Package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav

Interface Summary
DavConstants DavConstants provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names defined by RFC 2518.
DavLocatorFactory DavLocatorFactory...
DavResource DavResource provides standard WebDAV functionality as specified by RFC 2518.
DavResourceFactory DavResourceFactory interface defines a single method for creating DavResource objects.
DavResourceIterator DavResourceIterator extends the Iterator interface.
DavResourceLocator DavResourceLocator...
DavServletRequest DavServletRequest extends the HttpServletRequest by Webdav specific METHODS.
DavServletResponse WebdavResponse extends the HttpServletResponse by Webdav specific status codes and METHODS.
DavSession DavSession allows to pass session information between request, response and resource(s).
DavSessionProvider DavSessionProvider is an interface for components that can initiate and complete DavSessions.
WebdavRequest The empty WebdavRequest interface collects the functionality defined by DavServletRequest encapsulting the core Webdav specification (RFC 2518) as well as the various extensions used for observation and transaction support, ordering of collections, search and versioning.
WebdavResponse The empty WebdavResponse interface collects the functionality defined by DavServletResponse encapsulting for the core WebDAV specification (RFC 2518) as well as the various extensions used for observation and transaction support, ordering of collections, search and versioning.

Class Summary
DavMethods DavMethods defines constants for the WebDAV METHODS.
DavResourceIteratorImpl DavResourceIteratorImpl implementation of the DavResourceIterator interface.
NOTE: DavResourceIteratorImpl.remove() is not implemented.
MultiStatus MultiStatus representing the content of a multistatus response body and allows to retrieve the Xml representation.
MultiStatusResponse Response...
Status Status encapsulating the 'status' present in multistatus responses.
WebdavRequestImpl WebdavRequestImpl...
WebdavResponseImpl WebdavResponseImpl implements the WebdavResponse interface.

Exception Summary
DavException DavException extends the Exception class in order to simplify handling of exceptional situations occuring during processing of WebDAV requests and provides possibility to retrieve an Xml representation of the error.

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