apache > lenya

Downloading and Installing Apache Lenya 1.2.x

Download Apache Lenya 1.2.x

The current stable version of Apache Lenya is 1.2.5. This is the recommended version for production use. You will at least need the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, version 1.4.2. Please follow the installation instructions.

While the available Windows installer is great to set up Apache Lenya quickly on Windows, some tasks such as deploying your own publication require you to use the source version at this time. All binary distributions come with a signed MD5 checksum to verify the file integrity. You may want to download a MD5 check program for windows (this program has been recommended by the author of PuTTY). The Apache Software Foundation has more information on ASC Signatures and MD5 checksums.

Download with Subversion
We use Subversion (SVN for short) as our version control system. The following instructions explain how to get Apache Lenya via Subversion. This is useful to get bug fixes for the stable 1.2-series, which is in maintanance mode, before they make it into the next release of that series.

Download nightly snapshots
These are automated nightly snapshots (tar.gz archives) of the SVN repository.

Install Apache Lenya 1.2.x

Please follow our installation instructions for the source version. Instructions on how to install the binary version are contained in the distribution packages.