apache > lenya

The DefaultFilePublisher Task

The DefaultFilePublisher is a task that copies XML source files from the authoring directory to another location, usually the live directory. It needs the following parameters:

All paths are relative to the publication directory. Usually, the path information is read from the [publication-directory]/config/publishing/publisher.xconf file:

    <documents href="content/authoring"/>
    <tree href="content/authoring/tree.xml"/>
    <documents href="content/live"/>
    <tree href="content/live/tree.xml"/>

You can override the paths in the task configuration file tasks.xconf, e. g. to use several publishers to publish into different directories:


  <task id="publish-test" class="org.apache.lenya.cms.publishing.DefaultFilePublisher">
    <parameter name="live-path" value="content/live-test"/>
    <parameter name="tree-live-path" value="content/live-test/tree.xml"/>
  <task id="publish-real" class="org.apache.lenya.cms.publishing.DefaultFilePublisher">
    <parameter name="live-path" value="content/live"/>
    <parameter name="tree-live-path" value="content/live/tree.xml"/>


The remaining parameters, publication-id and sources, are passed to the task as request parameters.