apache > lenya



Usecases are sequences of pages that are orthogonal to the website, i.e. they can be executed without leaving the current URI. They are mainly used to execute CMS functions, e.g., to publish a page. Usecases are specified by

  • a name and
  • a set of steps.

A usecase is executed using the request parameters lenya.usecase and lenya.step.

Matching Usecases

To match a usecase in a sitemap, the WildcardRequestParameterMatcher is used on the lenya.usecase and lenya.step request parameters. The predefined matchers have the types usecase and step. A simple example of a usecase pipeline would be:

<map:match type="usecase" pattern="publish">
  <!-- confirmation screen -->
  <map:match type="step" pattern="showscreen">
    <map:generate type="serverpages"
    <map:transform src="xslt/publishing/publish-screen.xsl"/>

  <!-- call publish task -->
  <map:match type="step" pattern="publish">
    <map:act type="task">
      <map:parameter name="publication-id" value="{../../1}"/>
      <map:parameter name="task-id" value="{request-param:task-id}"/>
      <map:redirect-to uri="{request:requestURI}" session="true"/>

The Usecase Sitemap

The main usecase sitemap supports a set of generic usecases. It is located at lenya/usecase.xmap. To implement your publication-specific usecases or to override a generic usecase, just add a usecase.xmap sitemap to your publication directory. The Lenya usecase sitemap looks for it and mounts it before the generic usecases are matched.

Overview of use cases

The following use cases are known:

Use case lenya.usecase= lenya.step= Comment
Reject Approval reject showscreen Confirm to reject a document from approval.
Submit for Approval submit showscreen Confirm to submit a document to approval.
Archive archive showscreen Confirm to archive a document.
Checkin checkin showscreen Confirm the checkin of this document
Checkout checkout showscreen Confirm the checkout of this document
Copy copy showscreen Confirm to copy a document. (The document is held in a clipboard until it is pasted again)
Create create showscreen Show a form allowing to specify the parameters for creation of a document
create Create the document
Cut cut showscreen Confirm to cut a document. (The document is held in a clipboard until it is pasted again)
Deactivate deactivate showscreen Confirm to deactivate a document.
Delete delete showscreen Confirm to delete a document.
Logout logout showscreen Confirm the logout
Paste paste showscreen Confirm to paste a document. (The document which is held in a clipboard until is pasted)
Publish publish showscreen Confirm the publication of this document
publish Publish this document
Asset upload aset showscreen Show a form allowing to specify the parameters for uploading of an asset
upload Upload the asset
insert Insert an already uploaded asset
upload-and-insert Upload and insert an asset
remove Remove a previously uploaded asset
Rename rename showscreen Confirm to rename a document.
Rollback rollback showscreen Show a list of all versions of this document
view View a particular version of this document
rollback Roll back to a particular version of this document
Schedule schedule showscreen Show a list of all task scheduled for this document
add Add a new task
modify Modify an existing task
delete Delete an existing task
Administration userAddUser Add a user
userDeleteUser Show a form for adding users
userChangeProfile Change the profile of a user
userChangePasswordUser Change the password as a user
userChangePasswordAdmin Change the password as an administrator
userChangeGroups Change the group affiliation of a user
iprangeAddIPRange Add an IP range
iprangeDeleteIPRange Delete an IP range
iprangeChangeProfile Change the profile of an IP range
iprangeChangeGroups Change the group affiliation of an IP range
groupAddGroup Add a group
groupDeleteGroup Delete a group
groupChangeProfile Change the profile of a group
groupChangeMembers Change the members of a group
View Logs view-logs overview Show the logfile list for this publication
    log Show a single logfile

Use cases

Resource upload


lenya.step= additional parameters sample value
showscreen xpath /NewsML/body.content/block[1]/*[1]
insertBefore [optional] true
upload documentid
insertBefore [optional]
identifier [optional]
All Dublin core identifiers are also accepted



lenya.step= additional parameters sample value
showscreen parentid /dossiers/2003
doctype Dossier
create parentid



lenya.step= additional parameters sample value
view version

View Logs


lenya.step= additional parameters sample value
log logfile 2003-05-13-18-34-00-314.xml

Usecases versus FlowScript

The usecase concept in Lenya 1.2 is inferior to FlowScript. Lenya 2.0-dev contains a simple Usecase Framework for writing usecases based on flow, JX templates, and Java classes for business logic.