Package org.apache.uima.collection.metadata

Java object representation of a CPE Descriptor.


Interface Summary
CasProcessorConfigurationParameterSettings Contains configuration parameter settings for a CAS Processor.
CasProcessorDeploymentParam An object that holds configuration information used for bulding CPE Descriptor.
CasProcessorDeploymentParams An object that contains all CasProcessorDeploymentParam instances.
CasProcessorErrorHandling An object to contains configuration specific to error handling applicable to every CasProcossor.
CasProcessorErrorRateThreshold An object to contains configuration specific to error handling applicable to every CasProcessor.
CasProcessorExecArg An object containing an arbitrary value that will passed to a program launched by the CPE.
CasProcessorExecArgs An object containing all CasProcessorExecArg instances.
CasProcessorExecutable An object containing configuration for a program that the CPE will use to launch CasProcessor.
CasProcessorFilter Object containing a filter expression used by the CPE to route CAS's to CasProcessor.
CasProcessorMaxRestarts An object that holds configuration related to handling max restarts for CasProcessors.
CasProcessorRunInSeperateProcess An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CasProcessorRuntimeEnvParam An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CasProcessorTimeout An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeCasProcessor An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeCasProcessors An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeCheckpoint An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeCollectionReader An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeCollectionReaderCasInitializer Deprecated. As of v2.0 CAS Initializers are deprecated.
CpeCollectionReaderIterator An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeComponentDescriptor An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeConfiguration An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeDescription Java representation of a Collection Processing Engine (CPE) XML descriptor.
CpeInclude An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeIntegratedCasProcessor An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeLocalCasProcessor An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeRemoteCasProcessor An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
CpeResourceManagerConfiguration An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
NameValuePair Stores a name (String) and value (Object).
OutputQueue An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.

Exception Summary

Package org.apache.uima.collection.metadata Description

Java object representation of a CPE Descriptor.

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