Interface TypeDescription

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable

public interface TypeDescription
extends MetaDataObject

A description of a CAS Type. This implements MetaDataObject, which implements XMLizable, so it can be serialized to and deserialized from an XML element.

Method Summary
 FeatureDescription addFeature(String aFeatureName, String aDescription, String aRangeTypeName)
          Convenience method which adds a FeatureDescription to this TypeDescription.
 FeatureDescription addFeature(String aFeatureName, String aDescription, String aRangeTypeName, String aElementTypeName, Boolean aMultipleReferencesAllowed)
          Convenience method which adds a FeatureDescription to this TypeDescription.
 AllowedValue[] getAllowedValues()
          Gets the allowed values for instances of this Type.
 String getDescription()
          Gets the verbose description of this Type.
 FeatureDescription[] getFeatures()
          Gets the descriptions of the features for this Type.
 String getName()
          Gets the name of this Type.
 String getSupertypeName()
          Gets the name of the supertype for this Type.
 void setAllowedValues(AllowedValue[] aAllowedValues)
          Sets the allowed values for instances of this Type.
 void setDescription(String aDescription)
          Sets the verbose description of this Type.
 void setFeatures(FeatureDescription[] aFeatures)
          Sets the descriptions of the features for this Type.
 void setName(String aName)
          Sets the name of this Type.
 void setSupertypeName(String aTypeName)
          Sets the name of the supertype for this Type.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.MetaDataObject
clone, equals, getAttributeValue, getSourceUrl, getSourceUrlString, isModifiable, listAttributes, setAttributeValue, setSourceUrl
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.util.XMLizable
buildFromXMLElement, buildFromXMLElement, toXML, toXML, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


String getName()
Gets the name of this Type.

the name of this Type


void setName(String aName)
Sets the name of this Type.

aName - the name of this Type


String getDescription()
Gets the verbose description of this Type.

the description of this Type


void setDescription(String aDescription)
Sets the verbose description of this Type.

aDescription - the description of this Type


String getSupertypeName()
Gets the name of the supertype for this Type. This is the Type from which this Type inherits.

the name of the supertype for this Type


void setSupertypeName(String aTypeName)
Sets the name of the supertype for this Type. This is the Type from which this Type inherits.

aTypeName - the name of the supertype for this Type


FeatureDescription[] getFeatures()
Gets the descriptions of the features for this Type.

the descriptions of the features for this Type.


void setFeatures(FeatureDescription[] aFeatures)
Sets the descriptions of the features for this Type.

aFeatures - descriptions of the features for this Type.


AllowedValue[] getAllowedValues()
Gets the allowed values for instances of this Type. This is used only for special "enumerated types" that extend the String type and define a specific set of allowed values. For all other Types this will return null. Note that if a type has allowed values, it may not have features.

the allowed values for instances of this Type


void setAllowedValues(AllowedValue[] aAllowedValues)
Sets the allowed values for instances of this Type. This is used only for special "enumerated types" that extend the String type and define a specific set of allowed values. For all other Types this property should be null. Note that if a type has allowed values, it may not have features.

aAllowedValues - the allowed values for instances of this Type


FeatureDescription addFeature(String aFeatureName,
                              String aDescription,
                              String aRangeTypeName)
Convenience method which adds a FeatureDescription to this TypeDescription.

aFeatureName - name of feature to add
aDescription - verbose description of the feature
aRangeTypeName - name of feature's range type
description of the new Feature


FeatureDescription addFeature(String aFeatureName,
                              String aDescription,
                              String aRangeTypeName,
                              String aElementTypeName,
                              Boolean aMultipleReferencesAllowed)
Convenience method which adds a FeatureDescription to this TypeDescription. Used for array or list valued features, which have additional attributes.

aFeatureName - name of feature to add
aDescription - verbose description of the feature
aRangeTypeName - name of feature's range type
aElementTypeName - type of element expected to be contained in the array or list
aMultipleReferencesAllowed - whether an array or list that's assigned to this feature can also be referenced from another feature. This is a Boolean object so that the null value can be used to represent the case where the user has not specified a value.
description of the new Feature

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