Interface BaseStatusCallbackListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
CasDataStatusCallbackListener, StatusCallbackListener

public interface BaseStatusCallbackListener

Interface for a Listener that receives notification from the BaseCPM as various events occur. Listeners will not generally implement this interface directly. Instead they will implement StatusCallbackListener or CasDataStatusCallbackListener. Most UIMA developers will prefer to implement the former.

Method Summary
 void aborted()
          Called when the processing has been aborted.
 void batchProcessComplete()
          Called when the processing of a batch has completed.
 void collectionProcessComplete()
          Called when the processing of an entire collection has completed.
 void initializationComplete()
          Called when the Collection Processing Manager's initialization has completed.
 void paused()
          Called when the processing has been paused.
 void resumed()
          Called when the processing has been resumed (after it had been previously paused).

Method Detail


void initializationComplete()
Called when the Collection Processing Manager's initialization has completed.


void batchProcessComplete()
Called when the processing of a batch has completed.


void collectionProcessComplete()
Called when the processing of an entire collection has completed.


void paused()
Called when the processing has been paused.


void resumed()
Called when the processing has been resumed (after it had been previously paused).


void aborted()
Called when the processing has been aborted.

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