Package org.apache.mailet

The classes that constitute the Mailet API.


Interface Summary
Mail Wrap a MimeMessage with routing information (from SMTP) such as SMTP specified recipients, sender, and ip address and hostname of sending server.
Mailet Draft of a Mailet inteface.
MailetConfig A mailet configuration object used by a mailet container used to pass information to a mailet during initialization.
MailetContext Defines a set of methods that a mailet or matcher uses to communicate with its mailet container, for example, to send a new message, to deliver a message locally, or write to a log file.
Matcher This interface define the behaviour of the message "routing" inside the mailet container.
MatcherConfig A matcher configuration object used by a mailet container used to pass information to a matcher during initialization.

Class Summary
GenericMailet GenericMailet makes writing mailets easier.
GenericMatcher GenericMatcher implements the Matcher and MatcherConfig interfaces.
GenericRecipientMatcher GenericMatcher makes writing recipient based matchers easier.
MailAddress A representation of an email address.

Exception Summary
MailetException Defines a general exception a mailet can throw when it encounters difficulty.

Package org.apache.mailet Description

The classes that constitute the Mailet API.

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