Interface Progress

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public interface Progress
extends Serializable

Progress statistics for a process. This is represented by an amount completed, a total amount (if known), and a unit. There are some predefined unit types (BYTES, ENTITIES), but any unit can be used.

Field Summary
static String BYTES
          The predefined unit type "bytes".
static String ENTITIES
          The predefined unit type "entities".
Method Summary
 long getCompleted()
          The amount completed, in terms of units specified by getUnit().
 long getTotal()
          The total amount being processed, in terms of units specified by getUnit().
 String getUnit()
          The unit type represented by the getCompleted() and getTotal() numbers.
 boolean isApproximate()
          Returns true if the progress staistics are approximate, for example if the total number of entities in the collection is not known.

Field Detail


static final String ENTITIES
The predefined unit type "entities". An entity is the thing being processed, for example a document. When this unit is used, the amount completed and total amount represent a number of entities.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String BYTES
The predefined unit type "bytes". When this unit is used, the amount completed and total amount represent the size of the data in bytes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


long getCompleted()
The amount completed, in terms of units specified by getUnit().

the amount completed


long getTotal()
The total amount being processed, in terms of units specified by getUnit(). For some processes, this information may not be available - in these cases, -1 will be returned.

the total amount, -1 if not known


String getUnit()
The unit type represented by the getCompleted() and getTotal() numbers. There are some predefined unit types (BYTES, ENTITIES), but any unit can be used.

the unit


boolean isApproximate()
Returns true if the progress staistics are approximate, for example if the total number of entities in the collection is not known.

true if the statistics are approximate, false if they are exact

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