Package org.apache.http.nio.entity

Core HTTP entity implementations with support for asynchronous, event driven communication.


Interface Summary
ConsumingNHttpEntity Deprecated. use (4.2) BasicAsyncRequestProducer or BasicAsyncResponseProducer
ContentListener Deprecated. (4.2)
HttpAsyncContentProducer HttpAsyncContentProducer is a callback interface whose methods get invoked to stream out message content to a non-blocking HTTP connection.
ProducingNHttpEntity Deprecated. use (4.2) BasicAsyncRequestProducer or BasicAsyncResponseProducer

Class Summary
BufferingNHttpEntity Deprecated. use (4.2) BasicAsyncRequestProducer or BasicAsyncResponseProducer
ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate Deprecated. use (4.2) BasicAsyncRequestProducer or BasicAsyncResponseProducer
ContentBufferEntity HTTP entity wrapper whose content is provided by a ContentInputBuffer.
ContentInputStream InputStream adaptor for ContentInputBuffer.
ContentOutputStream OutputStream adaptor for ContentOutputBuffer.
EntityAsyncContentProducer Basic implementation of HttpAsyncContentProducer that relies on inefficient and potentially blocking I/O operation redirection through Channels.newChannel(
NByteArrayEntity A simple self contained, repeatable non-blocking entity that retrieves its content from a byte array.
NFileEntity A self contained, repeatable non-blocking entity that retrieves its content from a file.
NHttpEntityWrapper Deprecated. (4.2) use EntityAsyncContentProducer
NStringEntity A simple, self contained, repeatable non-blocking entity that retrieves its content from a String object.
SkipContentListener Deprecated. (4.2)

Package org.apache.http.nio.entity Description

Core HTTP entity implementations with support for asynchronous, event driven communication.

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