Class RemoteDelivery

All Implemented Interfaces:
Mailet, MailetConfig, Runnable

public class RemoteDelivery
extends GenericMailet
implements Runnable

Receives a MessageContainer from JamesSpoolManager and takes care of delivery the message to remote hosts. If for some reason mail can't be delivered store it in the "outgoing" Repository and set an Alarm. After "delayTime" the Alarm will wake the servlet that will try to send it again. After "maxRetries" the mail will be considered underiverable and will be returned to sender. TO DO (in priority): 1. Support a gateway (a single server where all mail will be delivered) (DONE) 2. Provide better failure messages (DONE) 3. More efficiently handle numerous recipients 4. Migrate to use Phoenix for the delivery threads You really want to read the JavaMail documentation if you are working in here, and you will want to view the list of JavaMail attributes, which are documented here: as well as other places.

Serge Knystautas , Federico Barbieri This is $Revision: 1.9 $

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Called by the mailer container to indicate to a mailet that the mailet is being taken out of service.
 String getMailetInfo()
          Returns information about the mailet, such as author, version, and copyright.
 void init()
          Initialize the mailet
 void run()
          Handles checking the outgoing spool for new mail and delivering them if there are any
 void service(Mail genericmail)
          For this message, we take the list of recipients, organize these into distinct servers, and duplicate the message for each of these servers, and then call the deliver (messagecontainer) method for each server-specific messagecontainer ... that will handle storing it in the outgoing queue if needed.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mailet.GenericMailet
getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getMailetConfig, getMailetContext, getMailetName, init, log, log
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RemoteDelivery()
Method Detail


public void init()
          throws MessagingException
Initialize the mailet

init in class GenericMailet
MessagingException - if an exception occurs that interrupts the mailet's normal operation


public String getMailetInfo()
Description copied from class: GenericMailet
Returns information about the mailet, such as author, version, and copyright. By default, this method returns an empty string. Override this method to have it return a meaningful value.

Specified by:
getMailetInfo in interface Mailet
getMailetInfo in class GenericMailet
String information about this mailet, by default an empty string


public void service(Mail genericmail)
             throws AddressException
For this message, we take the list of recipients, organize these into distinct servers, and duplicate the message for each of these servers, and then call the deliver (messagecontainer) method for each server-specific messagecontainer ... that will handle storing it in the outgoing queue if needed.

Specified by:
service in interface Mailet
Specified by:
service in class GenericMailet
genericmail - - the Mail object that contains the MimeMessage and routing information


public void destroy()
Description copied from class: GenericMailet
Called by the mailer container to indicate to a mailet that the mailet is being taken out of service.

Specified by:
destroy in interface Mailet
destroy in class GenericMailet


public void run()
Handles checking the outgoing spool for new mail and delivering them if there are any

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable

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