Interface XmlSerializable

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActiveLock, DavProperty, EventBundle, EventType, LockEntry, Report, Subscription
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractActiveLock, AbstractDavProperty, AbstractLockEntry, DavException, DavPropertyName, EventDiscovery, ExpandPropertyReport, Filter, LabelInfo, LocateByHistoryReport, LockInfo, MergeInfo, MultiStatus, MultiStatusResponse, OptionsInfo, OptionsResponse, OrderPatch, OrderPatch.Member, Position, PropContainer, ReportInfo, ReportType, Scope, SearchInfo, Status, SubscriptionInfo, TransactionInfo, Type, UpdateInfo, VersionTreeReport

public interface XmlSerializable


Method Summary
 Element toXml(Document document)
          Returns the xml representation of the implementing object as Element.

Method Detail


public Element toXml(Document document)
Returns the xml representation of the implementing object as Element. The given Document is used as factory and represents the owner document of the returned DOM element.

document - to be used as factory.
a w3c element representing this object

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