Interface CasProcessor

All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalysisEngine, CasConsumer, CasDataConsumer, CasDataProcessor, CasObjectProcessor, TextAnalysisEngine
All Known Implementing Classes:
CasConsumer_ImplBase, CasDataConsumer_ImplBase

public interface CasProcessor

Base interface for a component that can process a CAS. This includes both components that modify the CAS (such as an AnalysisEngine as well as those that do not (such as a CasConsumer). Whether the CasProcessor modifies the CAS can be determined by calling its isReadOnly() method.

CasProcessors can be "plugged into" the CollectionProcessingManager.

CAS Processors should not directly implement this interface; instead they should implement one of its subinterfaces:

Analysis Engines and CAS Consumers implement CasObjectProcessor.

All CAS processors must publish their metadata via the getProcessingResourceMetaData() method.

Method Summary
 void batchProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Completes the processing of a batch.
 void collectionProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Completes the processing of an entire collection.
 ProcessingResourceMetaData getProcessingResourceMetaData()
          Gets the metadata that describes this CasProcesor.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Gets whether this is a read-only CAS Processor, which does not modify the CAS.
 boolean isStateless()
          Gets whether this is a stateless CAS Processor.

Method Detail


boolean isStateless()
Gets whether this is a stateless CAS Processor. Stateless CAS Processors do not maintain any data between calls to their process methods.

true if this CAS processor is stateless, false if it is stateful.


boolean isReadOnly()
Gets whether this is a read-only CAS Processor, which does not modify the CAS.

true if this CAS processor does not modify the CAS, false if it does.


ProcessingResourceMetaData getProcessingResourceMetaData()
Gets the metadata that describes this CasProcesor.

an object containing all metadata for this CasProcessor


void batchProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
                          throws ResourceProcessException,
Completes the processing of a batch. A collection may be divided into one or more batches - it is up to the CollectionProcessingManager or the application to determine the number and size of batches.

aTrace - an object that records information, such as timing, about this method's execution.
ResourceProcessException - if an exception occurs during processing
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


void collectionProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
                               throws ResourceProcessException,
Completes the processing of an entire collection.

aTrace - an object that records information, such as timing, about this method's execution.
ResourceProcessException - if an exception occurs during processing
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs

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