Interface ResourceCreationSpecifier

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, ResourceSpecifier, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalysisEngineDescription, CasConsumerDescription, CasInitializerDescription, CollectionReaderDescription, FlowControllerDescription, TaeDescription

public interface ResourceCreationSpecifier
extends ResourceSpecifier

A ResourceCreationSpecifier is the supertype of AnalysisEngineDescription, CasConsumerDescription, CollectionReaderDescription, and CasInitializerDescription.

All Resource Creation Specifiers must the following:

The following are optional:

Method Summary
 void doFullValidation()
          Does full validation of this ResourceCreationSpecifier.
 void doFullValidation(ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Does full validation of this ResourceCreationSpecifier.
 ExternalResourceDependency[] getExternalResourceDependencies()
          Retrieves descriptions of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's dependencies on external resources.
 ExternalResourceDependency getExternalResourceDependency(String aKey)
          Gets the external resource dependency with the given key.
 String getFrameworkImplementation()
          Gets the name of the AE framework implementation within which the Resource executes.
 String getImplementationName()
          Retrieves the name of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's implementation.
 ResourceMetaData getMetaData()
          Retrieves the ResourceMetaData to assign to the newly constructed ResourceCreationSpecifier.
 ResourceManagerConfiguration getResourceManagerConfiguration()
          Retrieves the Resource Manager configuration, which declares the resources that satisfy the dependencies defined by getExternalResourceDependencies().
 void setExternalResourceDependencies(ExternalResourceDependency[] aDependencies)
          Sets the descriptions of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's dependencies on external resources.
 void setFrameworkImplementation(String aFrameworkImplementation)
          Sets the name of the AE framework implementation within which the ResourceCreationSpecifier executes.
 void setImplementationName(String aImplementationName)
          Sets the name of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's implementation.
 void setMetaData(ResourceMetaData aMetaData)
          Sets the MetaData for this ResourceCreationSpecifier.
 void setResourceManagerConfiguration(ResourceManagerConfiguration aResourceManagerConfiguration)
          Sets the Resource Manager configuration, which declares the resources that satisfy the dependencies defined by getExternalResourceDependencies().
 void validate()
          Checks that this ResourceCreationSpecifier is valid.
 void validate(ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Checks that this ResourceCreationSpecifier is valid.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.MetaDataObject
clone, equals, getAttributeValue, getSourceUrl, getSourceUrlString, isModifiable, listAttributes, setAttributeValue, setSourceUrl
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.util.XMLizable
buildFromXMLElement, buildFromXMLElement, toXML, toXML, toXML, toXML

Method Detail


String getFrameworkImplementation()
Gets the name of the AE framework implementation within which the Resource executes. The framework name for this implementation is given by Constants.JAVA_FRAMEWORK_NAME..

the framework implementation name


void setFrameworkImplementation(String aFrameworkImplementation)
Sets the name of the AE framework implementation within which the ResourceCreationSpecifier executes. The framework name for this implementation is given by Constants.JAVA_FRAMEWORK_NAME..

aFrameworkImplementation - the framework implementation name


String getImplementationName()
Retrieves the name of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's implementation. This must be a fully qualified Java class name.

the implementation name of the CasConsumer


void setImplementationName(String aImplementationName)
Sets the name of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's implementation. This must be a fully qualified Java class name.

aImplementationName - the implementation name of the CasConsumer


ResourceMetaData getMetaData()
Retrieves the ResourceMetaData to assign to the newly constructed ResourceCreationSpecifier.

the metadata for the new resource. This will always be modifiable.


void setMetaData(ResourceMetaData aMetaData)
Sets the MetaData for this ResourceCreationSpecifier.

aMetaData - metadata to assign


ExternalResourceDependency[] getExternalResourceDependencies()
Retrieves descriptions of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's dependencies on external resources. Each required external resource is assigned a String identifier. This is the identifier that this ResourceCreationSpecifier can use to locate the Resource (using the AnnotatorContext.getResourceObject(String) method).

an array of ExternalResourceDependency objects that describe this AnalysisEngine's resource dependencies.


void setExternalResourceDependencies(ExternalResourceDependency[] aDependencies)
Sets the descriptions of this ResourceCreationSpecifier's dependencies on external resources.

aDependencies - an array of ExternalResourceDependency objects that describe this ResourceCreationSpecifier's resource dependencies.


ExternalResourceDependency getExternalResourceDependency(String aKey)
Gets the external resource dependency with the given key.

aKey - the key of the external resource dependency to get
the resource dependency with the specified key, null if none.


ResourceManagerConfiguration getResourceManagerConfiguration()
Retrieves the Resource Manager configuration, which declares the resources that satisfy the dependencies defined by getExternalResourceDependencies().

the Resource Manager configuration that describes how external resource dependencies are bound to actual resources.


void setResourceManagerConfiguration(ResourceManagerConfiguration aResourceManagerConfiguration)
Sets the Resource Manager configuration, which declares the resources that satisfy the dependencies defined by getExternalResourceDependencies().

aResourceManagerConfiguration - the Resource Manager configuration that describes how external resource dependencies are bound to actual resources.


void validate()
              throws ResourceInitializationException,
Checks that this ResourceCreationSpecifier is valid. An exception is thrown if it is not valid. This only does fairly lightweight checking. To do a more complete but more expensive check, use doFullValidation().

ResourceInitializationException - if aDesc is invalid
ResourceConfigurationException - if the configuration parameter settings in aDesc are invalid


void validate(ResourceManager aResourceManager)
              throws ResourceInitializationException,
Checks that this ResourceCreationSpecifier is valid. An exception is thrown if it is not valid. This only does fairly lightweight checking. To do a more complete but more expensive check, use doFullValidation().

aResourceManager - a ResourceManager instance to use to resolve imports by name.
ResourceInitializationException - if aDesc is invalid
ResourceConfigurationException - if the configuration parameter settings in aDesc are invalid


void doFullValidation()
                      throws ResourceInitializationException
Does full validation of this ResourceCreationSpecifier. This essentially performs all operations necessary to instantiate a Resource except that it does not actually instantiate the implementation class. If appropriate, this method will also attempt to create a CAS based on the descriptor, in order to do full type system verification. If any operations fail, an exception will be thrown.

ResourceInitializationException - if validation failed


void doFullValidation(ResourceManager aResourceManager)
                      throws ResourceInitializationException
Does full validation of this ResourceCreationSpecifier. This essentially performs all operations necessary to instantiate a Resource except that it does not actually instantiate the implementation class. If appropriate, this method will also attempt to create a CAS based on the descriptor, in order to do full type system verification. If any operations fail, an exception will be thrown.

aResourceManager - a ResourceManager instance to use to load annotator classes, external resource classes, and resolve imports by name.
ResourceInitializationException - if validation failed

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