Modifying the Default Page

Now that we have created our decorators and themes, lets put them to use on the default page. Lets get started with customization of the default portal page decoration. Copy in our sample default-page:

# Linux	 
cd /JetspeedTraining/workspace/jetexpress
cp ../../resources/pages/default-page.psml portal/src/webapp/WEB-INF/pages/

# Windows
cd \JetspeedTraining\workspace\jetexpress
copy  ..\..\resources\pages\default-page.psml portal\src\webapp\WEB-INF\pages

Refresh your Eclipse project and edit the default-page.psml. Make the following modifications

  • for the layout-decorator, replace tigris with express-page
  • for the portlet-decorator, replace tigris with express-portlet
  • add a skin default attribute as skin="express" for the desktop theme

  <defaults layout-decorator="express-page" 

Go ahead and save that file. We are now ready to deploy your changes to the portal

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