apache > lenya



The rename operation corresponds to a move operation


Similar to the operation move


The parameters are string-value parameters

Required parameters:

  • the area for the source document
  • the document id for the source document
  • the area for the destination document
  • the name for the destination document
  • the task id


They are implemented in the usecase sitmap (core)

Rename screen



usecase sitemap:

            <map:match pattern="rename" type="usecase">
              <map:match pattern="showscreen" type="step">
                <map:generate src="content/info/rename.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
                <map:transform src="xslt/info/rename.xsl"/>
                <map:call resource="style-cms-page"/>

The parameters for the source are get with the serverpage through the page envelope input module. A form (build with the xslt transformation) sends then the parameters as request parameters with the new URL.

Rename confirmation


{document-URL}?lenya.usecase=rename&lenya.step=rename&...{source parameters}

usecase sitemap:

          <map:match pattern="rename" type="usecase">
            <map:match pattern="rename" type="step">
              <map:act type="task">
                <map:redirect-to session="true" uri="{request:contextPath}/{../../../1}/{../../../2}/"/>

The action org.apache.lenya.cms.cocoon.acting.TaskAction calls the execution of the ant task.

Ant Task

The ant target renameDocument is in the publication :


and depends on the different targets

  • firstareaproperties, to set the needed properties dependent of the source area
  • secareaproperties, to set the needed properties dependent of the destination area
  • newnamdocumentid, to compute the unique destination id with the new name
  • firstdocumentpath, to compute the directory of the source contents (Needed for the revisions and the rcml files)
  • secdocumentpath, to compute the directory where are the destination contents (Needed for the revisions and the rcml files)
  • move, to execute the different move operations

More about ant task, see the documentation Ant Task and the Javadoc