Interface CasProcessorErrorHandling

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable

public interface CasProcessorErrorHandling
extends MetaDataObject

An object to contains configuration specific to error handling applicable to every CasProcossor. It provides the means of configuring max # of restarts for CasProcessor, error thresholds, and max timeout.

Method Summary
 CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold getErrorRateThreshold()
          Returns max number of restarts allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.
 CasProcessorMaxRestarts getMaxConsecutiveRestarts()
          Returns max number of restarts allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.
 CasProcessorTimeout getTimeout()
          Returns the timeout the CPE will wait for a response from CasProcessor.
 void setErrorRateThreshold(CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold aCasPErrorThreshold)
          Sets max number of errors allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.
 void setMaxConsecutiveRestarts(CasProcessorMaxRestarts aCasPRestarts)
          Sets max number of restarts allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.
 void setTimeout(CasProcessorTimeout aTimeout)
          Sets the timeout the CPE will wait for a response from CasProcessor.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.MetaDataObject
clone, equals, getAttributeValue, getSourceUrl, getSourceUrlString, isModifiable, listAttributes, setAttributeValue, setSourceUrl
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.util.XMLizable
buildFromXMLElement, buildFromXMLElement, toXML, toXML, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


void setMaxConsecutiveRestarts(CasProcessorMaxRestarts aCasPRestarts)
Sets max number of restarts allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.

aCasPRestarts - - CasProcessorMaxRestarts instance


CasProcessorMaxRestarts getMaxConsecutiveRestarts()
Returns max number of restarts allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.

CasProcessorMaxRestarts instance


void setErrorRateThreshold(CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold aCasPErrorThreshold)
Sets max number of errors allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.

aCasPErrorThreshold - - CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold


CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold getErrorRateThreshold()
Returns max number of restarts allowed for a CasProcessor and an action to take by the CPE in case the threshold is reached.

CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold instance


void setTimeout(CasProcessorTimeout aTimeout)
Sets the timeout the CPE will wait for a response from CasProcessor.

aTimeout - CasProcessorTimeout


CasProcessorTimeout getTimeout()
Returns the timeout the CPE will wait for a response from CasProcessor.

CasProcessorTimeout instance

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