Class XMLParser.ParsingOptions

  extended by org.apache.uima.util.XMLParser.ParsingOptions
Enclosing interface:

public static class XMLParser.ParsingOptions
extends Object

Option settings for the parser.

Field Summary
 boolean expandEnvVarRefs
          Whether to expand <envVarRef>VARNAME</envVarRef> elements by substituting the value of the System proprery VARNAME.
 boolean expandXIncludes
          Deprecated. XInclude is no longer supported
Constructor Summary
XMLParser.ParsingOptions(boolean aExpandEnvVarRefs)
          Creates a new ParsingOptions object.
XMLParser.ParsingOptions(boolean aExpandXIncludes, boolean aExpandEnvVarRefs)
          Deprecated. XInclude is no longer supported
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean expandXIncludes
Deprecated. XInclude is no longer supported
Whether to expand <xi:include> elements according to the XInclude spec.


public boolean expandEnvVarRefs
Whether to expand <envVarRef>VARNAME</envVarRef> elements by substituting the value of the System proprery VARNAME.

Constructor Detail


public XMLParser.ParsingOptions(boolean aExpandXIncludes,
                                           boolean aExpandEnvVarRefs)
Deprecated. XInclude is no longer supported

Creates a new ParsingOptions object.

aExpandXIncludes - Whether to expand <xi:include> elements according to the XInclude spec.
aExpandEnvVarRefs - Whether to expand <envVarRef>VARNAME</envVarRef> elements by substituting the value of the System proprery VARNAME.


public XMLParser.ParsingOptions(boolean aExpandEnvVarRefs)
Creates a new ParsingOptions object.

aExpandEnvVarRefs - Whether to expand <envVarRef>VARNAME</envVarRef> elements by substituting the value of the System proprery VARNAME.

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