the resource types specified with the constructor.
getResponseDescription() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Returns the response description.
getResponseDescription() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
getResponses() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Returns the multistatus responses present as array.
getScheme() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getScope() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return the scope of this lock.
getScope() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
This is always an exclusive lock.
getScope() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockEntry
Returns the scope of this lock entry.
getScope() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Return the lock scope or null if no 'lockinfo' element was passed to the constructor or did not contain an 'scope' element and the scope has not been set otherwise.
getScope() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxActiveLock
Returns the scope of this lock which is either TransactionConstants.LOCAL or TransactionConstants.GLOBAL.
getScope() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockEntry
Returns either local or global scope depending on the initial construtor value.
getSegment() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position
Returns the segment used to create this Position object or null if no segment is present with the type.
getServerName() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getServletPath() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getSession() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Retrieve the DavSession associated with this resource.
getSession(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getSession() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getSourceHrefs() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
Returns the URL specified with the DAV:source element or null if no such child element is present in the DAV:merge element.
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.Status
getStatusPhrase() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Return the status phrase corresponding to the error code attached to this DavException.
getStatusPhrase(int) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Returns the status phrase for the given error code.
getSubscriptionDiscovery(ObservationResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionManager
Retrieve the SubscriptionDiscovery object for the given resource.
getSubscriptionId() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getSubscriptionId() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletRequest
Return the SubscriptionId header or null if no such header is present.
getSubscriptionId() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Subscription
Returns the id of this subscription, that must be used for unsubscribing as well as for event discovery later on.
getSubscriptionInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getSubscriptionInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletRequest
Return a SubscriptionInfo object representing the subscription info present in the SUBSCRIBE request body or null if retrieving the subscription info fails.
getSupportedLocks() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Returns an iterator over all supported locks.
getSupportedMethods() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns a comma separated list of all METHODS supported by the given resource.
getText(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Concatenates the values of all child nodes of type 'Text' or 'CDATA'/
getTextTrim(Element) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Removes leading and trailing whitespace after calling {@link #getText(Element).
getTimeOut() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Return the timeout as retrieved from the request.
getTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Return the timeout requested in the Timeout header as long.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Parse the Timeout header and return a long representing the value.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader
getTimeout() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return the number of milliseconds the lock will live until it is expired or -1 if the timeout is not available (or the client is not allowed to retrieve it).
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Returns the time until the lock is requested to expire.
getToken() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return the lock token.
getToken() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
getTransactionId() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getTransactionId() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionDavServletRequest
Retrieve the transaction id from the TransactionId header.
getTransactionId() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionResource
The TransactionId or null according to the value of the corresponding request header field.
getTransactionInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getTransactionInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionDavServletRequest
Retrieve the 'transactioninfo' request body that must be included with the UNLOCK request of a transaction lock.
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return the type of this lock.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
This is always a write lock.
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockEntry
Returns the type of this lock entry
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Returns the lock type or null if no 'lockinfo' element was passed to the constructor or did not contain an 'type' element and the type has not been set otherwise.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position
Return the type of this Position object, which may be any of the following valid types: first, last, after, before
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxActiveLock
Always returns the TransactionConstants.TRANSACTION type.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockEntry
Returns the 'transaction' lock type.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
Return the type of the LABEL request.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ExpandPropertyReport
Returns ReportType.EXPAND_PROPERTY.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.LocateByHistoryReport
getType() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.Report
Returns the registered type of this report.
getType(ReportInfo) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
Return the ReportType requested by the given report info object.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.VersionTreeReport
Returns ReportType.VERSION_TREE
getURI() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
getUpdateElement() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
getUpdateInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getUpdateInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest
Parses the UPDATE request body a build the corresponding UpdateInfo object.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockDiscovery
Returns the list of active locks.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Returns the list of supported lock entries.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionDiscovery
Returns an array of Subscriptions.
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavProperty
Returns the value of this property
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty
Returns the value of this property
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty
Returns an array of String.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
Returns a Set of resource types each implementing the XmlSerializable interface.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.QueryGrammerSet
Returns the set of supported query grammers.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelSetProperty
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.SupportedMethodSetProperty
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty
Returns a set of report types.
getVersionHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Returns the VersionHistoryResource, that is referenced in the 'version-history' property.
getVersionHistory() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
Returns the VersionHistoryResource, that is referenced in the DAV:version-history property.
getVersionHref() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
getVersions() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResource
Returns an array of VersionResources containing all versions that are a member of this resource.
getWorkspaceHref() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
getWorkspaceName() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Return the name of the workspace the resource identified by this locator is member of.
getWorkspacePath() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Return the path of the workspace the resource identified by this locator is member of.
getWriter() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl


HEADER_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_DASL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
The DASL response header specifing the query languages supported by the requested resource.
HEADER_DAV - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
Request and response headers and some value constants
HEADER_DEPTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_DESTINATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_ETAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_IF - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_LABEL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
For certain METHODS, if the request-URL identifies a version-controlled resource, a label can be specified in a LabelInfo request header to cause the method to be applied to the version selected by that label.
LabelInfo header MUST have no effect on a request whose request-URL does not identify a version-controlled resource.
HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_LOCATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Location header as defined by RFC 2616.
HEADER_LOCK_TOKEN - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_ORDERING_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
The "Ordering-Type" request header.
HEADER_OVERWRITE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_POSITION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
When a new member is added to a collection with a client-maintained ordering (for example, with PUT, COPY, or MKCOL), its position in the ordering can be set with the new Position header.

Position = "Position" ":" ("first" | "last" | (("before" | "after") segment))

NOTE: segment is defined in section 3.3 of RFC2396.
HEADER_SUBSCRIPTIONID - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
The SubscriptionId request header
HEADER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
HEADER_TRANSACTIONID - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
TransactionId Header
Header - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.Header.
HrefProperty - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty.
HrefProperty is an extension to the common DavProperty.
HrefProperty(DavPropertyName, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty
Creates a new WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName
HrefProperty(DavPropertyName, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty
Creates a new WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName
HrefProperty(DavProperty) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty
Create a new HrefProperty from the specified property.
HttpDateFormat - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.util.HttpDateFormat.
HttpDateFormat(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.util.HttpDateFormat
hasChildElement(Node, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns true if the given parent node has a child element that matches the specified local name and namespace.
hasContent(Node) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Return true if the given parent contains any child that is either an Element, Text or CDATA.
hasErrorCondition() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
hasLock(Type, Scope) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns true if a lock applies to this resource.
hasLock(String, DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockManager
Returns true, if the the manager contains a lock for the given resource, that is hold by the specified token.
hasLock(String, DavResource) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator
Returns true if there is a next Element
hasStream() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext
Return true, if there are any data to be imported (and not only properties)
hasStream() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
hasStream() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Return true if the given export context can provide an output stream
hasStream() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
hasValue() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
Returns true if an If header was present in the given request.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty
Computes the hash code using this propertys name and value.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Computes the hash code using this propertys name and namespace.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
hrefToXml(String, Document) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Builds a 'DAV:href' Xml element from the given href.


INFINITE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
ISCOLLECTION - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
IfHeader - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader.
The IfHeader class represents the state lists defined through the HTTP If header, which is specified in RFC 2518 as follows :
IfHeader(String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
Create a Untagged IfHeader if the given lock tokens.
IfHeader(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
Parses the If header and creates and internal representation which is easy to query.
InputContext - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContext.
InputContextImpl - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl.
InputContextImpl class encapsulates the InputStream and some header values as present in the POST, PUT or MKCOL request.
InputContextImpl(HttpServletRequest, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.InputContextImpl
init(SubscriptionManager) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource
Initializes this resource.
init(TxLockManager, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionResource
Initializes the TransactionResource.
init(DavResource, ReportInfo) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ExpandPropertyReport
init(DavResource, ReportInfo) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.LocateByHistoryReport
init(DavResource, ReportInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.Report
Set the DeltaVResource for which this report was requested and the ReportInfo as specified by the REPORT request body, that defines the details for this report.
Please note that this methods should perform basic validation checks in order to prevent execeptional situations during the xml serialization.
init(DavResource, ReportInfo) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.VersionTreeReport
Validates the specified resource and info objects.
isCollection() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns true if this webdav resource has the resourcetype 'collection'.
isCommit() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionInfo
Returns true, if this info requires a 'commit' action, false otherwise (i.e.
isCommitted() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
isCreateCollectionRequest(DavServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
Returns true if the request is to create a collection resource.
isCreateRequest(DavServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
Returns true if the request is to create a resource.
isDeep() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return true if the lock is deep.
isDeep() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
isDeep() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Returns true if the lock must be applied with depth infinity.
isDeep() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Returns true if the depths header defined a depth other than '0'.
isDeep() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxActiveLock
Always returns true.
isDeltaVMethod(DavServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
Returns true, if the specified method is defined by RFC 3253
isEmpty() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
Returns true if the PropContainer does not yet contain any content elements.
isExpired() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Returns true, if this lock is already expired.
isExpired() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
isLockable(Type, Scope) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Returns true, if the this resource allows locking.
isLockedByToken(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Return true, if the given token matches the lock token present in this lock thus indicating that any lock relevant operation should not fail due to a lock.
isLockedByToken(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
isMatchingFilter(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
isMethodAffectedByLabel(DavServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
Returns true, if the specified method is affected by a Label header
isMultiStatusReport() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ExpandPropertyReport
Always returns true.
isMultiStatusReport() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.LocateByHistoryReport
Always returns true.
isMultiStatusReport() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.Report
Returns true if this Report will send a MultiStatus response.
Please note that RFC 3253 that the the response must be a 207 Multi-Status, if a Depth request header is present.
isMultiStatusReport() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.VersionTreeReport
Always returns true.
isNoAutoMerge() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
Returns true if the DAV:merge element contains a DAV:no-auto-merge child element.
isNoCheckout() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
Returns true if the DAV:merge element contains a DAV:no-checkout child element.
isNoLocal() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Returns true if the ObservationConstants.XML_NOLOCAL element is present in this subscription info.
isOrderable() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingResource
Returns true if this resources allows ordering of its internal members.
isOverwrite() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Returns true if the Overwrite header is set to 'T' thus instructing the server to overwrite the state of a non-null destination resource during a COPY or MOVE.
isOverwrite() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Return true if the overwrite header does not inhibit overwriting.
isOverwrite() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
isProtected() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty
Returns true if this property is protected or computed.
isProtected() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavProperty
Return true if this property is protected.
isRefreshLock() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Returns true if this LockInfo was created for a LOCK request intended to refresh an existing lock rather than creating a new one.
isRequestedReportType(ReportInfo) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
Returns true if this ReportType is requested by the given ReportInfo
isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
isRootLocation() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Returns true if this DavResourceLocator represents the root locator that would be requested with 'hrefPrefix'+'pathPrefix' with or without a trailing '/'.
isSame(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace
isSameWorkspace(DavResourceLocator) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Returns true if the specified locator refers to a resource within the same workspace.
isSameWorkspace(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceLocator
Returns true if the specified workspace name equals to the workspace name defined with this locator.
isSecure() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
isSupportedLock(Type, Scope) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Returns true if this a lock with the given type and scope is supported.
isSupportedReport(ReportInfo) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty
Returns true if the report type indicated in the specified RequestInfo object is included in the supported reports.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Returns an iterator over all property in this set.
iterator(Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Returns an iterator over all those property in this set, that have the indicated namespace.


LABEL_NAME_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
Required protected property 'DAV:label-name-set' for a version of a webdav resource introduced with the 'LabelInfo' feature.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
"local" lock scope constant.
LOCATE_BY_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
LOCKDISCOVERY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
LabelHeader - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader.
LabelHeader(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader
LabelInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo.
LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
LabelInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
LabelInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
LabelInfo(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
LabelInfo(Element, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
Create a new LabelInfo from the given element and depth integer.
LabelInfo(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
Create a new LabelInfo from the given element.
LabelSetProperty - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelSetProperty.
LabelSetProperty(String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelSetProperty
Create a new LabelSetProperty.
LocateByHistoryReport - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.LocateByHistoryReport.
LocateByHistoryReport encapsulates the DAV:locate-by-hisotry report, that may be used to locate a version-controlled resource for that version history.
LocateByHistoryReport() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.LocateByHistoryReport
LockDiscovery - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockDiscovery.
The LockDiscovery class encapsulates the webdav lock discovery property that is sent in the request body (PROPFIND and LOCK) and received in a LOCK response body.
LockDiscovery() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockDiscovery
Creates a new empty LockDiscovery property
LockDiscovery(ActiveLock) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockDiscovery
Create a new LockDiscovery property
LockDiscovery(ActiveLock[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockDiscovery
Create a new LockDiscovery property
LockEntry - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockEntry.
LockInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo.
LockInfo is a simple utility class encapsulating the information passed with a LOCK request.
LockInfo(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Create a new LockInfo used for refreshing an existing lock.
LockInfo(Scope, Type, String, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Create a new LockInfo
LockInfo(Element, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Create a new LockInfo object from the given information.
LockManager - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockManager.
The LockManager interface.
label(LabelInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Modify the labels of the version referenced by the DAV:checked-in property of this checked-in version-controlled resource.
label(LabelInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
Modify the labels of this version resource.
lock(LockInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Lock this webdav resource with the information retrieve from the request and return the resulting lockdiscovery object.


MERGE_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
This property identifies each version that is to be merged into this checked-out resource.
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
String constant representing the WebDAV 1 and 2 method set.
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingResource
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchResource
The 'SEARCH' method
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionResource
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
The generic deltaV complient resource defines one additional method REPORT.
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResource
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
The version resource defines one additional method LABEL.
METHODS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionableResource
The versionable resource defines one additional method VERSION-CONTROL.
METHODS_INCL_MKWORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
If the server support the Workspace featured defined by RFC 3253 certain DeltaVResources may also support the MKWORKSPACE method.
METHOD_BASELINE_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_CHECKIN - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_CHECKOUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_COPY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_DELETE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_GET - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_HEAD - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_LABEL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_LOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_MERGE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_MKACTIVITY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_MKCOL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_MKWORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_MOVE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_ORDERPATCH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_POLL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_POST - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_PROPFIND - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_PROPPATCH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_PUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_REPORT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_UNCHECKOUT - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_UNLOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_UNSUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
METHOD_VERSION_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavMethods
MergeInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo.
MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
MergeInfo(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
Create a new MergeInfo
MultiStatus - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus.
MultiStatus representing the content of a multistatus response body and allows to retrieve the Xml representation.
MultiStatus() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
MultiStatusResponse - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse.
MultiStatusResponse(String, Status, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Constructs an WebDAV multistatus response
MultiStatusResponse(String, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Constructs an WebDAV multistatus response for a given resource.
MultiStatusResponse(String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Constructs an WebDAV multistatus response for a given resource.
MultiStatusResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Constructs an empty WebDAV multistatus response of type 'PropStat'
MultiStatusResponse(DavResource, DavPropertyNameSet) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Constucts a WebDAV multistatus response and retrieves the resource properties according to the given DavPropertyNameSet.
MultiStatusResponse(DavResource, DavPropertyNameSet, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
Constucts a WebDAV multistatus response and retrieves the resource properties according to the given DavPropertyNameSet.
matches(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader
Tries to match the contents of the If header with the given token and etag values with the restriction to only check for the tag.
matches(Node, String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Returns true if the specified node matches the required names.
matchesIfHeader(DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Returns true, if the If header present with the request matches the given resource.
matchesIfHeader(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Returns true, if the If header present with the request matches to the given href, token and eTag.
matchesIfHeader(DavResource) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Test if the if header matches the given resource.
matchesIfHeader(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
merge(MergeInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Perform a merge on this resource using the specified MergeInfo.
methods_checkedIn - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Methods defined for a checked-in version-controlled resource: CHECKOUT, UNCHECHKOUT, UPDATE, MERGE, LABEL
methods_checkedOut - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Methods defined for a checked-out version-controlled resource: CHECKIN, MERGE
modificationDateFormat - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
modificationDate date format per RFC 1123
move(DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Move this DavResource to the given destination resource


NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
Default Namespace constant
NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
The namespace
NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
The namespace
NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Namespace definition.
NOTE: For convenience reasons, the namespace is defined to be the default DAV: namespace.
NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
Namespace for transaction related xml elements
NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
The DAV: namespace.
Namespace - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.Namespace.
next() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl
next() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator
nextElement() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator
Returns the next Element in the iterator.
nextProperty() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyIterator
Returns the next Property in the interation.
nextPropertyName() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameIterator
nextResource() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIterator
Returns the next DavResource in the iterator
nextResource() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl


OPAQUE_LOCK_TOKEN_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
ORDERING_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
The DAV:ordering-type property indicates whether the collection is ordered and, if so, uniquely identifies the semantics of the ordering.
ORDERING_TYPE_CUSTOM - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
Constant representing the DAV:custom ordering type URI, which indicates that the collection is not ordered.
ORDERING_TYPE_UNORDERED - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
Constant representing the DAV:unordered ordering type URI, which indicates that the collection is to be ordered, but the semantics of the ordering is not being advertised.
OVERWRITE_FALSE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
OVERWRITE_TRUE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
ObservationConstants - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants.
ObservationConstants interface provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for handling observation over WebDAV.
ObservationDavServletRequest - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletRequest.
ObservationDavServletRequest provides extensions to the DavServletRequest interface used for dealing with observation.
ObservationDavServletResponse - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletResponse.
ObservationDavServletResponse provides extensions to the DavServletResponse interface used for dealing with observation.
ObservationResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource.
ObservationResource extends the DavResource interface by observation relevant METHODS.
OptionsInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsInfo.
OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present with a OPTIONS request.
OptionsInfo(String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsInfo
Create a new OptionsInfo with the specified entries.
OptionsResponse - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsResponse.
OptionsResponse encapsulates the DAV:options-response element present in the response body of a successful OPTIONS request (with body).
OptionsResponse() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsResponse
OrderPatch - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch.
OrderPatch represents the mandatory request body of an ORDERPATCH request.
OrderPatch(String, OrderPatch.Member) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch
Create a new OrderPath object.
OrderPatch(String, OrderPatch.Member[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch
Create a new OrderPath object.
OrderPatch.Member - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch.Member.
Internal class Member represents the 'Order-Member' children elements of an 'OrderPatch' request body present in the ORDERPATCH request.
OrderPatch.Member(String, Position) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch.Member
Create a new Member object.
OrderingConstants - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants.
OrderingConstants provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names defined by RFC 3648.
OrderingDavServletRequest - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest.
OrderingDavServletRequest provides extensions to the DavServletRequest interface used for ordering members of orderable collections.
OrderingResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingResource.
OrderingResource extends the DavResource interface by METHODS relating to ordering functionality defined by RFC 3648.
OrderingType - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingType.
OrderingType represents the DAV:ordering-type property as defined by RFC 3648.
OrderingType() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingType
Creates a OrderingType with the default type (e.g.
OrderingType(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingType
Create an OrderingType with the given ordering.
NOTE: the ordering-type property is defined to be protected.
OutputContext - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext.
OutputContextImpl - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl.
OutputContextImpl(HttpServletResponse, OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
OverwriteHeader - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader.
OverwriteHeader(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
OverwriteHeader(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader
orderMembers(OrderPatch) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingResource
Reorders the internal members of this resource according to the instructions present in the specified OrderPatch object.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock
Provides interfaces and classes for locking related issues.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation
Contains interfaces and classes related to observation, which is not covered by the WebDAV protocol.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering
Contains interfaces and classes used to cover the functionality defined by the RFC 3648: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol .
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property
Interfaces and classes related to WebDAV properties.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search
Contains interfaces and classes used to cover the functionality defined by the Internet Draft WebDAV Search.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction
Contains interfaces and classes related to transaction locks.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.util - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.util
Common utility classes.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version
Interfaces and classes used to cover functionality defined by RFC 3253: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report
Report interface and inplementation for default reports defined by RFC 3253.
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml - package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml
Xml utility classes.


PREDECESSOR_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
The DAV:predecessor-set property of a version-controlled resource points to those version resources, that are scheduled to become the predecessors of this resource when it is back checked-in.
PREDECESSOR_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
The protected DAV:predecessor property identifies each predecessor of this version.
PROPERTY_CREATIONDATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
Webdav property names as defined by RFC 2518
Note: Microsoft webdav clients as well as Webdrive request additional property (e.g.
PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_GETCONTENTLANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_GETCONTENTLENGTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_GETCONTENTTYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_GETETAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_GETLASTMODIFIED - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_LOCKDISCOVERY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_RESOURCETYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_SOURCE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPERTY_SUPPORTEDLOCK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPFIND_ALL_PROP - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPFIND_BY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
PROPFIND_PROPERTY_NAMES - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
Position - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position.
Position encapsulates the position in ordering information contained in a Webdav request.
Position(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position
Create a new Position object with the specified type.
Position(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position
Create a new Position object with the specified type and segment.
PropContainer - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer.
PropContainer() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
parse(String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.Status
Parse the given status line and return a new Status object.
parse(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader
Retrieves the header with the given name and builds a new CodedUrlHeader.
parse(HttpServletRequest, int) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader
Retrieve the Depth header from the given request object and parse the value.
parse(WebdavRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader
parse(HttpServletRequest, long) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader
Parse the request timeout header and convert the timeout value into a long indicating the number of milliseconds until expiration time is reached.
NOTE: If the requested timeout is 'infinite' Long.MAX_VALUE is returned.
poll(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource
Retrieve the list of events that where recorded for the event listener with the given SubscriptionId.
poll(String, ObservationResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionManager
Retrieve the list of events that occured since the last poll.


QUERY_GRAMMER_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Property indicating the set of query languages the given resource is able deal with.
QueryGrammerSet - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.QueryGrammerSet.
QueryGrammerSet is a DavProperty that encapsulates the 'supported-query-grammer-set' as defined by the Webdav SEARCH internet draft.
QueryGrammerSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.QueryGrammerSet
Create a new empty QueryGrammerSet.


RESOURCETYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
ROOT_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResource
Computed (protected) property identifying the root version of this version history.
Report - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.Report.
The Report interface defines METHODS needed in order to respond to a REPORT request.
ReportInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo.
The ReportInfo class encapsulates the body of a REPORT request.
ReportInfo(ReportType) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Create a new ReportInfo
ReportInfo(ReportType, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Create a new ReportInfo
ReportInfo(ReportType, int, DavPropertyNameSet) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Create a new ReportInfo
ReportInfo(Element, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Create a new ReportInfo object from the given Xml element.
ReportType - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType.
ResourceType - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType.
The ResourceType class represents the webdav resource type property.
ResourceType(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
Create a single-valued resource type property
ResourceType(int[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
Create a multi-valued resource type property
refreshLock(LockInfo, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Refresh an existing lock by resetting the timeout.
refreshLock(LockInfo, String, DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockManager
Refresh the lock identified by the given lockToken and initially created on the specified resouce.
refreshLock(LockInfo, String, DavResource) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager
register(String, Namespace, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
Register the report type with the given name, namespace and class, that can run that report.
registerResourceType(String, Namespace) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
Register an additional resource type
releaseLock(String, DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockManager
Release the lock identified by the given lockToken and initially created on the specified resouce.
releaseLock(String, DavResource) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager
Remove the lock hold by the given resource.
releaseLock(TransactionInfo, String, TransactionResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockManager
Release the lock identified by the given lock token.
releaseSession(WebdavRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSessionProvider
Releases the reference from the request to the session.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl
remove(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet
Removes the specified DavPropertyName object from this set.
remove(DavPropertyName) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Removes the indicated property from this set.
remove(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Removes the property with the specified name and the default WebDAV namespace.
remove(String, Namespace) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet
Removes the property with the specified name and namespace from this set.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator
Not implemented
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
removeLockToken(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSession
Removes a lock token from this DavSession.
removeMember(DavResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Removes the specified member from this resource.
removeProperty(DavPropertyName) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Remove the specified property from this resource.
removeReference(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavSession
Releasing a reference to this DavSession.
reset() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
resetBuffer() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl


SC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Status code (424) incidating that the method could not be performed on the resource, because the requested action depended on another action which failed.
SC_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Status code (507) indicating that the resource does not have sufficient space to record the state of the resource after the execution of this method.
SC_LOCKED - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Status code (423) indicating the destination resource of a method is locked, and either the request did not contain a valid Lock-Info header, or the Lock-Info header identifies a lock held by another principal.
SC_MULTI_STATUS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Status code (207) indicating that the response requires providing status for multiple independent operations.
SC_PROCESSING - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
The 102 (Processing) status code is an interim response used to inform the client that the server has accepted the complete request, but has not yet completed it.
SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions.
SHARED - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope
SOURCE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
SUBSCRIPTIONDISCOVERY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
The protected subscription discovery property is used to find out about existing subscriptions present on the specified resource.
SUCCESSOR_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
The computed property DAV:successor-set identifies each version whose DAV:predecessor-set identifies this version.
The property is defined to have the following format:
SUPPORTEDLOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
SUPPORTED_LIVE_PROPERTY_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
Required live property for resources that honor the 'ordered-collections' compliance class defined by RFC 3648.
The supported-live-property-set property has been introduced with RFC 3253.
SUPPORTED_LIVE_PROPERTY_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Required protected live property for any resources being complient with RFC 3253.
SUPPORTED_METHOD_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
Required live property for resources that honor the 'ordered-collections' compliance class defined by RFC 3648.
The supported-method-set property has been introduced with RFC 3253.
SUPPORTED_METHOD_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Required protected live property for any resources being complient with RFC 3253.
SUPPORTED_REPORT_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Protected "supported-report-set" property identifies the reports that are supported by the resource.
Scope - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope.
The Scope class abstracts the lock scope as defined by RFC 2518.
SearchConstants - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants.
SearchConstants interface provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for WebDAV search.
SearchInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo.
SearchInfo parses the 'searchrequest' element of a SEARCH request body and performs basic validation.
SearchInfo(String, Namespace, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo
Create a new SearchInfo instance.
SearchResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchResource.
SearchResource defines METHODS required in order to handle a SEARCH request.
SimpleLockManager - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager.
Simple manager for webdav locks.
SimpleLockManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SimpleLockManager
Status - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.Status.
Status encapsulating the 'status' present in multistatus responses.
Status(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.Status
Status(String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.Status
Subscription - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Subscription.
Subscription represents public representation of the event listener created (or modified) by a successful SUBSCRIBE request.
Please note that this interface extends the XmlSerializable interface.
SubscriptionDiscovery - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionDiscovery.
SubscriptionDiscovery encapsulates the 'subscriptiondiscovery' property of a webdav resource.
SubscriptionDiscovery(Subscription[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionDiscovery
Create a new SubscriptionDiscovery that lists the given subscriptions.
SubscriptionDiscovery(Subscription) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionDiscovery
Create a new SubscriptionDiscovery that contains a single subscription entry.
SubscriptionInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo.
SubscriptionInfo class encapsulates the subscription info that forms the request body of a SUBSCRIBE request.
The following xml layout is defined for the subscription info:
SubscriptionInfo(EventType[], boolean, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Create a new SubscriptionInfo
SubscriptionInfo(EventType[], Filter[], boolean, boolean, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Create a new SubscriptionInfo
SubscriptionInfo(Element, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Create a new SubscriptionInfo
SubscriptionManager - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionManager.
SubscriptionManager interface.
SupportedLock - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock.
The SupportedLock class encapsulates the lock capabilties of a resource.
SupportedLock() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Creates a new empty SupportedLock property.
SupportedMethodSetProperty - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.SupportedMethodSetProperty.
The SupportedMethodSetProperty
SupportedMethodSetProperty(String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.SupportedMethodSetProperty
Create a new SupportedMethodSetProperty property.
SupportedReportSetProperty - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty.
SupportedReportSetProperty represents the DAV:supported-report-set property defined by RFC 3253.
SupportedReportSetProperty() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty
Create a new empty SupportedReportSetProperty.
SupportedReportSetProperty(ReportType[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty
Create a new SupportedReportSetProperty property.
search(SearchInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchResource
Runs a search with the language and query defined in the SearchInfo object specified and returns a MultiStatus object listing the results.
sendError(DavException) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Send a response body given more detailed information about the error occured.
sendError(DavException) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
If the specifid exception provides an error condition an Xml response body is sent providing more detailed information about the error.
sendError(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
sendError(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
sendLockResponse(ActiveLock) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Send the lock response for a successful LOCK request.
sendLockResponse(ActiveLock) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
Send response body for a lock request intended to create a new lock.
sendMultiStatus(MultiStatus) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Send the multistatus response to the client.
sendMultiStatus(MultiStatus) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
Send a multistatus response.
sendPollResponse(EventDiscovery) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
sendPollResponse(EventDiscovery) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletResponse
Send the response to a sucessful POLL request.
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
sendRefreshLockResponse(ActiveLock[]) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Send the lock response for a successful LOCK request, that was intended to refresh an existing lock.
sendRefreshLockResponse(ActiveLock[]) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
Send response body for a lock request that was intended to refresh one or several locks.
sendSubscriptionResponse(Subscription) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
sendSubscriptionResponse(Subscription) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletResponse
Send the response to a successful SUBSCRIBE request.
sendXmlResponse(XmlSerializable, int) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletResponse
Generic method to return an Xml response body.
sendXmlResponse(XmlSerializable, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
Send Xml response body.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
setAttribute(Element, String, Namespace, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Add an attribute node to the given element.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
setContentElement(Element) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
Add the specified Xml element as child of this info.
setContentLanguage(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Sets the content language.
setContentLanguage(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
setContentLength(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setContentLength(long) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Sets the length of the data.
setContentLength(long) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setContentType(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Set the content type for the resource content
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
setDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setDavSession(DavSession) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavServletRequest
Sets the DavSession to this request.
setDavSession(DavSession) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Sets the session field and adds all lock tokens present with either the Lock-Token header or the If header to the given session object.
setETag(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Sets the ETag of the resource.
setETag(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setIsDeep(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Set the lock deepness.
setIsDeep(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setModificationTime(long) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Sets the modification time of the resource
setModificationTime(long) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
setOwner(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Set the name (or id) of the lock owner
setOwner(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
setProperty(DavProperty) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Add/Set the specified property on this resource.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContext
Allows to set additional properties that are not covered by an extra setter method.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.io.OutputContextImpl
setResponseDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Set the response description.
setScope(Scope) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Set the lock scope.
setStatus(int) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setStatus(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
setText(Element, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Create a new text node and add it as child to the given element.
setTimeout(long) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock
Defines the number of milliseconds until the timeout is reached.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.DefaultActiveLock
setType(Type) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Set the lock type.
size() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIterator
Return the number of DavResources in the iterator.
size() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResourceIteratorImpl
Returns the size of the initial list.
spool(OutputContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Spools the resource properties and ev.
subscribe(SubscriptionInfo, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource
Subscribe this resource for event listening defined by the specified subscription info.
subscribe(SubscriptionInfo, String, ObservationResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionManager
Create a new Subscription or update an existing Subscription..


TIMEOUT_INFINITE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
"transaction" lock type constant.
TYPE_ADD - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
TYPE_REMOVE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
TYPE_SET - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
TimeoutHeader - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader.
TimeoutHeader(long) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader
TransactionConstants - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants.
TransactionConstants interface provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for handling transactions over WebDAV.
TransactionDavServletRequest - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionDavServletRequest.
TransactionDavServletRequest provides extensions to the DavServletRequest interface used for dealing with transaction lock requests.
TransactionInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionInfo.
TransactionInfo class encapsultes the information present in the TransactionConstants.XML_TRANSACTIONINFO element that forms the request body of the UNLOCk request for a transaction lock.
TransactionInfo(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionInfo
Creates a TransactionInfo object
TransactionInfo(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionInfo
Creates a TransactionInfo object from the given 'transactionInfo' element.
TransactionResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionResource.
TransactionResource extends the DavResource interface by transaction relevant METHODS.
TxActiveLock - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxActiveLock.
TxActiveLock represents the transaction lock present on a TransactionResource.
TxActiveLock(LockInfo) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxActiveLock
Create a new transaction lock.
If the lockInfo element is null the timeout defaults to half and hour.
TxLockEntry - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockEntry.
TxLockEntry represents the lock entry objects allowed for a transaction lock.
TxLockEntry(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockEntry
Create a lock entry that identifies transaction lock.
TxLockManager - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TxLockManager.
TxLockManager manages locks with locktype 'dcr:transaction'.
Type - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type.
The Type class encapsulates the lock type as defined by RFC 2518.
timeoutToXml(long, Document) - Static method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil
Converts the given timeout (long value defining the number of milli- second until timeout is reached) to its Xml representation as defined by RTF 2518.
Note, that DavConstants.INFINITE_TIMEOUT is not represented by the String 'Infinite' defined by RFC 2518, due to a known issue with Microsoft Office that opens the document "read only" and never unlocks the resource if the timeout is missing or 'Infinite'.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Returns a string representation of this property suitable for debugging
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
Returns a DAV:error element containing the error condition or null if no specific condition is available.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
Return the Xml representation of this MultiStatus.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatusResponse
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.Status
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.AbstractActiveLock
Returns the default Xml representation of the 'activelock' element as defined by RFC 2518.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.AbstractLockEntry
Returns the Xml representation of this LockEntry.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockDiscovery
Creates a JDOM <lockdiscovery> element in order to respond to a LOCK request or to the lockdiscovery property of a PROPFIND request.
NOTE: if the #activeLocks list is empty an empty lockdiscovery property is created ( <lockdiscovery/>)
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo
Returns the xml representation of this lock info.
NOTE however, that the depth and the timeout are not included in the xml.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope
Return the Xml representation of the lock scope object as present in the LOCK request and response body and in the LockDiscovery.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.SupportedLock
Creates a JDOM element that represents the <supportedlock> tag.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type
Returns the Xml representation of this lock Type.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.EventDiscovery
Returns the Xml representation of this EventDiscovery as being present in the POLL response body.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.Filter
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionDiscovery
Returns the Xml representation of the subscription discovery.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo
Xml representation of this SubscriptionInfo.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch.Member
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.AbstractDavProperty
Return a JDOM element representation of this property.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName
Creates a JDOM element with the name and namespace of this DavPropertyName.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.HrefProperty
Returns an Xml element with the following form:
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropContainer
Returns the xml representation of a property related set with the following format:
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.QueryGrammerSet
Return the Xml representation of this property according to the definition of the 'supported-query-grammer-set'.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchInfo
Return the xml representation of this SearchInfo instance.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionInfo
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelSetProperty
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsInfo
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsResponse
Return the Xml representation.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.SupportedMethodSetProperty
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ExpandPropertyReport
Run the report
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.LocateByHistoryReport
Run the report.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
Returns an Xml element representing this report type.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.SupportedReportSetProperty
Returns the Xml representation of this property.
toXml(Document) - Method in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.VersionTreeReport
Runs the DAV:version-tree report.
toXml(Document) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.XmlSerializable
Returns the xml representation of the implementing object as Element.
typeNames - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo


UNDEFINED_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
UpdateInfo - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo.
UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.
UpdateInfo(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo
Create a new UpdateInfo object.
uncheckout() - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Perform an uncheckout on the version controlled resource.
unlock(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
Remove the lock indentified by the included lock token from this resource.
unlock(String, TransactionInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionResource
Overloads the unlock method of the DavResource interface.
unsubscribe(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationResource
Unsubscribe the event listener with the given SubscriptionId.
unsubscribe(String, ObservationResource) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionManager
Unsubscribe the Subscription with the given id.
update(UpdateInfo) - Method in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
Perform an update on this resource using the specified UpdateInfo.


VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.ResourceType
The version-history resource type
VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource
The computed property DAV:version-history identifies the version history resource for the DAV:checked-in or DAV:checked-out version of this version-controlled resource.
The property is defined to have the following format:
VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
The computed property DAV:version-history identifies the version history that contains this version.
The property is defined to have the following format:
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource
The protected property DAV:version-name defines a human readable id for this version.
VERSION_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResource
The protected property DAV:version-set identifies each version of this version history.
VERSION_TREE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportType
VersionControlledResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionControlledResource.
The VersionControlledResource represents in contrast to the VersionableResource a resource, that has already been put under version-control.
VersionHistoryResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResource.
VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
VersionResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionResource.
VersionResource is a resource that contains a copy of a particular state of a version-controlled resource.
VersionTreeReport - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.VersionTreeReport.
VersionTreeReport encapsulates the DAV:version-tree report.
VersionTreeReport() - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.VersionTreeReport
VersionableResource - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.VersionableResource.
VersionableResource represents an extension to the basic DeltaVResource, that allows to adding version-control support.


WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Protected "workspace" property indicating the workspace of a resource.
WRITE - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type
WebdavRequest - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequest.
The empty WebdavRequest interface collects the functionality defined by DavServletRequest encapsulting the core Webdav specification (RFC 2518) as well as the various extensions used for observation and transaction support, ordering of collections, search and versioning.
WebdavRequestImpl - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl.
WebdavRequestImpl(HttpServletRequest, DavLocatorFactory) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl
Creates a new DavServletRequest with the given parameters.
WebdavResponse - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponse.
The empty WebdavResponse interface collects the functionality defined by DavServletResponse encapsulting for the core WebDAV specification (RFC 2518) as well as the various extensions used for observation and transaction support, ordering of collections, search and versioning.
WebdavResponseImpl - class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl.
WebdavResponseImpl implements the WebdavResponse interface.
WebdavResponseImpl(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
Create a new WebdavResponse
WebdavResponseImpl(HttpServletResponse, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavResponseImpl
Create a new WebdavResponse


XML_ACTIVELOCK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML element names related to locking
XML_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Xml elements
XML_ACTIVITY_COLLECTION_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
A DAV:workspace-collection-set element may be included in the OPTIONS request body to identify collections that may contain activity resources.
The response body for a successful request must contain a DAV:workspace-collection-set element identifying collections that may contain activity resources.
XML_AFTER - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_ALLPROP - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
Xml element names used for response and request body
XML_BASELINE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_BEFORE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_CHECKOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_CHECKOUT_CHECKIN - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_CHECKOUT_UNLOCK_CHECKIN - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_COLLECTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_COMMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
commit XML element
Used as element inside of the transactionstatus element.
XML_DEPTH - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_DST - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_ERROR - Static variable in class org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException
XML_EVENT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_EVENTBUNDLE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_EVENTDISCOVERY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_EVENTTYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_EVENTUSERID - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_EXPAND_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Top element for the 'DAV:expand-property' report
XML_FILTER - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_FIRST - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_GLOBAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
global XML element
Used as element inside of the lockscope element.
XML_GRAMMER - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Name constant for the 'DAV:grammar' element, which is used inside the SearchConstants.XML_QUERY_GRAMMAR element.
XML_HREF - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_LABEL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Xml element representing the mandatory root element of a LABEL request body.
XML_LABEL_ADD - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_LABEL_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_LABEL_REMOVE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_LABEL_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_LAST - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_LINK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_LOCAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
local XML element
Used as element inside of the lockscope element.
XML_LOCATE_BY_HISTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Top element for the 'DAV:locate-by-history' report
XML_LOCKED_CHECKIN - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_LOCKENTRY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_LOCKINFO - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_LOCKSCOPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_LOCKTOKEN - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_LOCKTYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_MERGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_MULTISTATUS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_N0_AUTO_MERGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_N0_CHECKOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_NODETYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_NOLOCAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_OMIT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
If the OPTIONS request contains a body, i must start with an DAV:options element.
XML_OPTIONS_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
If an XML response body for a successful request is included, it must be a DAV:options-response XML element.
XML_ORDERING_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_ORDERPATCH - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
Xml elements used for reordering internal members of a collection.
XML_ORDER_MEMBER - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_OWNER - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_POSITION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_PROP - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
'DAV:property' element to be used inside the 'DAV:expand-property' element.
XML_PROPERTYBEHAVIOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_PROPERTYUPDATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_PROPFIND - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_PROPNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_PROPSTAT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_QUERY_GRAMMAR - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Xml element name for a single query grammar element inside the supported-query-grammer-set property.
XML_QUERY_SCHEMA_DISCOVERY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Optional Xml element name used in the SEARCH request body instead of XML_SEARCHREQUEST in order to access a given query schema.
XML_REMOVE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_REPORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Name of Xml child elements of DeltaVConstants.XML_SUPPORTED_REPORT.
XML_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_RESPONSEDESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_ROLLBACK - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
rollback XML element
Used as element inside of the transactionstatus element.
XML_SEARCHREQUEST - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.search.SearchConstants
Xml element name for the required request body of a SEARCH request.
XML_SEGMENT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants
XML_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_SHARED - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_SOURCE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_STATUS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_SUBSCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
subscription Xml element
Mandatory element inside the subscriptiondiscovery property indicating the event listeners present for this session.
NOTE, that this will not reveal any subscription made by another session.
XML_SUBSCRIPTIONID - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_SUBSCRIPTIONINFO - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
Xml elements
XML_SUPPORTED_METHOD - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_SUPPORTED_REPORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Name of Xml element contained in the DeltaVConstants.SUPPORTED_REPORT_SET property.
XML_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
transaction XML element
Used as element inside the locktype element.
XML_TRANSACTIONINFO - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
transactioninfo XML element
Mandatory element of the UNLOCK request body, if the unlock request is intended to complete a transaction.
XML_TRANSACTIONSTATUS - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants
transactionstatus XML element
Mandatory element inside the transactioninfo element indicating how the transaction should be completed.
XML_UPDATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Xml element defining the top element in the UPDATE request body.
XML_UUID - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants
XML_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_VERSION_HISTORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_VERSION_HISTORY_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
'DAV:version-history-set' to be used inside the 'DAV:locate-by-history' element
XML_VERSION_TREE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
Top element for the 'DAV:version-tree' report
XML_VH_COLLECTION_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
A DAV:version-history-collection-set element may be included in the OPTIONS request body to identify collections that may contain version history resources.
The response body for a successful request must in consequence contain a DAV:version-history-collection-set element identifying collections that may contain version histories.
XML_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
XML_WRITE - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavConstants
XML_WSP_COLLECTION_SET - Static variable in interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVConstants
A DAV:workspace-collection-set element may be included in the OPTIONS request body to identify collections that may contain workspace resources.
The response body for a successful request must contain a DAV:workspace-collection-set element identifying collections that may contain workspaces.
XmlSerializable - interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.XmlSerializable.


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