Interface Subscription

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Subscription
extends XmlSerializable

Subscription represents public representation of the event listener created (or modified) by a successful SUBSCRIBE request.
Please note that this interface extends the XmlSerializable interface. Tthe Xml representation of a Subscription is returned in the response to a successful SUBSCRIBE request as well as in a PROPFIND request. In both cases the subscription is packed into a SubscriptionDiscovery property object.

Method Summary
 String getSubscriptionId()
          Returns the id of this subscription, that must be used for unsubscribing as well as for event discovery later on.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.XmlSerializable

Method Detail


public String getSubscriptionId()
Returns the id of this subscription, that must be used for unsubscribing as well as for event discovery later on.


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