Package org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor

Default implementation of event driven network communication APIs based on Java NIO.


Interface Summary
ListenerEndpointClosedCallback Listener endpoint callback interface used internally by I/O reactor implementations.
SessionClosedCallback Session callback interface used internally by I/O reactor implementations.
SSLIOSessionHandler Deprecated. (4.2) Use SSLSetupHandler
SSLSetupHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use SSLSetupHandler

Class Summary
AbstractIODispatch<T> Abstract IOEventDispatch implementation that supports both plain (non-encrypted) and SSL encrypted HTTP connections.
AbstractIOReactor Generic implementation of IOReactor that can used as a subclass for more specialized I/O reactors.
AbstractMultiworkerIOReactor Generic implementation of IOReactor that can run multiple BaseIOReactor instances in separate worker threads and distribute newly created I/O sessions equally across those I/O reactors for more optimal resource utilization and better I/O performance.
BaseIOReactor Default implementation of AbstractIOReactor that serves as a base for more advanced IOReactor implementations.
ChannelEntry SocketChannel entry maintained by the I/O reactor.
DefaultConnectingIOReactor Default implementation of ConnectingIOReactor.
DefaultListeningIOReactor Default implementation of ListeningIOReactor.
ExceptionEvent A Throwable instance along with a time stamp.
IOReactorConfig I/O reactor configuration parameters.
IOSessionImpl Default implementation of IOSession.
ListenerEndpointImpl Default implementation of ListenerEndpoint.
SessionHandle Deprecated. (4.2) use IOSessionImpl
SessionInputBufferImpl Default implementation of SessionInputBuffer based on the ExpandableBuffer class.
SessionOutputBufferImpl Default implementation of SessionOutputBuffer based on the ExpandableBuffer class.
SessionRequestHandle Session request handle class used by I/O reactor implementations to keep a reference to a SessionRequest along with the time the request was made.
SessionRequestImpl Default implementation of SessionRequest.
SSLIOSession Deprecated. (4.2) use SSLIOSession

Enum Summary
SSLMode Deprecated. (4.2)

Package org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor Description

Default implementation of event driven network communication APIs based on Java NIO.

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