Package org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm

Interface Summary
BaseCollectionReader The Base CollectionReader interface.
BaseCPM The Base CPM interface is a lower-level interface to the Collection Processing Manager.
BaseStatusCallbackListener Interface for a Listener that receives notification from the BaseCPM as various events occur.
CasDataCollectionReader A CasDataCollectionReader is used to iterate over the elements of a Collection.
CasDataConsumer Any component that operates on analysis results produced by a UIMA CasDataProcessor.
CasDataInitializer Deprecated. As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated.
CasDataProcessor Interface for CAS processors that want to interact directly with the CasData.
CasDataStatusCallbackListener Interface for a Listener that receives notification from the CollectionProcessingManager as various events occur.
CasObjectProcessor Interface for CAS Processors that want to use the full CAS implementation.
CasProcessor Base interface for a component that can process a CAS.
RecoverableCollectionReader Interface facilitating CollectionReader recovery from failures.
SynchPoint Interface facilitating recovery of CollectionReaders to the last known entity

Class Summary
CasDataCollectionReader_ImplBase Base class from which to extend when writing Collection Readers that use the CasData interface to access the CAS.
CasDataConsumer_ImplBase Base class from which to extend when writing CAS Consumers that use the CasData interface to access the CAS.
CasDataInitializer_ImplBase Deprecated. As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated.

Exception Summary
AbortCasProcessorException Exception to notify the CPM to disable a Cas Processor.
AbortCPMException /** Exception to notify the CPM to terminate itself.
SkipCasException Exception to notify the CPM to skip a Cas Processor for the current CAS.

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