Interface NHttpConnection

All Superinterfaces:
Closeable, HttpConnection, IOControl
All Known Subinterfaces:
NHttpClientConnection, NHttpClientIOTarget, NHttpServerConnection, NHttpServerIOTarget
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultNHttpClientConnection, DefaultNHttpServerConnection, NHttpConnectionBase

public interface NHttpConnection
extends HttpConnection, IOControl

Abstract non-blocking HTTP connection interface. Each connection contains an HTTP execution context, which can be used to maintain a processing state, as well as the actual HttpRequest and HttpResponse that are being transmitted over this connection. Both the request and the response objects can be null if there is no incoming or outgoing message currently being transferred.

Please note non-blocking HTTP connections are stateful and not thread safe. Input / output operations on non-blocking HTTP connections should be restricted to the dispatch events triggered by the I/O event dispatch thread. However, the IOControl interface is fully threading safe and can be manipulated from any thread.


Field Summary
static int ACTIVE
static int CLOSED
static int CLOSING
Method Summary
 HttpContext getContext()
          Returns an HTTP execution context associated with this connection.
 HttpRequest getHttpRequest()
          Returns the current HTTP request if one is being received / transmitted.
 HttpResponse getHttpResponse()
          Returns the current HTTP response if one is being received / transmitted.
 int getStatus()
          Returns status of the connection:
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.HttpConnection
close, getMetrics, getSocketTimeout, isOpen, isStale, setSocketTimeout, shutdown
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.nio.IOControl
requestInput, requestOutput, shutdown, suspendInput, suspendOutput

Field Detail


static final int ACTIVE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CLOSING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CLOSED
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getStatus()
Returns status of the connection:

ACTIVE: connection is active.

CLOSING: connection is being closed.

CLOSED: connection has been closed.

connection status.


HttpRequest getHttpRequest()
Returns the current HTTP request if one is being received / transmitted. Otherwise returns null.

HTTP request, if available, null otherwise.


HttpResponse getHttpResponse()
Returns the current HTTP response if one is being received / transmitted. Otherwise returns null.

HTTP response, if available, null otherwise.


HttpContext getContext()
Returns an HTTP execution context associated with this connection.

HTTP context

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