Hello World Portlet

We are going to create a portlet using the Eclipse Java perspective. Go to the express-demo project, click on the com.bluesunrise.portal.portlets.tutorial package, and create a new Java class:

You will see a new portlet in Eclipse named BonjourWorld. Go ahead Override and Implement the following methods:

Each one of these methods is associated with a portlet mode. Lets make these methods actually do something. Since we are in the render phase when doView/doEdit/doHelp are called, its probably best to render something. The RenderResponse renders content to the output stream of the portlet. Set the content type on the response, and then print a hello world message using a Java Writer:

    protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException
        response.getWriter().println("<b>Bonjour: View Mode</b>");

Repeat the same process for Edit and Help modes. Now lets edit the portlet.xml, and create a portlet descriptor entry for our portlet. Notice that the <supports> element contains that same portlet modes that we support in our do methods.

        <description>Bonjour Monde Portlet</description>		
        <display-name>Bonjour Monde</display-name>
        <title>Bonjour Monde</title>

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