Interface BaseCollectionReader

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CasDataCollectionReader, CollectionReader
All Known Implementing Classes:
CasDataCollectionReader_ImplBase, CollectionReader_ImplBase

public interface BaseCollectionReader
extends Resource

The Base CollectionReader interface. Collection Readers should not implement this interface directly. Instead they should implement CollectionReader or CasDataCollectionReader. Most UIMA developers will prefer to use the former.

A consuming CollectionReader is one that removes each element from the collection as it is read. To find out whether a CollectionReader will consume elements in this way, call the isConsuming() method.

Users of a CollectionReader should always close it when they are finished using it.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.Resource
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes this CollectionReader, after which it may no longer be used.
 ProcessingResourceMetaData getProcessingResourceMetaData()
          Gets the metadata that describes this CasProcesor.
 Progress[] getProgress()
          Gets information about the number of entities and/or amount of data that has been read from this CollectionReader, and the total amount that remains (if that information is available).
 boolean hasNext()
          Gets whether there are any elements remaining to be read from this CollectionReader.
 boolean isConsuming()
          Gets whether this is a consuming CollectionReader.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.Resource
destroy, getLogger, getMetaData, getResourceManager, getUimaContext, getUimaContextAdmin, initialize, setLogger

Method Detail


boolean hasNext()
                throws IOException,
Gets whether there are any elements remaining to be read from this CollectionReader.

true if and only if there are more elements availble from this CollectionReader.
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs
CollectionException - if there is some other problem with reading from the Collection


boolean isConsuming()
Gets whether this is a consuming CollectionReader. Consuming CollectionReaders remove each element from the Collection as it is read.

true if and only if this is a consuming CollectionReader


Progress[] getProgress()
Gets information about the number of entities and/or amount of data that has been read from this CollectionReader, and the total amount that remains (if that information is available).

This method returns an array of Progress objects so that results can be reported using different units. For example, the CollectionReader could report progress in terms of the number of documents that have been read and also in terms of the number of bytes that have been read. In many cases, it will be sufficient to return just one Progress object.

an array of Progress objects. Each object may have different units (for example number of entities or bytes).


void close()
           throws IOException
Closes this CollectionReader, after which it may no longer be used.

IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


ProcessingResourceMetaData getProcessingResourceMetaData()
Gets the metadata that describes this CasProcesor.

an object containing all metadata for this CasProcessor

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