Uses of Interface

Packages that use Mail
org.apache.james.core Implementations of core James services and concepts. A set of interfaces for commonly used, generic James concepts. 
org.apache.james.transport.mailets Core mailets for use with the Mailet API. 
org.apache.james.transport.mailets.debug Debugging mailets for use with the Mailet API. 
org.apache.james.transport.matchers Core matchers for use with the Mailet API. 
org.apache.mailet The classes that constitute the Mailet API. 

Uses of Mail in org.apache.james

Methods in org.apache.james with parameters of type Mail
 void James.sendMail(Mail mail)
          Place a mail on the spool for processing
 void James.bounce(Mail mail, String message)
          This generates a response to the Return-Path address, or the address of the message's sender if the Return-Path is not available.
 void James.bounce(Mail mail, String message, MailAddress bouncer)
          This generates a response to the Return-Path address, or the address of the message's sender if the Return-Path is not available.

Uses of Mail in org.apache.james.core

Classes in org.apache.james.core that implement Mail
 class MailImpl
          Wraps a MimeMessage adding routing information (from SMTP) and some simple API enhancements.

Methods in org.apache.james.core that return Mail
 Mail MailImpl.duplicate()
          Duplicate the MailImpl.
 Mail MailImpl.duplicate(String newName)
          Duplicate the MailImpl, replacing the mail name with the one passed in as an argument.
 Mail MailImpl.bounce(String bounceText)
          Generates a bounce mail that is a bounce of the original message.

Uses of Mail in

Methods in with parameters of type Mail
 void MailServer.sendMail(Mail mail)
          Pass a Mail to this MailServer for processing

Uses of Mail in org.apache.james.transport.mailets

Methods in org.apache.james.transport.mailets with parameters of type Mail
 void UseHeaderRecipients.service(Mail mail)
          Process an incoming email, removing the currently identified recipients and replacing them with the recipients indicated in the Mail-For, To and Cc headers of the actual email.
 void ToRepository.service(Mail genericmail)
          Store a mail in a particular repository.
 void ToProcessor.service(Mail mail)
          Deliver a mail to the processor.
 void ServerTime.service(Mail mail)
          Sends a message back to the sender indicating what time the server thinks it is.
 void RemoteDelivery.service(Mail genericmail)
          For this message, we take the list of recipients, organize these into distinct servers, and duplicate the message for each of these servers, and then call the deliver (messagecontainer) method for each server-specific messagecontainer ... that will handle storing it in the outgoing queue if needed.
 void Redirect.service(Mail mail)
          Service does the hard work,and redirects the mail in the form specified
 void PostmasterAlias.service(Mail mail)
          Make sure that a message that is addressed to a postmaster alias is always sent to the postmaster address, regardless of delivery to other recipients.
 void Null.service(Mail mail)
          Set this mail to GHOST state, indicating that no further processing should take place.
 void NotifySender.service(Mail mail)
          Sends a message back to the sender with the message as to why it failed.
 void NotifyPostmaster.service(Mail mail)
          Sends a message to the postmaster with the original message as to why it failed.
 void LocalDelivery.service(Mail mail)
          Delivers a mail to a local mailbox.
 void JDBCVirtualUserTable.service(Mail mail)
          Checks the recipient list of the email for user mappings.
 void JDBCAlias.service(Mail mail)
 void Forward.service(Mail mail)
          Forwards a mail to a particular recipient.
 void GenericListservManager.service(Mail mail)
          Processes the message.
 void GenericListserv.service(Mail mail)
          Processes the message.
 void AddHeader.service(Mail mail)
          Takes the message and adds a header to it.
 void AddHabeasWarrantMark.service(Mail mail)
          Called by the mailet container to allow the mailet to process to a message message.
 void AddFooter.service(Mail mail)
          Takes the message and attaches a footer message to it.

Uses of Mail in org.apache.james.transport.mailets.debug

Methods in org.apache.james.transport.mailets.debug with parameters of type Mail
 void Identity.service(Mail mail)
          Do nothing.
 void ExceptionThrowingMailet.service(Mail mail)
          Throw an exception if any mail is processed.
 void DumpSystemErr.service(Mail mail)
          Writes the message to System.err .
 void Counter.service(Mail mail)
          Count processed mails, marking each mail as completed after counting.

Uses of Mail in org.apache.james.transport.matchers

Methods in org.apache.james.transport.matchers with parameters of type Mail
 Collection SubjectStartsWith.match(Mail mail)
 Collection SubjectIs.match(Mail mail)
 Collection SizeGreaterThan.match(Mail mail)
 Collection SenderIs.match(Mail mail)
 Collection SenderInFakeDomain.match(Mail mail)
 Collection RemoteAddrNotInNetwork.match(Mail mail)
 Collection RemoteAddrInNetwork.match(Mail mail)
 Collection RelayLimit.match(Mail mail)
 Collection NESSpamCheck.match(Mail mail)
 Collection IsSingleRecipient.match(Mail mail)
 Collection InSpammerBlacklist.match(Mail mail)
 Collection HasHeader.match(Mail mail)
 Collection HasHabeasWarrantMark.match(Mail mail)
 Collection HasAttachment.match(Mail mail)
 Collection FetchedFrom.match(Mail mail)
 Collection All.match(Mail mail)

Uses of Mail in org.apache.mailet

Methods in org.apache.mailet with parameters of type Mail
 Collection GenericRecipientMatcher.match(Mail mail)
          Matches each recipient one by one through matchRecipient(MailAddress recipient) method.
abstract  Collection GenericMatcher.match(Mail mail)
          Called by the matcher container to allow the matcher to process a message.
 Collection Matcher.match(Mail mail)
          Takes a Mail message, looks at any pertinent information, and then returns a subset of recipients that meet the "match" conditions.
 void Mailet.service(Mail mail)
          Called by the mailet container to allow the mailet to process to a message message.
abstract  void GenericMailet.service(Mail mail)
          Called by the mailet container to allow the mailet to process a message.
 void MailetContext.bounce(Mail mail, String message)
          Bounces the message using a standard format with the given message.
 void MailetContext.bounce(Mail mail, String message, MailAddress bouncer)
          Bounces the email message using the provided email address as the sender of the bounce.

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