Interface XMLizable

All Known Subinterfaces:
AllowedValue, AnalysisEngineDescription, AnalysisEngineMetaData, Attribute, Capability, CapabilityLanguageFlow, CasConsumerDescription, CasInitializerDescription, CasProcessorDeploymentParam, CasProcessorErrorHandling, CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold, CasProcessorExecArg, CasProcessorExecutable, CasProcessorFilter, CasProcessorMaxRestarts, CasProcessorRunInSeperateProcess, CasProcessorRuntimeEnvParam, CasProcessorTimeout, CollectionReaderDescription, ConfigurableDataResourceSpecifier, ConfigurationGroup, ConfigurationParameter, ConfigurationParameterDeclarations, ConfigurationParameterSettings, CpeCasProcessor, CpeCasProcessors, CpeCheckpoint, CpeCollectionReader, CpeCollectionReaderCasInitializer, CpeCollectionReaderIterator, CpeComponentDescriptor, CpeConfiguration, CpeDescription, CpeInclude, CpeIntegratedCasProcessor, CpeLocalCasProcessor, CpeRemoteCasProcessor, CpeResourceManagerConfiguration, CpeSofaMapping, CpeSofaMappings, CustomResourceSpecifier, ExternalResourceBinding, ExternalResourceDependency, ExternalResourceDescription, FeatureDescription, FileLanguageResourceSpecifier, FileResourceSpecifier, Filter, FixedFlow, FlowConstraints, FlowControllerDeclaration, FlowControllerDescription, FsIndexCollection, FsIndexDescription, FsIndexKeyDescription, Import, IndexBuildItem, IndexBuildSpecification, IndexRule, JMSMessagingSpecifier, LanguagePrecondition, MailMessagingSpecifier, MessagingSpecifier, MetaDataObject, MimeTypePrecondition, MQMessagingSpecifier, NameValuePair, OutputQueue, Parameter, PearSpecifier, Precondition, ProcessingResourceMetaData, ResourceCreationSpecifier, ResourceManagerConfiguration, ResourceMetaData, ResourceServiceSpecifier, ResourceSpecifier, ResourceSpecifierList, ResultSpecification, SimplePrecondition, SofaMapping, Style, TaeDescription, TypeDescription, TypeOrFeature, TypePriorities, TypePriorityList, TypeSystemDescription, URISpecifier

public interface XMLizable

An interface to be implemented by UIMA classes that can be written to and parsed from XML. Classes must implement this interface in order for the UIMA XMLParser to generate them from XML documents. XMLizble classes also must define a zero-argument constructor. When constructing an object, the XMLParser will first create it using the zero-argument constructor and then call buildFromXMLElement(Element,XMLParser).

Method Summary
 void buildFromXMLElement(Element aElement, XMLParser aParser)
          Initializes this object from its XML DOM representation.
 void buildFromXMLElement(Element aElement, XMLParser aParser, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions)
          Initializes this object from its XML DOM representation.
 void toXML(ContentHandler aContentHandler)
          Writes this object's XML representation by making calls on a SAX ContentHandler.
 void toXML(ContentHandler aContentHandler, boolean aWriteDefaultNamespaceAttribute)
          Writes this object's XML representation by making calls on a SAX ContentHandler.
 void toXML(OutputStream aOutputStream)
          Writes this object's XML representation as a string in UTF-8 encoding.
 void toXML(Writer aWriter)
          Writes this object's XML representation as a string.

Method Detail


void toXML(Writer aWriter)
           throws SAXException,
Writes this object's XML representation as a string. Note that if you want to write the XML to a file or to a byte stream, it is highly recommended that you use toXML(OutputStream) instead, as it ensures that output is written in UTF-8 encoding, which is the default encoding that should be used for XML files.

The XML String that is produced will have a header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>. Therefore you should not write this string out in any encoding other than UTF-8 (for example do not use the default platform encoding), or you will produce output that will not be able to be parsed.

aWriter - a Writer to which the XML string will be written
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


void toXML(OutputStream aOutputStream)
           throws SAXException,
Writes this object's XML representation as a string in UTF-8 encoding.

aOutputStream - an OutputStream to which the XML string will be written, in UTF-8 encoding.
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


void toXML(ContentHandler aContentHandler)
           throws SAXException
Writes this object's XML representation by making calls on a SAX ContentHandler. This method just calls toXML(aContentHandler,false), so subclasses should override that version of this method, not this one.

aContentHandler - the content handler to which this object will write events that describe its XML representation.
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


void toXML(ContentHandler aContentHandler,
           boolean aWriteDefaultNamespaceAttribute)
           throws SAXException
Writes this object's XML representation by making calls on a SAX ContentHandler.

aContentHandler - the content handler to which this object will write events that describe its XML representation.
aWriteDefaultNamespaceAttribute - whether the namespace of this element should be written as the default namespace. This should be done only for the root element, and it defaults to false.
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


void buildFromXMLElement(Element aElement,
                         XMLParser aParser)
                         throws InvalidXMLException
Initializes this object from its XML DOM representation. This method is typically called from the XMLParser.

aElement - the XML element that represents this object.
aParser - a reference to the UIMA XMLParser. The XMLParser.buildObject(Element) method can be used to construct sub-objects.
InvalidXMLException - if the input XML element does not specify a valid object


void buildFromXMLElement(Element aElement,
                         XMLParser aParser,
                         XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions)
                         throws InvalidXMLException
Initializes this object from its XML DOM representation. This method is typically called from the XMLParser.

aElement - the XML element that represents this object.
aParser - a reference to the UIMA XMLParser. The XMLParser.buildObject(Element) method can be used to construct sub-objects.
aOptions - option settings
InvalidXMLException - if the input XML element does not specify a valid object

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