Apache HttpCore NIO 4.4.14 API

org.apache.http.impl.nio Default implementations of HTTP connections for asynchronous, even driven communication.
org.apache.http.impl.nio.bootstrap Embedded non-blocking server and server bootstrap.
org.apache.http.impl.nio.codecs Default implementations of message parses and writers for asynchronous, even driven communication.
org.apache.http.impl.nio.pool Default implementations of client side connection pools for asynchronous, even driven communication.
org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor Default implementation of event driven network communication APIs based on Java NIO.
org.apache.http.nio Core HTTP component APIs and primitives for asynchronous, event driven communication.
org.apache.http.nio.entity Core HTTP entity implementations with support for asynchronous, event driven communication.
org.apache.http.nio.params Deprecated.
org.apache.http.nio.pool Client side connection pools APIs for asynchronous, event driven communication.
org.apache.http.nio.protocol Core HTTP protocol execution framework and HTTP protocol handlers for asynchronous, event driven communication.
org.apache.http.nio.reactor Event driven network communication APIs loosely based on Doug Lea's reactor pattern.
org.apache.http.nio.reactor.ssl TLS/SSL support for asynchronous, event driven communication.
org.apache.http.nio.util Core utility classes for asynchronous, event driven communication.


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