Interface SearchConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
QueryGrammerSet, SearchInfo

public interface SearchConstants

SearchConstants interface provide constants for request and response headers, Xml elements and property names used for WebDAV search.

Field Summary
static String BASICSEARCH
          Predefined basic query grammer.
static String HEADER_DASL
          The DASL response header specifing the query languages supported by the requested resource.
static Namespace NAMESPACE
          Namespace definition.
NOTE: For convenience reasons, the namespace is defined to be the default DAV: namespace.
static DavPropertyName QUERY_GRAMMER_SET
          Property indicating the set of query languages the given resource is able deal with.
static String XML_GRAMMER
          Name constant for the 'DAV:grammar' element, which is used inside the XML_QUERY_GRAMMAR element.
          Xml element name for a single query grammar element inside the supported-query-grammer-set property.
          Optional Xml element name used in the SEARCH request body instead of XML_SEARCHREQUEST in order to access a given query schema.
          Xml element name for the required request body of a SEARCH request.

Field Detail


public static final Namespace NAMESPACE
Namespace definition.
NOTE: For convenience reasons, the namespace is defined to be the default DAV: namespace. This is not correct for the underlying specification is still in a draft state. See also the editorial note inside the Internet Draft WebDAV Search document.


public static final String HEADER_DASL
The DASL response header specifing the query languages supported by the requested resource.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XML_QUERY_GRAMMAR
Xml element name for a single query grammar element inside the supported-query-grammer-set property.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XML_GRAMMER
Name constant for the 'DAV:grammar' element, which is used inside the XML_QUERY_GRAMMAR element.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String XML_SEARCHREQUEST
Xml element name for the required request body of a SEARCH request.

See Also:
SearchInfo,, Constant Field Values


public static final String XML_QUERY_SCHEMA_DISCOVERY
Optional Xml element name used in the SEARCH request body instead of XML_SEARCHREQUEST in order to access a given query schema.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String BASICSEARCH
Predefined basic query grammer.


public static final DavPropertyName QUERY_GRAMMER_SET
Property indicating the set of query languages the given resource is able deal with. The property has the following definition:
 <!ELEMENT supported-query-grammar-set (supported-query-grammar*)>
 <!ELEMENT supported-query-grammar grammar>
 <!ELEMENT grammar ANY>

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