Class EntityAsyncContentProducer

  extended by org.apache.http.nio.entity.EntityAsyncContentProducer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, HttpAsyncContentProducer

public class EntityAsyncContentProducer
extends Object
implements HttpAsyncContentProducer

Basic implementation of HttpAsyncContentProducer that relies on inefficient and potentially blocking I/O operation redirection through Channels.newChannel(


Constructor Summary
EntityAsyncContentProducer(HttpEntity entity)
Method Summary
 void close()
 boolean isRepeatable()
          Determines whether or not this producer is capable of producing its content more than once.
 void produceContent(ContentEncoder encoder, IOControl ioControl)
          Invoked to write out a chunk of content to the ContentEncoder.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EntityAsyncContentProducer(HttpEntity entity)
Method Detail


public void produceContent(ContentEncoder encoder,
                           IOControl ioControl)
                    throws IOException
Description copied from interface: HttpAsyncContentProducer
Invoked to write out a chunk of content to the ContentEncoder. The IOControl interface can be used to suspend output event notifications if the entity is temporarily unable to produce more content.

When all content is finished, the producer MUST call ContentEncoder.complete(). Failure to do so may cause the entity to be incorrectly delimited.

Please note that the ContentEncoder object is not thread-safe and should only be used within the context of this method call. The IOControl object can be shared and used on other thread to resume output event notifications when more content is made available.

Specified by:
produceContent in interface HttpAsyncContentProducer
encoder - content encoder.
ioControl - I/O control of the underlying connection.


public boolean isRepeatable()
Description copied from interface: HttpAsyncContentProducer
Determines whether or not this producer is capable of producing its content more than once. Repeatable content producers are expected to be able to recreate their content even after having been closed.

Specified by:
isRepeatable in interface HttpAsyncContentProducer


public void close()
           throws IOException
Specified by:
close in interface Closeable


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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