Interface IOControl

All Known Subinterfaces:
NHttpClientConnection, NHttpClientIOTarget, NHttpConnection, NHttpServerConnection, NHttpServerIOTarget
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultNHttpClientConnection, DefaultNHttpServerConnection, NHttpConnectionBase

public interface IOControl

Connection input/output control interface. It can be used to control interest in I/O event notifications for non-blocking HTTP connections.

Implementations of this interface are expected to be threading safe. Therefore it can be used to request / suspend I/O event notifications from any thread of execution.


Method Summary
 void requestInput()
          Requests event notifications to be triggered when the underlying channel is ready for input operations.
 void requestOutput()
          Requests event notifications to be triggered when the underlying channel is ready for output operations.
 void shutdown()
          Shuts down the underlying channel.
 void suspendInput()
          Suspends event notifications about the underlying channel being ready for input operations.
 void suspendOutput()
          Suspends event notifications about the underlying channel being ready for output operations.

Method Detail


void requestInput()
Requests event notifications to be triggered when the underlying channel is ready for input operations.


void suspendInput()
Suspends event notifications about the underlying channel being ready for input operations.


void requestOutput()
Requests event notifications to be triggered when the underlying channel is ready for output operations.


void suspendOutput()
Suspends event notifications about the underlying channel being ready for output operations.


void shutdown()
              throws IOException
Shuts down the underlying channel.

IOException - in an error occurs

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