Class PostmasterAlias

All Implemented Interfaces:
Mailet, MailetConfig

public class PostmasterAlias
extends GenericMailet

Rewrites recipient addresses to make sure email for the postmaster is always handled. This mailet is silently inserted at the top of the root spool processor. All recipients mapped to postmaster@ are changed to the postmaster account as specified in the server conf.

Serge Knystautas

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getMailetInfo()
          Return a string describing this mailet.
 void service(Mail mail)
          Make sure that a message that is addressed to a postmaster alias is always sent to the postmaster address, regardless of delivery to other recipients.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mailet.GenericMailet
destroy, getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getMailetConfig, getMailetContext, getMailetName, init, init, log, log
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PostmasterAlias()
Method Detail


public void service(Mail mail)
             throws MessagingException
Make sure that a message that is addressed to a postmaster alias is always sent to the postmaster address, regardless of delivery to other recipients.

Specified by:
service in interface Mailet
Specified by:
service in class GenericMailet
mail - the mail to process
MessagingException - if an error is encountered while modifying the message


public String getMailetInfo()
Return a string describing this mailet.

Specified by:
getMailetInfo in interface Mailet
getMailetInfo in class GenericMailet
a string describing this mailet

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