Class HasHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Matcher, MatcherConfig

public class HasHeader
extends GenericMatcher

use: This matcher simply checks to see if the header named is present. If complements the AddHeader mailet. TODO: support lists of headers and values, e.g, match="{

[=value]}+" [will require a complete rewrite from the current trivial one-liner]

Noel J. Bergman

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Collection match(Mail mail)
          Called by the matcher container to allow the matcher to process a message.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mailet.GenericMatcher
destroy, getCondition, getMailetContext, getMatcherConfig, getMatcherInfo, getMatcherName, init, init, log, log
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HasHeader()
Method Detail


public Collection match(Mail mail)
                 throws MessagingException
Description copied from class: GenericMatcher

Called by the matcher container to allow the matcher to process a message.

This method is declared abstract so subclasses must override it.

Specified by:
match in interface Matcher
Specified by:
match in class GenericMatcher
mail - - the Mail object that contains the MimeMessage and routing information
java.util.Collection - the recipients that the mailet container should have the mailet affect.
MessagingException - - if an exception occurs that interferes with the mailet's normal operation occurred

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