Package org.apache.http.nio.util

Core utility classes for asynchronous, event driven communication.


Interface Summary
BufferInfo Deprecated. (4.1) Use BufferInfo
ByteBufferAllocator Abstract interface to allocate ByteBuffer instances.
ContentInputBuffer Generic content input buffer.
ContentOutputBuffer Generic content output buffer.

Class Summary
DirectByteBufferAllocator Allocates ByteBuffer instances using ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(int).
ExpandableBuffer A buffer that expand its capacity on demand using ByteBufferAllocator interface.
HeapByteBufferAllocator Allocates ByteBuffer instances using ByteBuffer.allocate(int).
SharedInputBuffer Implementation of the ContentInputBuffer interface that can be shared by multiple threads, usually the I/O dispatch of an I/O reactor and a worker thread.
SharedOutputBuffer Implementation of the ContentOutputBuffer interface that can be shared by multiple threads, usually the I/O dispatch of an I/O reactor and a worker thread.
SimpleInputBuffer Basic implementation of the ContentInputBuffer interface.
SimpleOutputBuffer Basic implementation of the ContentOutputBuffer interface.

Package org.apache.http.nio.util Description

Core utility classes for asynchronous, event driven communication.

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