Interface CasDataStatusCallbackListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CasDataStatusCallbackListener
extends BaseStatusCallbackListener

Interface for a Listener that receives notification from the CollectionProcessingManager as various events occur. The most common event is that the processing of an Entity has completed.

Method Summary
 void entityProcessComplete(CasData aCasData, EntityProcessStatus aStatus)
          Called when the processing of each CasData unit has completed.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm.BaseStatusCallbackListener
aborted, batchProcessComplete, collectionProcessComplete, initializationComplete, paused, resumed

Method Detail


void entityProcessComplete(CasData aCasData,
                           EntityProcessStatus aStatus)
Called when the processing of each CasData unit has completed.

aCasData - the CasData that was processed
aStatus - the status of the processing. This object contains a record of any Exception that occurred, as well as timing information.

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